Anatomy & Physiology: Body Cavities and Planes; Directional Terms

  1. Transverse
    A horizontal cut dividing the body into upper/superior and lower/inferior planes.
  2. Frontal
    A vertical cut dividing the body into front/anterior and back/posterior planes.
  3. Sagittal
    A vertical cut dividing the body into left and right planes.
  4. Midsagittal
    A vertical cut dividing the body into equal left and right planes.
  5. Parasagittal
    A vertical cut dividing the body into unequal left and right parts.
  6. Ventral body cavity
    Includes the Thoracic cavity and Abdominopelvic cavity.
  7. Dorsal body cavity
    Includes the Cranial cavity and Spinal (Vertebral) cavity.
  8. Abdominopelvic cavity
    Includes the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity
  9. Name all of the body cavities
    • Ventral body cavity
    • Dorsal body cavity
    • Abdominopelvic cavity
    • Thoracic cavity
    • Abdominal cavity
    • Pelvic cavity
    • Spinal (vertebral) cavity
    • Cranial cavity
  10. Terms for above and below
    • Above: Superior
    • Below: Inferior
  11. Terms for towards the head and towards the tail
    • Towards the head: Cranial (Cephalic)
    • Towards the tail: Caudal
  12. Terms for front and behind
    • Front: Anterior
    • Back: Posterior
  13. Terms for belly side and backside
    • Belly side: Ventral
    • Backside: Dorsal
  14. Terms for towards the midline, away from the midline, and between the midline and away from the midline
    • Towards the midline: Medial
    • Away from the midline: Lateral
    • Between the midline and away from the midline: Intermediate
  15. Terms for internal and external
    • Internal: Deep
    • External: Superficial
  16. Terms for towards the attachment to the trunk/body and away from the attachment to the trunk/body
    • Towards the attachment to the trunk/body: Proximal
    • Away from the attachment to the trunk/body: Distal
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Anatomy & Physiology: Body Cavities and Planes; Directional Terms
Body Cavities, Planes, and Directional Terms