descent into the pelvis?
may occur 2 weeks before pregnancy with primigravida and on birth with multigravida
when lightening happens where does it relieve pressure?
when lightening happens what are the symptoms on the mother?
urinary frequency, leg cramps, increased venous stasis, increased vaginal secretions
irregular, intermittent contractions felt later in pregnancy may be regular and uncomfortable and is considered a false labor bc the cervix is not dilated
braxton hicks contractions
this labor the contractions are irregular and the intervals remain the same and the intensity remains same?
false labor
when starting ambulation and changing position or controlling breathing during this labor the women should know?
false labor
True or false?
When it is false labor the cervix does not efface or dialte
when are contractions felt above the naval?
during false labor
in this labor contractions are regular, the intervals shorten and intensity and pain increases
true labor
when in true labor do contractions become stronger when ambulating?
what happens with the vagina in true labor?
the cervix softens, effaces and dilates
when does the pregnant mother have contractions felt in the lower back and radiate to the abd
true labor
when does the cervix "mature" or ripen?
34 weeks
Labor begins within 24-48 hours after this?
Bloody show
this occurs naturally when a gust of amniotic fluid rupturing
what is AROM
artificial rupture of the membranes when the DR has to use an amniohook to rupture the membrane
what determines the difference between urine and amniotic fluid?
nitrazine fluid
what are some GI disturbances of a pregnant woman?
indigestion, n/v, diarrhea, may loose 1-3 lbs
when does the sudden burst of energy for a women appear?
24-48 hrs before labor
what kind of meals should we encourage the mother to eat?
small frequent meals
what happens in the cardiovascular system during labor?
output increases, bp increases during 1st and 2nd trimester, hypotensive supine position
when should we take a BP on a woman i labor?
during cotractions so it is accurate
what are some maternal systemic responses to labor on the resp system?
o2 consumption during labor equals mod to severe exercise
where is your bladder pushed during labor?
forward and upwrd
What happens in the GI system during labor?
peristalsis and absorption decrease
True or False?
does the WBC count increase during labor?
Wha happens in the musculoskeletal system during labor?
relaxation of pelvis joints, may result in backache
Do endorphins increase? and what does it cause?
yes and it causes a intensive affect of pain, sedative effect
what 5 things are looked at during an ultrasound?
fetal growth, pelvic adequacy, multiple pregnancy, placenta location,fetal presentation
What happens to the uterus during pregnancy?
the fundus becomes thicker with contractions and lower secretions
what are the major bones of the fetus?
2 of each: temporal, frontal and parietal, occiput
what is the ideal fetal attitude of the baby? flexion or extension?
most commonpresenting parts during vagial birth?
vertex occiput, brow sinciput, and face to face
what is complete breech?
hips and knees flexed on abd flexed, buttocks presenting
frank breech?
hips flexed, knees extended, buttocks presenting
footling breech?
hips/knees extended with foot as presenting
how to check fetal position?
engagement, station and fetal position
widest part of the presenting part is at or below lever of ischial spine?
relation pf the presenting to ischial spines, measure in cm
involuntary contraction of the uterus
primary power
voluntary use of abd muscles
secondary power
contractions begin in fundus and spread over the uterus for appx how lon?
15 sec
3 stages of contractions
increment, acme, decrement
decreasing intensity of contraction
increasing intensity of contration
time from begining of one contraction to the begining of of next contraction
length of one contraction, from the begining of increment to conclusion of decrement
how long sould contractions be?
90 sec or shorter than 60 sec
true or falase?
the uterus should relax between contractions?
type bearing down throughout contraction?
when is the spontaneous urge to bear down triggered?
when the presenting part reaches the pelvic floor
what is the fegunson reflex?
spontaneous involuntary urge to push
this stage of labor begins with the onset of regular contractions and ends with cervical dilation?
stage 1
longest stage of labor?
stage 1
stage 1 is divided into 3 stages?
latent, active, and transition
Latent phase consist of what?
begins when 1st contractions, ends when cervix is dialted to 3, pain is mild to mod and the pt is in good humor
what is the active stage?
stage 1 phase 2 that beings when cervix is dilated to 4 ending in 8cm, pain in mod to strong and the pt is less talkative
phase 3 of stage 1?
transition- begins when the cervix was dilated to 8 and ends at 10cm, pain is strong, the pt is self absorbed, restless
during this phase the client may have n/v and feel hot and perspi
stage 1 phase transition
this stage of labor begins when fully dilated and ends with the birth, "crowning"
stage 2
incision of the perineum to facilitate passageway of the baby
head only rotates, occiput next to symphysis pubis
internal rotation
birth of the head
head rotates back into normal growth alignment with shoulders
shoulders rotate to an anterios/posterior position under the symphis pubis
external rotation
the lower shoulder is delivered and then the upper shoulder followed quickly by the body
durign this stage is starts with the birth of a baby and ends when the palcenta is delivered
stage 3
thsi stage shuld occur in 30 min or less
stage 3
when some of the placenta was not expelled what can happen?
what is the 4th stage
what is the normal blood loss?
true or false?
are chills/rigor normal for recovery?
stimulation of the uterine contractions before they begin spontaneously
stimulation of contractions after spontaneously begining, but with unsatisfactory progess
what must cause a forceps assisted birth?
when the cervix is dilated and membranes must be ruptured.
what are some possibleproblems for a forceps assisted birth to he newborn?
facial bruising and edema and they risk cephalhematoma, brachial plexus palsy, retinal and intracranial hemmorhage, hyperbilirubinemi
what are some problems to the vagina during a forceps assisted birth?
vaginal and rectal lacerations
what are the 4 main cares of the infant?
ABC and w for warmth
what hsould the fundus look like durng birth?
firm, size of a grapefruit, in midline and below umbillicus