- Bacteriology
- micro meter
- 1x10^-6
- Virology
- nm (1x10^-9)
- can be seen with electron microscope
Techniques to isolate & culture microorganisms
- 1.) isolation
- 2.) Sterilization
- 3.) Culture in artificial media
- mushrooms
- penicillin & yeast
- used for making ber & wine
- photosynthesis
- produse over 50% of oxygen
cell characteristics/content
function of growth for making disease
tolerable temperatures for microorganism growth
- classifications
- Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
process of microorganisms to degrade waste
Robert Hooke
- discovered microscope/lens
- did not see living thing
Antonio Van Leeuwenhoek
1st to see living thing with microscope
spontaneous generation
belief that life could orginate from non-living matter
Francesco Redi
- disproved spontaneous generation
- - maggot was unable to grow on meat if meat was covered with gauze
- disproved spontaneous theory
- allowed air to enter flask after passing through heated tube
- sterile wool
Louis Pasteur
- demonstrated that microorganisms were present in air
- - applied heat to flask bending neck and trapping microorganisms in air
- -25C optimum temp
- showed disease of silkworms was caused by protozoans
- developed vaccines for chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies
production of alcohol by breakdown of carbohydrates
Agostino Bass
showed that silkworm disease was caused by fungus
Charles Chamberland
identified virus as disease-causing agents
ex. (TMV) Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Edward Jenner
vaccination procedure to protect from smallpox
Joseph Lister
- phenol (carbolic acid) to disinfect wounds
- first antiseptic in surgery
Robert Koch
1st to classify bacteria microorganism specificity
Koch's Postulates
1.) etiological - causative agent must be present in all affected organisms
2.) agent - isolated from cultured in pure form
3.) cultured agent - introduced to healthy agent && cause same disease
4.) same causative agent - must be able to be removed from newly infected agent and cause disease
Virulent strains not cultured in artificial media
- syphilis - Treponema pallidum
- leprosy - Mycobacterium
- melts @ 28 degrees
- bacteria hydrolyze
- not digested by most bacteria
- melts @ 100 degreesC
- used in 2% solid media
Swan neck flask
Pasteur used to disprove spontaneous generation
growth of bacteria in solid or liquid artificial media
solid artificial media
separates mixtures of bacteria
liquid artificial media
never used to separate mixtures of bacteria
do not cause disease
avirulent (non-virulent)
do not cause disease
ability to make diease
degree of pathogenicity
opposite of attenuation
ability of virus to change under lab conditions to become less virulent (harmless)
damage in way disease can't be produced
application of temperatures to kill microorganism
protection from a disease due to inoculation
boiling more than once to destroy resistant forms of bacteria endospores
pure culture
culture that contains only ont type of microorganism
inoculation to form immunity to a disease
cell-mediated immunity
engulf bacteria and digest
humoral mediated immunity
produce to kill bacteria neutralize w/liquid
ex. attenuated
passive immunity
transsfer of antibodies from parent to offspring
Active immunity
The production of antibodies against a specific agent by the immune system