
  1. achromatic
    a 무색의

    <>hue, pigment
  2. hue
    = pigment

  3. pigment
    = hue

  4. chromatic
    <> colorless
  5. acumen
    n 명민

    <>obtuseness, bluntness, inability to discern
  6. obtuse
    • a 멍청한 (무딘)
    • not sharp

    n obtuseness
  7. blunt
    • a 무딘 (멍청한)
    • not sharp

    n bluntness

    v blunt <>sharpen,whet
  8. discern
    v 분별하다 (명민하게)
  9. adamant
    a 고집센

    • <> vacillating,vacillant,vavering
    • ,flexible,pliable,inclined to yield
    • ,irresolute, easily changing mind
    • ,elastic,moved
  10. stubbornly unyielding
    a 고집센

    = adamant,inflexible
  11. inflexible
    a 고집센

    = stubbornly unyielding, adamant
  12. vacillating
    <> adamant

    cilla = swing =move(동요)+hesitate(주저)
  13. vacillant
    <> adamant

    cilla = swing =move(동요)+hesitate(주저)
  14. wavering
    <> adamant

    wave=파도 연상
  15. flexible
    <> adamant
  16. pliable
    <> adamant
  17. inclined to yield
    <> adamant
  18. yielding
    <> adamant
  19. irresolute
    a 결심이 흔들리는

    <> adamant

    resolute 결심이 확고한
  20. elastic
    <> adamant
  21. moved
    <> adamant
  22. admonish
    • v 타이르다
    • (=caution, warn)

  23. castigate
    • v 혹평하다
    • (=censure, rebuke)

    • admonish:warning
    • ::castigate:rebuking
    • A는 B의 속성을 가지다

    • admonish:castigate
    • A<B
  24. censure
    v 혹평하다

    (=censure, rebuke, castigate)
  25. rebuke
    v 혹평하다

    (=censure, rebuke, castigate)
  26. adoration
    n 숭배

    • adoration:fondness
    • ::fascination:interest
    • A>B degree

    • fondness = like
    • fascination = 매력
  27. adroit
    a 능숙한

    • <>ungainly, inept, bungling
    • ,ham-handed, heavy-handed
    • ,clumsy, awkward

    = dexterous, deft, adept
  28. dexterous
    a 능숙한

    = dexterous, deft, adept, adroit
  29. deft
    a 능숙한

    = dexterous, deft, adept, adroit
  30. adept
    a 능숙한

    = dexterous, deft, adept, adroit
  31. ham(heavy)-handed
    a 수완이 안좋은

  32. bungling
    a 서투른

  33. awkward
    a 어설프고 서툰

  34. inept
  35. ungainly
  36. adulate
    v 아첨하다

    • <>scorn, excoriate, disparage
    • ,despise, reproach, villify

    adulate:admire (A>B)

    • 아첨
    • -목적 :win favor, ingratiate
    • -태도 :지나친겸손(<>오만),
    • 지나친복종(<>저항)
  37. scorn
    v 경멸하다
  38. excoriate
    v 비난하다
  39. disparage
    v 깔보다 무시하다 비하하다
  40. despise
    v 깔보다 무시하다 비하하다
  41. reproach
    v 비난하다
  42. villify
    v 욕하다

    n viliification
  43. ingratiate
    • v 상대가 원하는대로 해주면서
    • 환심을 사다

    grati <- gratify = satisfy

    win favor
  44. adulation
    n 아첨

    <>obloquy, disdain, vituperation, censure
  45. obloquy
    n 욕

    • ob = 반대
    • loq, log, loc, dic, nounce = 말
  46. disdain
    • n 경멸
    • v 경멸하다

    • S disdain O
    • = S는 O를 안한다
  47. vituperation
    n 욕

    v vituperate
  48. adulterate
    v 오염시키다


    =contaminate, pollute, taint, stain, adulterate
  49. contaminate
    =contaminate, pollute, taint, stain, adulterate
  50. pollute
    =contaminate, pollute, taint, stain, adulterate
  51. taint
    =contaminate, pollute, taint, stain, adulterate
  52. stain
    =contaminate, pollute, taint, stain, adulterate
  53. affected
    • a 가식적인
    • assumed artificially or falsely

    <>natural, ingenuous, sincere, artless

    affectation <>ingenuousness
  54. ingenuous
    a 정직한, 순진한
  55. sincere
    a 정직한

    true - honest
  56. artless
    a 속임없는
  57. assumed
    • a 가식적인
    • assumed = affected 가식적인
    • assuming = arrogant 오만한
    • unassuming = modest 절제,겸손,simple
  58. assuming
    a 오만한

    • assumed = affected 가식적인
    • assuming = arrogant 오만한
    • unassuming = modest 절제,겸손,simple
  59. unassuming
    a 절제, 겸손, simple

    • assumed = affected 가식적인
    • assuming = arrogant 오만한
    • unassuming = modest 절제,겸손,simple
  60. affinity
    • n (유대감을 느껴)
    • 좋아함

    <>antipathy, aversion, repugnance, abhorrence, abominiation
  61. aversion
    n 혐오

    aversion, repugnance, abhorrence
  62. repugnance
    n 혐오

    aversion, repugnance, abhorrence
  63. abhorrence
    n 혐오

    aversion, repugnance, abhorrence

    v abhor
  64. indifference
    n 무관심

    indifference, apathy
  65. apathy
    n 무관심

    indifference, apathy
  66. antipathy
    n 반감
  67. abomination
    n 반감

    v abominate
  68. ageneda
    • n 의사일정
    • (단순 listX, 순서가있는program)

    • agenda:meeting
    • ::syllabus:course
    • ::blueprint:building
  69. alacrity
    • n 민첩, 열의
    • a alacritous

    • 민첩<>느린것
    • 열의<>꺼림(저항)
    • <>delay, dilatoiness,
    • sluggishness, foot-gragging,
    • torpor, hesitance, reluctance,recalcitrance

    • alacrity:prompt::acument:shrewd
    • B는 A의 특성
  70. alacritous
    a 민첩한, 열의있는

    n alacrity
  71. dilatoriness
    n 느린것

    delay, dilatoriness, sluggishness, foot-dragging

    a dilatory
  72. sluggishness
    n 느린것

    delay, dilatoriness, sluggishness, foot-dragging

  73. foot-dragging
    n 느린것

    delay, dilatoriness, sluggishness, foot-dragging
  74. torpor
    a 무기력한
  75. hesitance
    n 주저
  76. reluctance
    n 꺼림
  77. recalcitrance
    n 저항
  78. shrewd
    a 지혜로운
  79. aligned(3)
    a 정열한(정열된)/적절히적용된/제휴한

    • <>askew, awry, warped
    • /improperly adjusted, badly adjusted
    • /not affiliated

    • aligned:askew(O)/curved(X)
    • aligned:neutral(O)/disturbed(X)
  80. warped
    • a 뒤틀린
    • (나무같은것이 뒤틀린)

    (a)skew, (a)wry, warped
  81. (a)skew
    a 뒤틀린, 비뚤어진

    (a)skew, (a)wry, warped
  82. (a)wry
    a 뒤틀린, 비뚤어진

    (a)skew, (a)wry, warped
  83. oblique
    a 기울어진, 사선의

  84. tilt
    v 기울어뜨리다


    • level-평평하게하다
    • full-가득채우다
    • drain-배수하다
  85. allay
    v (주로 정신적으로, 화를) 달래다

    • 달래다
    • <>강화, 악화(화나게하다,괴롭히다), arouse

    • <>increase the intensity of
    • /worsen, aggravate,exacerbate
    • /foment, irritate, provoke, arouse,
    • excite, galvanize, inflame
  86. aggravate
    v 악화하다

    worsen, aggravate,exacerbate
  87. exacerbate
    v 악화하다

    worsen, aggravate,exacerbate
  88. foment
    v (정치) 선동하다
  89. irritate
    v 화나게하다
  90. provoke
    v 북돋다, 화나게하다
  91. galvanize
    v 자극하다

    stimulate는 up의 의미만 있다
  92. alleviate
    v 경감,완화시키다

    • <> intensify, increase intensity
    • ,magnify, exacerbate
  93. amalgamate
    v 합치다

    <>seperate, disintegrate, isolate

    =combine, unite, integrate
  94. isolate
    v 분리하다

    seperate, disintegrate, isolate
  95. stride
    v 보폭을 크게 걷다
  96. amble
    v 천천히 한가롭게 걷다

    • <>step(walk) quickly, march rapidly,
    • stride(보폭을크게걷다) rapidly,
    • scurry(급히 걸어가다)

    = saunter, stroll, to walk slowly or leisurely ( in a relaxed way)

    (ramble : 목적없이 걷다)
  97. saunter
    v 천천히 한가롭게 걷다

    = amble, saunter, stroll
  98. stroll
    v 천천히 한가롭게 걷다

    = amble, saunter, stroll
  99. scurry
    v 급히 걸어가다

    (카레 먹을라고 급히 걸어가다)
  100. ramble
    v 목적없이 걷다

    (amble : 천천히 한가롭게 걷다)
  101. leisurely
    = in a relaxed way
  102. ameliorate
    v 개선시키다

    • <>악화시키다
    • worsen, exacerbate, aggravate
    • ,deteriorate (주로 환경)

    melio-개선- better
  103. deteriorate
    v 악화시키다 (주로 환경)
  104. amorphous
    a 무정형의 (물같이)

    <>defined, definite (뚜렷한,명백한)

    • amorphous:structure
    • ::disjointed:coherence
    • A는 B가 없는

  105. adherent
    n 지지자, follow, 서포터

    • adhere / cohere
    • v 붙다

    adhesive - 풀의, 끈끈한
  106. adhesive
    a 풀의, 끈끈한
  107. coherent
    a 논리적으로 타당한

    • <>disjointed
    • (논리적으로 연결성없는)

    • adhere / cohere 붙다
    • adhesive - 풀의, 끈끈한
  108. analgesic
    • n 진통제
    • a 진통의 (모든약은 a도 된다)

    • analgesic:pain
    • ::anesthetic:sensation

    • anesthetic - 마취제
    • sensation - 감각
  109. anesthetic
    n 마취제

    • analgesic:pain
    • ::anesthetic:sensation

    • anesthetic - 마취제
    • sensation - 감각
  110. theocracy
    n 신정국가

    theo - 신
  111. anathema
    n 교회의 저주

    <>panegyric, blessing, like

    • anathema:curse
    • ::theocracy:state
  112. ecclesiastical
    a 교회의
  113. panegyric
    n (공식적인) 칭찬

    GRE에서 gyric으로 끝나는 유일한 단어
  114. ancillary
    • a 부차적인
    • (minor / less important)

    • <>paramount, momentous, supreme
    • (가장 중요한)

    = subordinate, accessory, auxiliary, secondary
  115. secondary
    a 부차적인

    = ancillary, subordinate, accessory, auxiliary, secondary
  116. subordinate
    a 부차적인

    = ancillary, subordinate, accessory, auxiliary, secondary
  117. auxiliary
    a 부차적인

    = ancillary, subordinate, accessory, auxiliary, secondary
  118. accessory
    a 부차적인

    = ancillary, subordinate, accessory, auxiliary, secondary
  119. paramount
    a 가장 중요한

    = paramount, mementous, supreme

    • paramount:importance
    • ::farthest:remoteness
  120. momentous
    a 가장 중요한

    = paramount, mementous, supreme
  121. moment
    n 중요함

    <>triviality, trifle
  122. supreme
    a 가장 중요한

    = paramount, mementous, supreme
  123. anecdote
    n 재밌는 짧은 이야기

    • anecdote:brevity
    • B는 A의 특성

    • anecdote:amusement
    • ::lecture:instruction
  124. anemic
    • a 빈형증의 (어니믹)
    • n anemia - 빈혈 (어니미아)

    <>hale, strong

    • = lacking vitality
    • , listless and weak
  125. listless
    a 생기없는
  126. hale
    a 강건한, 강한(몸)
  127. amnesia
    • n 기억상실증
    • (엠네지아)

    • a - 없다
    • mne - 기억
  128. trifle
    n 하찮음

    = trifle, triviality
  129. triviality
    n 하찮음

    = trifle, triviality
Card Set
kapazang basic 4 - 6