bio 16 ch1.txt

  1. adaptation
    organism's modification in structure, function, or behavior suitable to the environment.
  2. atom
    smallest particle of an element that displays the properties of the element.
  3. biodiversity
    total number of species, the variability of their genes, and the communities in which they live.
  4. biology
    scientific study of life
  5. biosphere
    zone of air, land, and water at the surface of the earth in which living organisms are found.
  6. cell
    smallest unit that displays the properties of life; always contains cytoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane.
  7. community
    assemblage of populations interacting with one another within the same environment.
  8. conclusion
    statement made following an experiment as to wether the results support the hypothesis.
  9. control group
    sample that goes through all the steps of an experiment but lacks the factor or is not exposed to the factor being tested; a standard against which results of an experiment are checked.
  10. culture
    total pattern of human behavior; includes technology and the arts and depends upon the capacity to speak the transmit knowledge.
  11. data
    acts or pieces of info collected through observation and or experimentation.
  12. development
    group of stages by which a zygote becomes and organism or by which an organism changes during its life span; including puberty and aging
  13. domain
    the primary taxonomic group above the kingdom level; all living organisms may be placed in 1 of 3 domains.
  14. ecosystem
    biological community together with the associated abiotic environment; characterized by energy flow and chemical cycling.
  15. evolution
    descent of organisms from common ancestors with the development of genetic and phenotypic changes over time that makes them more suited to the environment.
  16. experiment
    artificial situation devised to test a hypothesis
  17. experimental variable
    value expected to change as a result of an experiment; represents the factor being tested by the experiment
  18. extinction
    total disappearance of a species or higher group
  19. gene
    unit of heredity existing as alleles on the chromosomes; in diploid organisms, typically two alleles are inherited- one from each parent.
  20. homeostasis
    maintenance of normal internal conditions in a cell or an organism by means of self-regulating machanisms
  21. hypothesis
    supposition that is formulated after making an observation; it can be tested by obtaining more data often by experimentation.
  22. kingdom
    one of the categories used to classify organisms; the category above phylum
  23. metabolism
    all of the chemical reactions that occur in a cell
  24. molecule
    union of two or more atoms of the same element; also, the smallest part of a compound that retains the properties of the compound.
  25. multicellular
    organism composed of many cells; usually has organized tissues, organs and organ systems.
  26. organ
    combination of two or more different tissues performing a common function
  27. organism
    individual living thing
  28. organ system
    group of related organs working together
  29. placebo
    treatment that is an inactive substance, (pill, liquid), administered as if it were a therapy
  30. population
    organisms of the same species occupying a certain area
  31. principle
    theory generally accepted by an overwhelming number of scientists; a law
  32. reproduce
    to produce a new individual of the same type
  33. science
    development of concepts about the natural world, often by using the scientific method
  34. scientific method
    process of attaining knowledge by making observations, testing hypotheses, and coming to conclusions.
  35. scientific theory
    concept supported by a broad range of observations, experiments, and conclusions.
  36. species
    group of similarly constructed organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring; organisms that share a common gene pool.
  37. standard error
    number used in evaluating statistical data to show the range of error in the data.
  38. technology
    the science or study of the practical or industrial arts.
  39. test group
    group exposed to the experimental variable in an experiment, rather than the control group
  40. tissue
    group of similar cells that perform a common function
  41. vertebrate
    an animal with a vertebral column.
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bio 16 ch1.txt
ch 1