Russian Sports Massage

  1. Who created the title "Russian Sports Massage"? And what role did he play?
    Zabludovsky. He also played a crucial role in intergrating sports massage with regular massage
  2. What are the general benefits of Russian Sports Massage?
    Increases: Circulation, blood and lymph flow, heart & respiration rate, overall metabolism, range of motion, speed of waste removel, & speed of tissue regeneration

    Decreases: Muscle fatigue, abnormal deposits in soft tissue, muscle tension, edema, & chronic pain
  3. What are the 7 standard hand positions for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • 4-Fingertip
    • Rake
    • Thumb
    • Open Fist
    • Palmar
    • Ulnar
  4. What are the 6 Effleurage strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Rectilinear
    • Alternating Rectilinear
    • Crescent
    • Alternating Combination
    • Rake
    • Dorsal
  5. What are the 7 Wringing strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • Thumb
    • Palmar
    • Double Palmar
    • Ulnar
    • Double Radial
    • Open Fist
  6. What are the 5 Pulling Petrissage strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Ordinary
    • Double ordinary
    • Double Ring
    • Double longitudinal
    • Double rocking
  7. What are the 7 Pressing Petrissage strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • 4-Fingertip
    • Rake
    • Thumb
    • Open fist
    • Palmar
    • Ulnar
  8. What are the 9 Friction strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • 4-Fingertip
    • Rake
    • Thumb
    • Open fist
    • Palmar
    • Ulnar
    • Double Sawing
    • Double Crossing
  9. What are the areas most affected by Russian Sports Massage?
    • Central Nervous System
    • Skin
    • Muscle
    • Joints, tendons, ligaments
  10. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on the Central Nervous System? And what strokes cause the affects?
    Stimulative: Increases activity of the CNS (Petrissage,Wringing, & Percussion)

    • Sedative: Decreases activity of the CNS
    • (Effleurage, Friction, & Vibration)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  11. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on the Skin? And what strokes cause the affects?
    • Increases circulation
    • (Friction, Effleurage, & Percussion)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  12. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on Muscles? And what strokes cause the affects?
    • -Decrease edema
    • -Increase endurance, size, tone & strength of muscle
    • -Increase circulation
    • -Decrease tension
    • (Petrissage, Wringing, Vibration, Percussion, Passive movment)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  13. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on Joints, Tendons, & Ligaments? And what strokes cause the affects?
    • -Mobilize in preparation of increased activity (warm up)
    • -Decrease tension
    • -Increase range of motion
    • (Friction & Passive movement)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  14. What makes a stroke Sedative or Stimulative?
    Sedative: When you keep the rhythem, speed and pressure constant.

    Stimulative: Varying rhythem, speed, and pressure
  15. For standard protocol how many minutes do you spend on each of the follow?

    -Superior limb - prone (each)
    -Superior limb - Supine (each)
    • Back 15
    • Superior limb - prone (each) 2.5
    • Superior limb - Supine (each) 2.5
  16. What are the Common Mistakes For Efflerage?
    • Too much pressure
    • Spreading the fingers
    • Not alternating the hands
    • Going to fast
  17. What is the description of Effeurage?
    A manipulation in which your hands slide over the skin without making folds in it
  18. What are the primary applications for Effleurage?
    • Relaxation
    • Application of lotion
  19. What is the total time and % for Effleurage?
    2.5 minutes or 5%
  20. What is the speed for Effleurage?
    24-26 movements per munute
  21. What is the rythm for Effleurage?
  22. What is the pressure for Effleurage?
  23. Is there slide for Effleurage?
  24. What are the Effleurage strokes?
    • Rectilinear
    • Alternating Rectilinear
    • Cresent
    • Alternating Combination
    • Rake
    • Dorsal
  25. What is the description for Wringing?
    A manipulation in which your hands squeeze soft tissue, moving slowly from the distal to proximal ends of the segment
  26. What are the primary applications for Wringing?
    • Move fluids
    • Broaden and lengthen soft tissues
  27. What is the total time and % for Wringing?
    7.5 minutes or 15%
  28. What is the Speed for Wringing?
    20-24 movements per minute
  29. What is the rythm for Wringing?
  30. What is the pressure for Wringing?
    Medium to Deep
  31. Is there slide for Wringing?
  32. What are the common mistakes for Wringing?
    • Not using body weight
    • Moving too fast
    • Spreading your fingers
    • Applying too much effort
    • Pushing down instead of pushing forward
  33. What are the strokes for Wringing?
    • Cresent
    • Thumb
    • Palmar
    • Double Palmar
    • Ulnar
    • Double Radial
    • Open Fist
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Russian Sports Massage
Russian Sports Massage