Anatomy Nervous System

  1. The ___________ system regulates all other systems in the body.
    Nervous System
  2. What are the 3 major functions for the Nervous System?
    • 1.) Sensory
    • 2.) Integrative
    • 3.) Motor Movement
  3. The Sensory System gathers information from ______________?
    Outside the body
  4. Proccessing information from nervous system imput is what major function of the nervous system?
  5. Movement (fight or flight) from nervous system imput is what major fouction of the nervous system.
  6. What are the 2 main divisions of the nervous system?
    • 1.) Central Nervous System (CNS)
    • 2.) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
  7. The Brain and Spinal Column are located in which division of the nervous system?
    Central Nervous System
  8. The Crainal and Spinal Nerves are locates in which division of the nervous system?
    Peripheral Nervous System
  9. The division of the Nervous System that deals with voluntary movement is refferred to as the ___________ Division.
  10. The division of the Nervous System that deals with involuntary movement is refferred to as the ___________ Division.
  11. Supporting cells of the nervous system are refferred to as?
    Neuroglia (glial) Cells
  12. Cells that protect the Nerve Cells or Neurons are refferred to as?
    Neuroglia (glial) Cells
  13. More ofter than not brain tumors come from which type of cells?

    These cells reproduce.
    Neuroglia (glial) Cells
  14. The functional cells of the Nervous System are refferred to as?

    These cells do not mitose.
  15. If you step on a nail these cells are responsible from sending out nervous impluses to the body.
  16. Name the 3 parts of a neuron.
    • 1.) Dendrite
    • 2.) Cell Body
    • 3.) Axon
  17. The top of a neuron that looks like tree a tree branch and is responsible for receiving a message is?

    Number 1 on diagram.
  18. This part of a neuron contains the nucleus and is a passage way or gate for messages.

    Number 2 on the diagram.
    Cell Body
  19. Receives and carries impluses away from the cell body.

    Number 4 on the diagram.
  20. Axon Terminals contain what?

    Number 6 on the diagram.
  21. The space between nurons is referred to as?

    Number 7 on diagram.
  22. Composed of fat and covers the axon, protects delicate nerve fibers, serves as insulation, and speeds up impulses?

    Number 5 on the diagram
    Mylin Sheath
  23. This is different from the Mylin Sheath but is located on some cells but not all and helps in regeneration of damaged cells?
  24. Sensory Neurons that move impluses to the brain or spinal cord from an outside source is called?
  25. A Sensory Neuron travels up what type of tract?
  26. Motor Neurons traveling down/away out to peripheral?
  27. A Motor Neuron travels down away from the body on this type of tract?
  28. An electrical signal that send a message along a neuron is reffered to as?
    Nervous Impluse
  29. An involuntary movement to a stimulus on a nerve is called a?
    Reflex Arc
  30. Name 4 neurotransmitters.
    • 1.) Epinephrine - adrenaline
    • 2.) Acetylcholine
    • 3.) Dopamine
    • 4.) Serotonin
  31. What are the four main regions of the brain?
    • 1.) Cerebrum
    • 2.) Cerebellum
    • 3.) Diencephalon
    • 4.) Brainstem
  32. The largest section of the brain?
  33. This lobe of the brain controls voluntary movement and also known as the thinking lobe.
  34. This lobe of the brain receives sensory imput from afferent neurons.
  35. This lobe of the brain receives auditory input.
  36. This lobe of the brain receives vision imput.
  37. Located between the Cerebrum and the Brain Stem is the ______________. This is where the Thalmis and Hypothalmus are.
  38. The _____________ is a relay station that sorts afferent impluses (comming into the brain) and sends them to the cerebral cortex for interpretation.
  39. The _________ regulates many body functions including body temperature, water balance, metabolism, appetite, and some regulation of vital signs.
  40. The vital center of the brain that regulates heart rate, respitory, vomiting, swallowing, coughing. Is made with both white and gray matter.
    Medula Oblongata
  41. This part of the brains main function is muscle cordination in voluntary muscle. Smallest part of the brain.
  42. What are the 3 layers meninges?
    • 1.) Dura Mater (Outer Layer)
    • 2.) Arachnoid Mater (Middle Layer)
    • 3.) PIA Mater (Inner Layer)
  43. What is the space between the PIA Mater and the Arachnoid Mater and is the place where CSF is located.
    Sub Arachnoid Space
  44. This fluid cushions the brain and spinal cord, provides nutrients, removes waste, is sterile, and contains no RBCs if normal.
    Cerbrospinal Fluid (CSF)
  45. There are ___ pairs of Spinal Nerves?
  46. A cluster of nerves is called a?
  47. There are _____ pairs of cranial nerves?
  48. This nerve carries impluses for the sense of smell toward the brain.
  49. This nerve carries visual impluses from the eye to the brain.
  50. This nerve carries sensory impulses from the eye, upper jaw, and lower jaw toward the brain.
  51. This nerve supplies most of the organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities; carries motor impluses to the larynx and pharynx.
  52. What are the 4 major functions of the crainal nerves?
    • 1.) Necessary for the special senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste
    • 2.) Conduct the general senses: pain, touch, temp, pressure.
    • 3.) Voluntary muscle control.
    • 4.) Regulate the heart pumping and smooth muscle.
  53. The pupils of the eyes _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Dilate
    • Constrict
  54. The sweat glands _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Stimulation
    • Nothing
  55. The digestive glands _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Inhibition
    • Stimulation
  56. The Heart _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Increase rate and strength of beat
    • Decrease rate
  57. The Bronchi of the Lungs _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Dilate
    • Constrict
  58. The Muscles of the digestive system _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Decrease peristalsis
    • Increase peristalsis
  59. The sleletal muscle, respiratory _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Dilation
    • Constriction
  60. The skin and digestive organs _________ in the Sympathetic System and __________ in the Parasympathetic System.
    • Constriction
    • Dilation
  61. What lobe of the brain initiates voluntary movement?
  62. Neurons that carry impulses from receptors to the CNS are called?
  63. The cranial nerve that decreases heart rate is the?
  64. The lobes of the cerebral cortex that contain the areas for cutaneous sensation are the?
    parietal lobe
  65. Which part of the brain regulates muscle tone and coordination?
  66. The blood brain barrier is formed by anatomic features of the?
    Brain capillaries and astrocytes
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Anatomy Nervous System
Anatomy Nervous System