Art of Listening - Songs

  1. Plainchant: "Verre dignum"

    - Era
    - Genre
    - Composer
    - Context
    - Values
    - Accompanied/unaccompanied?
    - Texture
    - Style
    - Form

    - Mode
    - Timbre
    - Meter?
    • - Era: Medieval (800-1400)
    • - Genre: Plainchant
    • - Composer: Anonymous
    • - Context: Sacred - church liturgy
    • - Values/cultural Ideas: elevation of sacred texts
    • - Unaccompanied - a capella
    • - Texture: Monophonic - single melodic line / mostly syllabic
    • - Style: reciting tone, a metrical, steps, small vocal range, moderate pitch level
    • - Form: Plainchant Sequence

    • - Mode: pitch collection- 7 note, octave span
    • - small vocal range, moderate pitch level
    • -Timbre: throaty vocal
    • - Dynamic: moderate vocal projection
    • - A-metrical
  2. Columba Aspexit

    - Era
    - Genre
    - Composer
    - Context?
    - Values/cultural idea?
    - Accompanied/unaccompanied?
    - Texture
    - Style
    - Form
    • - Era: Medieval
    • - Genre: Plainchant sequence
    • - Composer: Hildegard von Bingen
    • - Context: Sacred, liturgy
    • -Value/idea: elevation of sacred text?
    • - Texture: Monophonic - drone
    • - Style: Neumatic, recitative, a-metrical, large vocal range, leaps
    • - Form: Plainchant sequence A, A', B, B', C, C'
  3. La Dousa Votz

    - Era
    - Genre
    - Composer
    - Context
    - Values/Ideas
    - Texture
    - Style
    - Form
    • - Era: Medieval (800 - 1400)
    • - Genre: Troubador Song
    • - Composer: Bernart de Ventadorn
    • - Context: Court
    • - Values/Ideas: develop courtly song tradition in South France
    • - Texture: homophonic, heavily accented
    • - Style: Variation on duple metre; neumatic
    • - Form: Strophic
  4. Alleluia. Diffusa Gratia 12** (texture starting from 0:37)

    - Era
    - Genre
    - Composer
    - Context
    - Values/Ideas
    - Texture
    - Style
    - Form
    • - Era: Medieval (800-1400)
    • - Genre: Organum
    • - Composer: Pérotin
    • - Context: Church Liturgy
    • - Values/Ideas: elevate sacred texts?
    • - Texture: Polyphonic non-imitative - 1 bass, 2 work together rhythmically
    • - Style: Melismatic (consonance --> dissonance --> consonance (resolution)), a-metrical, drone
    • - Form: choir
  5. Ave Maris Stella **texture starting at 0:22

    - Era
    - Genre
    - Composer
    - Context
    - Values/Ideas
    - Texture
    - Style
    - Form
    • - Era: Renaissance (1400 - 1600)
    • - Genre: Hymn
    • - Composer: Dufay
    • - Context: Sacred, congregation, church service/liturgy?
    • - Values/Ideas- elevate sacred texts / show the new Renaissance values (txt)
    • - Texture: homophonic [setting of an elaborated (paraphrased) version of the chant - prominent melody in top voice, low creates a kind of accompanyment]
    • - Style: melismatic, sacred, recitative/ chansons (simpler, more gentle)?
    • - Form: choir???

    • melody in higher notes
    • alternates between gregorian chant and his embellishments - choir vs solo
  6. Pange Lingua Mass - Kyrie
    • - Era: High Renaissance (c. 1510)
    • - Genre: Mass
    • - Composer: Josquin
    • - Context: Sacred, congregation, church service-liturgy?
    • - Values / Ideas: elevate sacred texts?
    • - Texture: imitative polyphany
    • - Style: Melismatic - voices are coordinated through the use of particular rhythms?, a-metric, homorhythmic??
    • - Form: point of imitation - one line repeated over and over: 4 different sections
  7. Gloria from Pope Marcellus
    • - Era: Renaissance (1400-1600)
    • - Genre: Mass
    • - Composer: Palestrina
    • - Context: Counter-Reformation, sacred
    • - Values/Ideas: elevate sacred texts/words - not take over and be glorified itself; wanted to counter melismatic and imitative extravagance and render the WORDS the important part --> Sacred
    • - Texture: Mostly homophony, only polyphany on last line. and homorhythmic
    • - Style: Syllabic.
    • -Form: Chior (6 people but alternatint the number of singers throughout)
  8. As Vesta was from Latmos Hill Descending***
    • - Era: Renaissance (1601) but looking forward to Baroque
    • - Genre: Madrigal, (secular)
    • - Composer: Weelkes
    • - Context: Humanism - music should "imitate" human passions
    • - Values / Ideas: music should "imitate" human passions
    • - Texture: Imitative polyphany
    • - Style: Melodic, metric, wordpaining / madrigalism, bright simple rhythms, clear harmonies
    • - Form: ????
    • - Text: six loyal voices endlessly praising their queen (Hestia) as she comes up the hill.
  9. "La giustizia" from Julius Caesar
Card Set
Art of Listening - Songs
Required Songs, plus era of composition, composer, genre, performing or cultural context, values and/or cultural idea related to the work, style/form