BMR Assignment 2

  1. When using mouth to mouth, how often should you force air into the victims lungs?
    Once every 5 seconds
  2. Mouth to nose is effective only on?
    • very young victims
    • victim has facial injuries
  3. When using the arm lift tech for art ventilation, how many cycles per minute?
    10 to 12
  4. CPR should be given with how many minutes after Cardiac Arrest?
    4 Minutes
  5. When administering CPR, you should place your hands where on the chest?
    On tip of the sternum
  6. During 1 person CPR, how many chest compressions per minute?
    60 to 80
  7. During 1 person CPR, how many ventilations after after each set of chest compressions?
  8. During 2 person CRP, what is the ratio of compressions to breaths
    5 to 1
  9. What is the structural backbone of a ship?
  10. What structural component divides the interior of the ship into compartments?
  11. What structural component forms the ships hull?
  12. What is the vertical distance fro mthe bottom of the keel to the waterline of the ship?
  13. What structural components support the decks?
    • Athwartships deck beams
    • Fore and Aft Deck Girders
    • Stanchions
  14. The freeing ports that let water run off during heavy weather are called?
  15. Which of the following terms defines the 1st complete deck below the main deck?
    Second Deck
  16. The device that bears up tight on wedges and holds watertight doors closed is called?
  17. What are horizontal openings for access through decks called?
  18. What term defines the solid part of a ship above the main deck?
  19. List the different types of Masts
    • Mizzenmast
    • Mainmast
    • Foremast
  20. What s the purpose of running rigging
    To hoist, lower, or control booms
  21. A commission pennant is secured where?
    To a pigstick and hoisted to a truck
  22. A petty officer receives general authority from what document
    US Navy Reg
  23. A Petty Officer receives organizationsal authority from what document?
    US Navy SORM
  24. True / False Any order imposing punishment outside the framework of the UCMJ is unlawful
  25. A Petty Officer can take certain measures tro correct minor infractions under which article of the UCMJ
    Art 15
  26. EMI is classified as what type of corrective action?
    Non Punitive
  27. EMI can be assigned what maximum number of hours per day?
    2 Hours
  28. True / False the purpose of EMI is to correct a training deficiency and deprive normal liberty?
  29. Can EMI be assigned on a sabbath?
  30. Authority to assign EMI may be delegated to what lowest rank?
  31. True / False a priviledge is a benifit provided for the convenience or enjoyment of an individual
  32. CMEO is an equal opportunity management system controlled primarily at which level?
  33. What supervisor supports the Navy's Equal Opportunity program?
    The one who relates positively and directly with all people equally.
  34. To manage and supervise people effectively, you must have what leadership skill?
    The ability to listen and understand what people have to say.
  35. Career Information interviews with junior troops are for what purpose?
    • Inform them about the Navy
    • Inform them of their benefits
  36. Which of the following types of re-enlistment applies to personnel who desire to convert to a critical undermanned rating?
  37. What types of re-enlistment offers guarantee advancement to Petty Officer 2nd Class for qualified personnel after C School?
    • STAR
    • SCORE
  38. Whe does SGLI coverage terminate after separation from Active Duty?
    120 Days
  39. What organization offers supplemental insurance endorsed by the Navy?
    Navy Mutal Aid Society
  40. When if ever are you allowed MALT payments
    When you travel by privately owned vehicle during a PCS move
  41. If you die on active duty your spouse will recieve a lump payment of $3,000 which os called?
    Death Gratuity
  42. What program will provide 75% of tuition cost for active duty personnel regardless of rank.
    TA (Tuition Assistance)
  43. What program enables personnel to achieve Journeyman staus in a civilian trade?
    National Apprentice Program
  44. A CPO with 17 years service is eligible for what Officer Programs?
    • LDO
    • CWO
    • BOOST
  45. A married PO with 12 years education is eligible for what Officer Program?
  46. Does a dependent Parent of an active duty sailor qualifies for Champus?
  47. Does a dependent Parent In Law of an active service member qualifies for treatment under the the Uniformed Services Health Benifits?
  48. What is the maximum CHAMPUS deductablea service member with a wife and kids is?
  49. What is the catastropic cap for CHAMPUS for retired service members?
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BMR Assignment 2
US Navy BMR Assignment 2