Pharmacology of Antipsychotic Drugs

  1. Antipsychotic drugs are thought to act therapeutically in the ___ and ____ dopamine systems.
    • mesolimbic
    • mesocortical
  2. What receptor is the primary target for antipsychotic drugs?
    D2- drugs act as antagonists to decrease DA neurotransmission
  3. What are the two primary adverse side effects of typical antipsychotics?
    • Motor/EPS
    • endocrine
  4. The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia states that psychosis results from an ____ CNS dopaminergic system?
  5. Would the administration of amphetamines be effective in treating psychosis? Why?
    Amphetamine: Enhances DA release which would worsen symptoms in a psychotic patient
  6. Would the administration of levodopa be effective in treating psychosis? Why?
    No, levodopa increases DA content and would worsen symptoms in a psychotic patient.
  7. Would the administration of cocaine be effective in treating psychosis? Why?
    No cocaine inhibits the reuptake of DA into the synaptic cleft which increases DA neurotransmission. This would worsen symptoms in a psychotic patient
  8. Would the administration of DA recepot agonists be effective in treating psychosis? Why?
    No, DA receptor agonists would increase DA neurotransmission and worsen symptoms in a psychotic patient.
  9. Would the administration of reserpine be effective in treating psychosis? Why?
    Yes, reserpine depletes DA storage and will decrease DA neurotransmission which will alleviate symptoms in a psychotic patient.
  10. Would the administration of a-Me-Tyrosine be effective in treating psychosis? Why?
    Yes, a-Me-Tyrosine inhibits the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase, ultimately reducing DA synthesis which would alleviate symptoms in a psychotic patient.
  11. Would the administration of DA Receptor antagonists be effective in treating psychosis? Why?
    DA Receptor antagonists inhibit DA signaling which would alleviate symptoms in a psychotic patient.
Card Set
Pharmacology of Antipsychotic Drugs
Systems Pharmacology