N 260-Exam 2

  1. what is the order for doing a physical exam?
    inspect, palpate, percuss, auscultation
  2. what are the layers of skin?
    epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer
  3. what is the epidermis?
    outer most later of the skin

    derivation of skin color
  4. what is the dermis?
    middle layer of skin

    connective or collagen tissue

    elastic tissue
  5. what is the subcutaneous later?
    bottom/inner most later of skin

    the fat layer
  6. what are the epidermal appendages?
    hair, sebaceous glands, sweat glands (eccrine and apocrine glands), nails
  7. what are the functions of skin?
    protection (elements, chemical, light, heat), penetration, perception, temperature regulation, identification, communication, wound repair, absorption/excretion (sweating), Vit. D production (CHO converted to Vit. D)
  8. What are some health history questions one can ask about the skin (subjective data)?
    history of skin disease (allergies, hives, psoriasis, eczema), change in mole/pigmentation (size, color), excessive dryness/moisture, pruritus (itching), excessive bruising/sores that don't heal, any medications being taken, alopecia (hair loss), change in nails, environment/occupational hazards, self-care behaviors
  9. what are some physical exam (objective) data?
    inspect/palpate, color, freckles, mole (nevus/nevi), birthmark
  10. what is pallor?
    pale, deficient in hemoglobin

    red tones of oxygenated hemoglobiruis lost
  11. what is erythema?
    intense redness due to excess blood
  12. what is cyanosis?
    bluish hue, decreased perfusion to tissues
  13. what is jaundice?
    yellow color, rising amounts of bilirubin in blood stream

    seen in whites of the eye first
  14. what is hypothermia?
    low body temperature below 94.6 degrees F
  15. what is hyperthermia?
    elevated body temperature about 99.1 degrees F
  16. what is febrile?
    fever (temperature >99.1 degree F)
  17. what is afebrile?
    normal temperature (96.4-99.1 degree F)
Card Set
N 260-Exam 2
skin, hair, nails, lifespan nursing, respiratory