Chapter 14 Implementing/Evaluating

  1. In which of the following situations does the nurse need assistance with implementing the nursinginterventions?

    A. Rationale: The nurse would need assistance during transfer of a bilateral amputeein order to provide safe care. The nurse needs to be holistic, implement safe care,adapt activities to the individual clients, and clearly understand the needed nursinginterventions.
  2. To decide if a goal was met or not met, the nurse must measure the quality of:
    a. Data collection.
    b. Structure evaluation.
    c. Process evaluation
    .d. Outcome evaluation.
    Rationale: The process evaluation determines whether the nursing care wasrealistic, appropriate, and timely.
  3. The nurse documents that the goal or desired outcome was met, partially met, or not met. What partof the evaluation statement is the nurse documenting?
    a. Supporting data
    b. Conclusion
    c. Finale
    d. Collecting data
    Rationale: When determining whether a goal has been achieved, the nurse candraw one of three possible conclusions:1. The goal was met; that is, the client response is the same as the desiredoutcome.2. The goal was partially met; that is, either a short-term goal was achieved butthe long-term goal was not, or the desired outcome was only partially attained.3. The goal was not met.
  4. The nurse planned to evaluate the length of time clients must wait for a nurse to respond to the clientneed reported over the intercom system on each shift. Which of the following processes does thisreflect?

    D. Rationale: Structure evaluation focuses on the setting in which care is given. Itanswers this question: What effect does the setting have on the quality of care?Structural standards describe desirable environmental and organizationalcharacteristics that influence care, such as equipment and staffing.Because thisassessment focuses on how care is provided, it is a process evaluation. A structureevaluation would focus on the setting (e.g., how well equipment functions)
  5. Quality assurance requires evaluation of three components of care. These three components are:
    a. Internal assessment, care plans, and methods of reimbursement.
    b. Improving client care, evidence-based practices, and outcome evaluations.
    c. Structure, process, and outcome
    .d. Outcomes, client satisfaction, and evaluation of level of care
    Improving client care, evidence-based practices, and outcomeevaluations.Feedback: a.Rationale: Quality assurance requires evaluation of three components of care:structure, process, and outcome. Each type of evaluation requires different criteriaand methods, and each has a different focus.
  6. When implementing skills for use in nursing interventions, the skill that is required for all nursingactivities is
    :a. Interpersonal skills
    .b. Cognitive skills
    .c. Psychomotor skills
    .d. Technical skills.
    a.Rationale: Interpersonal skills are used in all nursing activities
  7. an ongoing, systematic process designed to evaluate and promote excellence in the health care provided to clients
    quality assurance program
  8. focuses on the setting in which care is given. it anwers this question: what effect does the setting have on the quality of care?
    structure evaluation
  9. focuses on how the care was given
    process evaluation
  10. focuses on demonstrable changes in the client's health status as a result of nursing care. ex. " how many clients undergoing hip repairs develop pneumonia?"
    outcome evaluation
  11. a ___ is the examination or review of records
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Chapter 14 Implementing/Evaluating
Chapter 14