Russian Sports Massage

  1. Who created the title "Russian Sports Massage"? And what role did he play?
    Zabludovsky. He also played a crucial role in intergrating sports massage with regular massage
  2. What are the general benefits of Russian Sports Massage?
    Increases: Circulation, blood and lymph flow, heart & respiration rate, overall metabolism, range of motion, speed of waste removel, & speed of tissue regeneration

    Decreases: Muscle fatigue, abnormal deposits in soft tissue, muscle tension, edema, & chronic pain
  3. What are the 7 standard hand positions for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • 4-Fingertip
    • Rake
    • Thumb
    • Open Fist
    • Palmar
    • Ulnar
  4. What are the 6 Effleurage strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Rectilinear
    • Alternating Rectilinear
    • Crescent
    • Alternating Combination
    • Rake
    • Dorsal
  5. What are the 7 Wringing strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • Thumb
    • Palmar
    • Double Palmar
    • Ulnar
    • Double Radial
    • Open Fist
  6. What are the 5 Pulling Petrissage strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Ordinary
    • Double ordinary
    • Double Ring
    • Double longitudinal
    • Double rocking
  7. What are the 7 Pressing Petrissage strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • 4-Fingertip
    • Rake
    • Thumb
    • Open fist
    • Palmar
    • Ulnar
  8. What are the 9 Friction strokes for Russian Sports Massage?
    • Crescent
    • 4-Fingertip
    • Rake
    • Thumb
    • Open fist
    • Palmar
    • Ulnar
    • Double Sawing
    • Double Crossing
  9. What are the areas most affected by Russian Sports Massage?
    • Central Nervous System
    • Skin
    • Muscle
    • Joints, tendons, ligaments
  10. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on the Central Nervous System? And what strokes cause the affects?
    Stimulative: Increases activity of the CNS (Petrissage,Wringing, & Percussion)

    • Sedative: Decreases activity of the CNS
    • (Effleurage, Friction, & Vibration)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  11. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on the Skin? And what strokes cause the affects?
    • Increases circulation
    • (Friction, Effleurage, & Percussion)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  12. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on Muscles? And what strokes cause the affects?
    • -Decrease edema
    • -Increase endurance, size, tone & strength of muscle
    • -Increase circulation
    • -Decrease tension
    • (Petrissage, Wringing, Vibration, Percussion, Passive movment)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  13. What affects does Russian Sports Massage have on Joints, Tendons, & Ligaments? And what strokes cause the affects?
    • -Mobilize in preparation of increased activity (warm up)
    • -Decrease tension
    • -Increase range of motion
    • (Friction & Passive movement)

    *note strokes are listed from left to right starting with the most affective
  14. What makes a stroke Sedative or Stimulative?
    Sedative: When you keep the rhythem, speed and pressure constant.

    Stimulative: Varying rhythem, speed, and pressure
  15. For standard protocol how many minutes do you spend on each of the follow?

    -Superior limb - prone (each)
    -Superior limb - Supine (each)
    • Back 15
    • Superior limb - prone (each) 2.5
    • Superior limb - Supine (each) 2.5
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Russian Sports Massage
Russian Sports Massage