Policy Manual

  1. policy
    papd is committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that is free of all forms of discrimination and intimidation, including sexual harassment
  2. discrimimination
    • any act or ommision of an act which would create a hostile work environment
    • or
    • exclude any person from employment or promotional opportunities because of

    sex, sexual orientation, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS) mental disability, medical condition, age, marital status or denial of family care or pregnancy disability leave

    it includes but is not limited to derogatory comments, slurs or jokes, pictures, cartoons or posters and actions which result in an employee being offended or insulted because of a protected classification status enumerated above
  3. sexual harassment
    • includes but is not limited to
    • unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature when
    • submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an employee's employment
    • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an employee is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the employee
    • conduct that has the purpose or effect of interfering with and employees work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offense work environment
  4. descrimination and harassment does not include actions that are in accordance with established rules principles or standards
    • acts or omission of acts based solely upon bona fide occupational qualifications under equal employment opportunity commission and california fair employment and housing commission guidelines
    • bonafide requests or demands by a supv that the employee improve his/her work quality or output, that the employee report to the job site on time, that the employee comply with city and departmental rules and regs
  5. officer responsibilities
    all employees shall promptly report any observed or known violations of this policy to a supervisor

    employees not comfortable reporting to their immediate supervisor may bypass the chain of command and report it to a higher ranking officer

    complaints may be filed with the city's affirmative action officer
  6. supervisor responsibilities
    ensure the work environment is free from all types of unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment

    take prompt appropriate action within thier work units to avoid and minimize the incidence of any form of discrimination

    train subordinates as to what harassment and discrimination are

    notify the chief in writing of the circs surrounding any reported allegations of discrim/harass no later than the next business day

    notify the human resources director immediately of nay allegation of discrim/harass
  7. supervisors role
    • behavior should represent the values of our department and professional law enforcement standards
    • false or mistaken accusations of discrimination and sexual harassment have negative effects on the careers of innocent employees
    • supv and managers must act responsibly in the handling of such situations
    • supervisors and managers must make a determination on any allegations based upon all available facts
  8. investigation of complaints
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Policy Manual