
  1. Drugs used in the treatment of tonic clonic seizures?
    Dilantin, Phenobarbitol
  2. Which condition causes IICP?
    Head injury, encephalitis
  3. Which affects on level of consciousness would be present in partial seizures?
    Mild confusion
  4. Nurse assess the motor function during Neuro exam of patient which step will help nurse to perform exam effectively?
    Grasp nurse hand firmly, ask patient to pick up small and large objects between thumb and index finger
  5. A male patient 45 years old undergoes lumbar puncture in which CSF was extracted for neurologic procedure, after he complains of dizziness and headache (slight) which steps must nurse take to provide comfort?
    Position flat for 3 hrs. Encourage liberal fluid intake provide prescribed analgesics
  6. A patient is incontinent during seizure and sleeps for several hours after. Which type of seizure did he have?
    Tonic-clonic (grandfnaul)
  7. Which is the earliest sign of IICP?
    Decreased level of consciousness
  8. Mr. Jones 74 year old skilled facility, feel out of bed and suffered basal skull fracture. Which nurse intervention?
    Flat bed
  9. Which bacteria commonly cause meningitis and are usually contagious?
    Meningococci, streptococci
  10. The inability to place the chin on the chest such as in meningritis is?
    Nuchal rigidity
  11. Patient in the ER with severe headache a few days after being bit by mosquito has?
  12. blank is characterized by weakness, numbness and tingling of the arms and legs. Paralysis may follow weakness.
    Guillain-barre syndrome
  13. The nurse is aware that the care plan for a patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome is?
    Primarily supportive
  14. Which of the following statements best describes a brain abscess?
    Is a collection of purulent (pus) material in the brain
  15. Drafts or jars to the bed should be avoided in the case of a patient with which of the following conditions?
    Trigeminal Neuroalgia
  16. Patients that have a concussion generally?
    Full short recovery period
  17. Which of the following statements accurately describe a contusion? (SATA)
    • It is a serious condition and could lead to gross structural injury to the brain
    • Edema develops at the site of or in areas opposite to the injury
  18. When head is stuck directly and the force is strong enough to send the brain ricocheting (bouncing) to the opposite side, this is called?
    Contrecoup injury
  19. The patient has experience cerebral hematomas. Which of the following drugs has contributed in this condition?
  20. Which of the following types of patients are at high risk for cerebral hematomas? (SATA)
    • Patients who are receiving hepraen injections
    • Patients who are diagnosed with hemophilia
    • Patients who have thrombocytopenia
  21. Blank is results from head trauma or cerebral vascular disorders
    Cerebral Hematomas
  22. Which of the following is true about concerning Epidural and subdural hematoma?
    Epidural hematoma are more likely to require emergency intervention
  23. The nurse has been examining the vital signs of a patient who felt two days ago. Nurse noticed a sudden change in vital signs of patient. Which of the following steps should the nurse take immediately?
    Notify the Physician
  24. Which of the following position should the patient be placed on after a crainiotomy? (SATA)
    • Supine position with the head slightly elevated
    • Side-lying position on the unaffected side
  25. Which of the following concerns are paramount (very important/top of the mountain) for a patient with an open head injury?
  26. Which of the following are signs and symptoms of basilar (bottom) skill fractures? (SATA)
    • Rhinorrhea
    • Otorrhea
    • Raccoon eyes
  27. Which of the following substances is especially high in cerebrospinal fluid?
    Glucose (around 70-90)
  28. Which of the following brain tumors is caused by generic factors were in the tumor affects the frontal lobe?
  29. Treatments of brain tumors depend on which of the following factors? (SATA)
    • Tumor’s size
    • Type of tumor
    • Tumor location
    • Patient’s age
  30. Metastatic tumor and primary tumors are inoperable and radiation therapy and chemotherapy are the only treatment choices?
  31. Which of the following classifications of drugs assist in reducing cerebral edema?
    Osmotic diuretics
  32. The nurse may need to assess the fluid intake and output of the patient with increasing ICP to determine if patient needs enema or stool softener?
  33. Mr. Jones is 28 year olds medications has been started for him and he is receiving nursing care which of the following interventions? (SATA)
    • The fluid intake and output
    • Monitoring vital signs and level of consciousness L.O.C
  34. If a seizure occurs in a patient with maningitis the nurse should implement which of the following?
    Move objects and furniture from patient for safety
  35. A specific condition in late IICP where there is a increase then decrease in pulse rate increasing in systolic with widening pulse pressure and
    irregular respiratory rate is known as?
    Cushing’s triad
Card Set
quiz 11