ch 6

  1. terminal air sac at the end of the bronchial tree in the lungs, where gas exchange takes place with the capillaies (plural, alveoli)
  2. the difference in oxygen content between arterial and mixed venous blood, which relects the amount of oxygen removed by the whole body
    • arterial-mixed venous oxygen difference
    • _
    • (a-v)O2
  3. the difference in oxygen content between arterial and venous blood at the tissue level
    arterial-venous oxygen difference (av)02 difference
  4. Law stating that at a constant temperature, the number of gas molecules in a given volume depends on the pressure.
    Boyle's Gas Law
  5. the process by which air is forced out of the lungs through relaxation of the inspiratory muscles and elastic recoil of the lung tissue, which increase the pressure in the thorax
  6. the process of bringing air into the lungs and the resulting exchange of gas between the alveoli and the capillary blood
    external respiration
  7. Law stating that the net diffusion rate of a gas across a fluid membrane is proportional to the difference in partial pressure, proportional to the area of the membrane, and inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane.
    Fick's Law
  8. the iron containing pigment in red blood cells that binds oxygen
  9. Law stating that gases dissolve in liquids in proportion to their partial pressures, depending also on their solubilities in the specific flids and on the temperature
    Henry's Law
  10. the active process involving the diaphram and the external intercostal muscles that expands the thoracic dimensions and thus the lungs. the expansion decreases pressue in the lungs, allowing outside air to rush in
  11. the exchange of gases between the blood and tissues
    internal respiration
  12. a compound similar to hemoglobin, but found in muscle tissue, that carries oxygen from the cell membrane to the mitochondria.
  13. the rate at which oxygen diffuses from one place to another
    oxygen diffusion capacity
  14. the pressure exerted by an individual gas in a mixture of gases
    partial pressure
  15. the exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood
    pulmonary diffusion
  16. the movement of gases into and out of the lungs
    pulmonary ventilation
  17. the amount of air that cannot be exhaled from the lungs
    residual volume (RV)
  18. autonomic centers located in the medulla oblongata and the pons that establish breathing rate and depth
    respiratory centers
  19. the membrane separating alveolar air and blood, composed of the alveolar wall, the capillary wall, and their basement membranes
    respiratory membrane
  20. passive movement of blood through the central circulation as a function of pressure changes during breathing
    respiratory pump
  21. the measurement of lung volumes and capacities
  22. the amount of air inspired or expired during a normal breathing cycle
    tidal volume
  23. the sum of vital capacity and residual volume
    total lung capacity
  24. the maximal volume of air expelled from the lungs after maximal inhalation
    vital capacity (VC)
Card Set
ch 6