Historic Supreme Court Decisions

  1. Led to the enactment of the 11th amendment (1798), which established that federal courts have no authority in suits by citizens against a state, thus preventing a citizen of another state from suing a state.
    Chisholm vs. Georgia (1793)
  2. Declared the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional and void. The principle of "judicial review" was first asserted and established with this decision, although the Court first exercised the power of judicial review in Hylton vs. United States in 1796 when it upheld the constitutionality of a Congressional tax.
    Marbury vs. Madison (1803)
  3. First found a state law to be unconstitutional.
    Fletcher vs. Peck (1810)
  4. Established the Court's appellate power when "federal questions" are involved.
    Martin vs. Hunter's Lessee
  5. Upheld the doctrine of implied powers of the Constitution and allowed for a liberal interpretation by Congress.
    McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819)
  6. Ruled that a charter is a contract, which the Constitution protects against state legeslative interference.
    Dartmouth College vs. Woodward (1819)
  7. Along with Martin vs. Hunter's Lessee, established that a uniform interpretation applied for "federal questions" and that the court's scope of jurisdiction was founded on the doctrine of national supremacy.
    Cohens vs. Virginia (1821)
  8. Established the basis for federal regulatory powers in the area of interstate commerce-- it also established the precedent that Congress can invalidate contradictory laws of the states especially concerning the granting of monopoly privileges.
    Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824)
  9. Established the "original package" doctrine of goods if the "original package" were imports and subject to congressional and not state regulations.
    Brown vs. Maryland (1827)
  10. Ruled that it had no jurisdiction since the Cherokee Nation was a "domestic depe
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Historic Supreme Court Decisions
Historic Supreme Court Decisions List