Human sexuality test 1a
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Bassets Bias
Which verse does he use?
1 Cor. 7:1-6
Bassets Bias
Sexual Function
1. Pleasure
2. Reminder that God enjoys variety
3. Bedrock of self-concept
4. Procreation
5. Important physical symbols
6. Reminder that material world matters to God
7. Sexual intimacy vs. sexual relations
Bassets Bias
Evaluating Sexual Behavior
1. Good
a. Normal Sexual Behavior (I like this)
b. Normal Sexual behavior (I'll pass on that one)
2. Bad
a. Abnormal sexual behavior without sin (typically a victim)
b. Abnormal sexual behavior with personal sin
(is this person a predator?)
Case Study
Richard von Kraft-Ebing
1. Any sexual activity not pertaining to procreation was wrong
2. "Psychopayhic Sexualis"
3. Masturbation was considered a main cause of dysfunction
Case Study
Henry Havelock Ellis
1. Early founder of American Psychology
2. Contemporary of Freud
3. Father of modern study on sex and sexuality
4. Positive thinking
: strong advocate of birth control, sex education, expanded the notion of normal
Case Study
Sigmund Freud
1. Considered too liberal back in the day
a) infant sexuality
2. Sometimes considered presently too conservative
3. Sexual intercourse the only mature sexually mature act
4. Men are sexual and women are pure
a) gave men the upper hand
Survey Method
Alfred C. Kinsey
1. Started by being a professional on wasps at Indiana U
1. "Sexual behavior in the human male"- high rate of homosexuality
2. "sexual behavior in the human female"- high rate of premarital sex
1. Good
a) one of first to report multiple orgasms in women
b) popularized the idea of 7 point scale of sexual orientation
2. Bad
a) failed accurate representative pool
b) reported sexual activity of children through 18 hr interview with pedophile, without reporting him
Observational Research
John Watson
Founded Behavioral Movement
1. measured physical changes during sexual activity
Observational Research
Alfred Kinsey
Observed and filmed sexual activity for study
Observational Research
William Masters and Virginia Johnson
1. created institute for observation of sexual activity
2. monitor physical changes
3. sexual response model
d. pioneered techniques for treating sexual dysfunction
Card Set
Human sexuality test 1a
chap 1,2,3
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