Human sexuality test 1a

  1. Bassets Bias
    Which verse does he use?
    1 Cor. 7:1-6
  2. Bassets Bias
    Sexual Function
    • 1. Pleasure
    • 2. Reminder that God enjoys variety
    • 3. Bedrock of self-concept
    • 4. Procreation
    • 5. Important physical symbols
    • 6. Reminder that material world matters to God
    • 7. Sexual intimacy vs. sexual relations
  3. Bassets Bias
    Evaluating Sexual Behavior
    • 1. Good
    • a. Normal Sexual Behavior (I like this)
    • b. Normal Sexual behavior (I'll pass on that one)

    • 2. Bad
    • a. Abnormal sexual behavior without sin (typically a victim)
    • b. Abnormal sexual behavior with personal sin
    • (is this person a predator?)
  4. Case Study
    Richard von Kraft-Ebing
    • 1. Any sexual activity not pertaining to procreation was wrong
    • 2. "Psychopayhic Sexualis"
    • 3. Masturbation was considered a main cause of dysfunction
  5. Case Study
    Henry Havelock Ellis
    • 1. Early founder of American Psychology
    • 2. Contemporary of Freud
    • 3. Father of modern study on sex and sexuality
    • 4. Positive thinking: strong advocate of birth control, sex education, expanded the notion of normal
  6. Case Study
    Sigmund Freud
    • 1. Considered too liberal back in the day
    • a) infant sexuality
    • 2. Sometimes considered presently too conservative
    • 3. Sexual intercourse the only mature sexually mature act
    • 4. Men are sexual and women are pure
    • a) gave men the upper hand
  7. Survey Method
    Alfred C. Kinsey
    • Background
    • 1. Started by being a professional on wasps at Indiana U

    • Contributions
    • 1. "Sexual behavior in the human male"- high rate of homosexuality
    • 2. "sexual behavior in the human female"- high rate of premarital sex

    • Evaluation
    • 1. Good
    • a) one of first to report multiple orgasms in women
    • b) popularized the idea of 7 point scale of sexual orientation
    • 2. Bad
    • a) failed accurate representative pool
    • b) reported sexual activity of children through 18 hr interview with pedophile, without reporting him
  8. Observational Research
    John Watson
    • Founded Behavioral Movement
    • 1. measured physical changes during sexual activity
  9. Observational Research
    Alfred Kinsey
    Observed and filmed sexual activity for study
  10. Observational Research
    William Masters and Virginia Johnson
    • 1. created institute for observation of sexual activity
    • 2. monitor physical changes
    • 3. sexual response model
    • d. pioneered techniques for treating sexual dysfunction
Card Set
Human sexuality test 1a
chap 1,2,3