Biology class

  1. What is metabolism?
    the series of processes by which food is converted into the energy and products needed to sustain life.
  2. What are nutrients?
    substances in foods that provide structural materials or energy

    Macronutrients: nutrients that are required in large amounts
  3. What Happenens in dehydration?
    a decrease of water below the bodies required water level.
  4. What are the symtoms of dehydration?
    Muscle aches, Fatique, Headaches, dizzyness, nausea, confusion, an increase heart rate, hallusinations and heat stroke and in sever cases death.
  5. How much water is needed for the body to stay healthy?
    Adults need 3 litters of water to stay healthy.
  6. What are carbohydrates?
    • *main energy source
    • *Simple sugars (glucose) enter our system quickly
  7. List functions of Carbohydrates.
    • *Essential for large intestine function
    • *Lowers cholesterol and reduces cancer risk
  8. What is a Complex Carbohydrate?
    (branching chains of simple sugars) are starches and are digested more slowly
  9. What Foods are complex carohydrates?
    Breads, cereal, rice,pasta, fruits and veg. and sugars.
  10. Why are complex carbohydrates better for you?
    §Starch: complex carbohydrate from plantsGlycogen: complex carbohydrate from animals. It is how our bodies store carbohydrates in liver and muscle cells
  11. Name two simple sugars. and give examples of where you find them.
    Starch: complex carbohydrate from plantsGlycogen: complex carbohydrate from animals. It is how our bodies store
  12. in what form do plants store their carbohydrates?
    Plants store starch in roots, tubers, and leafy parts, mainly during photosynthetic activity; some plants, such as sugar beets and sugarcane, also store sucrose
  13. in what form do animals store their carbohydrates?
    they store carbohydrates as glycogen. in muscles and liver.
  14. what is a dietary fiber? what does it do for your body?
    • *Dietary fiber, sometimes called roughage, is the indigestible portion of plant foods that pushes food through the digestive system, absorbing water and easing defecation.
    • *it helps the body to flush toxins. Further, it makes the bowel movement much easier inside your body. Without this component, the food wastes would not move inside your body.
  15. what foods do you find fiber in?
    vegetables, grains and fruits
  16. is fiber a nutrient?
    • Fiber is considered a nutrient. It's a dietary component that is essential for good health.
    • *Fiber can protect you from heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, and more.
  17. what is a protein?
    • protein (any of a large group of nitrogenous
    • organic compounds that are essential constituents of living cells;
    • consist of polymers of amino acids; essential in the diet of animals
    • for growth and for repair of tissues; can be obtained from meat and
    • eggs and milk and legumes)
  18. What are the building blocks of protiens?
    Proteins are made from amino acids, which are referred to as the building blocks of life
  19. what foods contain protein?
    beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes like black beans and lentils.
  20. Why do we need to eat essential amino acids?
    • The nine essential amino acids are HISTIDINE, ISOLEUCINE, LEUCINE, LYSINE, METHIONINE, PHENYLALANINE, THREONINE, TRYPTOPHAN and VALINE; their best sources are meat, fish, fowl, eggs and dairy products. In addition, CYSTEINE (cystine) and TYROSINE, sometimes classified as NONESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS,
    • are now considered semiessential because if the diet contains them
    • (meat, milk, fish, poultry and legumes are good sources), the body can
    • use them in place of two essential amino acids methionine and
    • phenylalanine, respectively to make protein. The nonessential amino
  21. What is a lipid?
    • lipid, lipide, lipoid
    • (an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in organic
    • solvents; essential structural component of living cells (along with
    • proteins and carbohydrates))
Card Set
Biology class
Cards for biology