
  1. A symbol of possibility in the area of prosperity, abundance, trust, and security.
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  2. You know that you can juggle all demands made upon you.
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  3. Yhis card represents a task-oriented team - people who are working cooperatively toward a common goal
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  4. You can cultivate a feeling of gratitude and make the best use of your advantage.
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  5. Consider carefully what consequences may result from joining forces.
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  6. You are in a position to be generous if you want to be.
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  7. Your personal power is growing and others are taking notice.
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  8. Give yourself credit for the quality work you are producing.
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  9. The abundance you enjoy allows you the freedom to be yourself.
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  10. You are required to meet obligations.
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  11. You are reinventing yourself to create a better fit with your chosen profession.
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  12. Cultivate your investments using good timing and skillful management.
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  13. Use your your penetrating intuition to divine new meanings.
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  14. Make unpressured choices, dream big dreams -- and be generous.
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Card Set
Tarot Pentacles Test