With an adult you see collapse, start CPR as soon as you see the victim is not _____ _____
Breathing normally & Responsive breathing
In each cycle of CPR, rapidly compress the chest ___ times and then give ___ rescue breaths
30 times & 2 rescue breaths
If AED advises giving a shock, immediately after this shock you should perform ___ for about ___ minutes and then follow the AED Prompts
CPR for about 2 minutes
True or False: If you are alone with an adult you see collapse suddenly, give CPR for at least 2 minutes before stopping to call 9-1-1.
False Call 9-1-1 is the first step
If you think an unresponsive victim is choking, look in the mouth for an object during CPR each time you stop chest compressions to give a breath
True or False: It is ok to use pediatric AED pads on an adult
False but adult pads can be used on a child if needed
True or False: When giving a breath during CPR, breathe into the victim for about 1 second
True or False: When giving chest compressions, allow the chest to move all the way back up between compressions
True or False: Check for normal breathing for up to 30 seconds before starting CPR
False. Look, listen and feel for breathing for no more then 10 seconds
What are the 7 steps for providing basic life support?
1. Call 9-1-1 2. Open the airway with the head tilt-chin lift to check for beathing 3. Look listen and feel for breathing for no more then 10 seconds. 4. use a barrier device to give breaths 5. Give each breath for about 1 second, watching the chest rise and fall 6. Give chest compressions hard and fast (100 per minute) midway between the nipples. 7. Use cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breathes
What are your 4 goals when you help a victim?
1. Keep the victims involved alive 2. Pervent them from getting worse 3. Promote recovery 4. Insure they recieve medical care
What should you be prepared to give the EMS dispatcher when you call 9-1-1 in an emergency?
1. Your name and phone# you are using 2. Location and number of victims 3. What happened to the victim and any special circumstances or conditions 4. what is being done for the victim
True or False for each of these statements: 1. Act only as you are trained. 2. A responsive adult victim must give consent before you can give care 3. Do not move a victim unnecessarily
1.true 2.true (Tip: an unresponsive victim does not need to give consent before giving care) 3.true
You should follow the same 6 steps in any emergency. What are they?
1. Recognize the emergency 2. check the scene for saftey 3. Call 9-1-1 (when appropriate) 4. Check the victim 5. Care for the victim 6. Have the victim seek medical attention (when appropriate)
True or False for the following statements: 1. The first thing you do when you approach a victim is check for responsiveness 2. Bend the head back and pull up on the chin before looking, listening, and feeling for breaths 3. To check whether a victim is breathing normally, place your hand on his or her abdomen and feel for movement for about 20 seconds 4. During your assessment of an unresponsive victim, do not waste time looking for severe bleeding 5. If you find that the victim is not breathing, conduct a full physical examination to look for possible causes
1. true 2. true 3. false 4. false 5. false
Use the recovery position for any victim who is ______ & _______
Unresponsive & Breathing
What are the benifits of the recovery position?
It helps keep the airway open, It allows fluid to drain from the mouth, & it prevents inhaling stomach contents if the victim vomits
If you think a person is choking, what should you ask them?
Are you choking? May I help you?
In what direction do you provide the abdominal thrusts?
Inward & up
Where do you position your hands to give abdominal thrusts to a responsive choking victim?
Above the navel
List the possible heart attack signs and symptoms
Feelings of impending doom, sweating, jaw pain, chest pain or pressure, nausea, vomiting, back pain, & spreading pain to shoulders and arms
What is Agina & how do you provide first-aid?
Angina is chest pain that occurs in some people after exertion.
First-aid steps: Help the person take their angina medication if necessary, call 9-1-1 and give heart attack first-aid if the pain lasts longer then 10 minutes, the pain goes away but then comes back, the person has other heart attack symptoms
How do you provide heart attack first-aid? 6 steps
1. Call 9-1-1, even if the victim says it is not serious 2. Help the victim rest in a comfortable posittion & loosen constricting clothing 3. Ask the victim if he or she is taking heart medication, and help obtain the medication for the victim 4. If at home, allow the victim to take or chew one aspirin unless he or she is allergic 5.Stay with the victim and be reassuring and calming. Be ready to give basic life support if needed 6. Do not let the victim eat or drink anything
What kinds of diseases could be spread during first aid if you do not take precautions?
H.I.V. & Hepititis
What body fluids should you avoid contact with?
Blood, Vomit, Saliva, All bodily fluids. (Tip if it is wet, warm, & not yours, don't touch it)
What precautions can you take to prevent exposure to a victim's body fluids?
1. Use personal protective equipment such as medical exam gloves 2. If you do not have medical exam gloves, put your hands in plastic bags or have the victim dress the wound 3. Wash your hands with soap and water before and after giving first aid 4. Do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes when giving first aid
3 steps to take to prevent diesease transmission?
1. Avoid contact with a victim's body fluids 2. use gloves and other barrier devices 3. follow precautions to prevent exposure to pathogens that cause disease
Answer true or false for the following statements: 1. The most effective way to stop bleeding is to put pressure directly on the wound with a gloved hand 2. To clean a small wound once the bleeding is stopped, pour rubbing alcohol on it 3. A large object impaled in a wound should be left in the wound when you bandage it
1. True 2. False 3. True
What are the step for first aid bleeding control? 5 steps
1. Put on gloves (use your bare hands only if no barrier is available & then wash immediately) 2. Place asterile dressing on the wound and apply direct pressure with your hands (Do not put pressure on an object in a wound & do not put pressure on the scalp if the skull may be injured) 3. If needed, put another dressing or cloth on top of the first and keep applying pressure. 4. Apply a pressure bandage to keep pressure on the wound (do not use a tourniquet to stop bleeding except as an extreme last resort because the limb will likely be lost) 5. If appropriate, treat for shock and call 9-1-1
How long should you run water over a deep wound to clean it?
5 minutes
When should you use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or iodine on a wound?