- C.T. matrix
- 55% total blood volume
- 92% water
- 7% plasma proteins
Plasma proteins
- albumin-osmotic balance
- fibrinogen-blood clotting
- globulins-defense (antibodies)
Formed elements
- 45% total blood volume
- 99.9% RBC's( erythrocytes)-transport O2 and CO2
- 0.1% WBC's(leukocytes)-defense/immunity
- White blood cells
- Never Let Monkeys Eat Banannas
- (most --> least common)
Neutrophil (granulocyte)
- 3-7 lobed nucleus, small blue/purple granules
- development-14 days
- life span-6hours-few days
- function-phagocytize bacteria
Eosinophil (granulocyte)
- bi-lobed nucleus, red granules
- development-14 days
- life span-8-12 days
- function-kill parasitic worms, destroy antigen-antibody complexes
Basophil (granulocyte)
- U or S shaped nucleus, large purple granules
- development-1-7 days
- life span-few hours-few days
- function-release histamine & other mediators of inflammation
Lymphocyte (agranulocyte)
- smallest WBC, spherical nucleus w/ light blue cytoplasm
- development-days-weeks
- life span-hours-years
- function-mount immune response via direct cell atk or antibodies
Monocyte (agranulocyte)
- large U (kidney) shaped nucleus, grey-blue cytoplasm
- development-2-3 days
- life span-months
- function-phagocytosis. develop into macrophages in tissues
- cell fragments
- development-4-5 days
- life span-5-10 days
- function-seal small tears in blood vessels, blood clotting
Hematocrit (packed cell volume)
- formed elements/total blood volume
- determines % RBC's in blood
- male-40-54%
- female-37-47%
Agglutinogens (antigens)
specific glycoproteins on the outer surface of the RBC plasma membrane.
Agglutinins (antibodies)
plasma proteins that accompany and react with RBC antigens, causing them to be clumped and eventually hemolyzed
Blood typing
-on slide, reaction (clumping) means you have that antigen.
you make antibodies for the anitgens you don't have