Inflammation of the gums
crack in the lip caused by lack of riboflavin
an individual who wears complete or partial dentures
Factors that affect hygienic care include...
- personal preference
- sociocultural factors
- economic
- developmental
- physical or mental disability
- illness or injury
Usual hygienic schedule in a healthcare facility include...
- early morning, morning, afternoon care, evening care
- will be tailored to fit the patients normal routine
Assessment factors for a pt's ability to perform personal hygienic care include...
- physical ability
- cognitive ability
- muscle strength
- flexibility
- dexterity
- balance
- coordination
- activity tolerance
- *in assessing hygiene practices, the pt should be asked what is typically done to care for skin, teeth, hair and feet
Complete Bed Bath
for patients who are totally dependent and require total hygiene care
Partial Bed Bath
involves bathing only body parts that would cause discomfort or odor if left unbathed
Tub/ Shower Bath
gives a more thorough bath
Guidelines for bathing include...
- provide privacy (close door or curtain)
- maintain safety (call light)
- maintain warmth (keep covered, expose only what is being washed)
- promote independence
- anticipate needs (clean clothes or toiletries)
Pts who need perineal care include...
- those at risk for acquiring and infection (uncircumcised males, rectal/genital sx)
- those with indwelling urinary catheters
- menstruating women
Purpose of a back rub is...
- to promote relaxation
- relieve muscular tension
- stimulate skin circulation
Nurses responsibility in oral hygiene is as follows...
- must insure that pt maintains proper oral hygiene bc it promotes a healthy state of gums, teeth, mouth and lips.
- we assist by teaching the importance of oral hygiene and correct technique
- assisting in providing oral care to those pts who are weak or disabled
Relationship between oral hygiene and nursing interventions include...
- diet- exclude foods that promote plaque formation and tooth decay
- brushing- cleans teeth of food particles, plaque and bacteria
- fluoride use- strengthens enamel
- flossing- removes plaque and tartar from bt teeth
- denture care- to avoid gingival infection and irritation
Why nurses brush,comb and shampoo hair...
- helps keep it clean
- helps distribute oils along the hair shafts
- prevents tangles
- shampoo removes excess perspiration, blood, or solutions left in hair
Factors that the nurse can control to create a comfortable environment include...
- temperature 68*-74*
- ventilation- reduce lingering odors
- noise- pts not familiar w noises
- odor- pts not familiar w odors
Patients who are at risk for hygiene problems include...
- those who suffer from side effects of medication
- those who lack knowledge of proper hygiene
- those with the inability to perform hygiene
Aspects of hygiene that may be delegated include...
- bathing
- perineal care
- administering a back rub
- nail/foot care of a non-diabetic pt
- brushing teeth (for an unconscious pt u must check gag reflex, inform assistant abt proper position, suction technique and to recognize impaired mucosa)
- caring for eye prosthesis
- bedmaking
Eye care:
- cleansing of the eyes involves washing w a clean washcloth moistened with water.
- soap may cause irritation
- do not place pressure on the eyeball
- clean from the inner eye toward the outside
Ear care:
- cleansing the ear with a moistened washcloth which is gently rotated in the ear canal
- when cerumen is visible, gentle downward pressure at the entrance of the ear canal can cause it to come out
- excessive or impacted cerumen can only be removed by irrigation
- hx of perforated eardrum= ears should not be cleaned
Nasal care:
- the pt usually cares for their own nose by blowing out secretions
- assistance w a wet washcloth or moistened cotton tipped applicator
- excessive nasal secretions can be removed by gentle suctioning
- nasal tubes should have tape changed once a day
Pts and their families:
- family members can assist w hygienic measures after receiving guidance in adapting techniques to fit the pt
- the families schedule should be matched w the pts schedule
- the pt must be comfortable with the helper
Bed Positions:
- the head of the bed is raised to 45* or more
- a semi-sitting position, the knee may be raised slightly
- promoted lung expansion, eating etc
Bed Positions:
- the head of the bed is raised approx 30*
- knee may be raised
- promotes lung expansion
- used for people w feeding tubes so they dont aspirate
Bed Positions:
- the entire bed frame is tilted with the head down
- used for postural drainage
- facilitates venous return
Bed Positions:
Reverse Trendelenburg's
- the entire bed frame is tilted with the foot down
- used with gastric emptying, gastric reflux
Bed Position:
used for vertebral injury, hypotension and sleeping
Bed Notes:
- the pts bed should be kept clean and comfortable
- includes frequent inspections to ensure the linens are clean dry and free of wrinkles
- when changing linens use techniques for medical asepsis
- use proper mechanics should be used when making bed