geol 106 unit 1

    • igneous
    • rhyolite
    • felsic
    • K feldspar, micas, quartz
    • fine-grained
    • rapid cooling
    • extrusive
    • high Si, Al
    • low Fe, Mg
    • pinkish
    • igneous
    • granite
    • felsic
    • K feldspar, micas, quartz
    • coarse-grained
    • slow cooling
    • intrusive
    • high Si, Al
    • low Fe, Mg
    • pink/black/white
    • igneous
    • obsidion
    • intermediate
    • glassy
    • very rapid cooling
    • extrusive/volcanic
    • dark
    • igneous
    • andesite
    • amphibole, plagioclase feldspar
    • intermediate
    • fine-grained
    • rapid cooling
    • extrusive
    • light gray
    • igneous
    • diorite
    • intermediate
    • amphibole, plagioclase feldspar
    • coarse-grained
    • slow-cooling
    • intrusive
    • salt and pepper
    • igneous
    • basalt
    • mafic
    • olivine, pyroxene, Ca rich plagioclase feldspar
    • fine-grained
    • rapid cooling
    • extrusive
    • low Si, Al
    • high Fe, Mg
    • dark gray/black
    • igneous
    • gabbro
    • olivine, pyroxene, Ca rich plagioclase feldspar
    • coarse-grained
    • slow cooling
    • intrusive
    • low Si, Al
    • high Fe, Mg
    • gray/black/green
    • mineral
    • magnetite
    • metallic
    • oxide
    • black streak
    • fractures
    • hardness 6
    • mineral
    • pyrite
    • metallic
    • sulfide
    • gray/black streak
    • fractures
    • hardness 6
    • mineral
    • limonite
    • metallic
    • yellow/brown streak
    • rusty color
    • fractures
    • hardness 1-6
    • mineral
    • pyroxene
    • aluminum silicate
    • dark nonmetallic
    • 2 cleaveges at 90deg
    • pale gray streak
    • greenish-black
    • hardness 6
    • mineral
    • amphibole
    • aluminum silicate
    • dark nonmetallic
    • pale green streak
    • 2 cleavages not 90deg
    • hardness 6
    • mineral
    • olivine
    • silicate
    • dark nonmetallic
    • fracture
    • hardness 6.5
    • mineral
    • biotite mica
    • aluminum silicate
    • dark nonmetallic
    • pale gray streak
    • one plane cleavage
    • hardness 2
    • mineral
    • quartz
    • silicate
    • light nonmetallic
    • fracture
    • crystal form
    • hardness 7
    • mineral
    • plagioclase feldspar
    • aluminum silicate
    • light nonmetallic
    • 2 cleavages at 90deg
    • hardness 6
    • mineral
    • potassium feldspar
    • silicate
    • light nonmetallic
    • 2 cleavage at 90deg
    • hardness 6
    • mineral
    • calcite
    • carbonate
    • light nonmetallic
    • rhombohedron
    • fizzes w/ HCl
    • hardness 3.5
    • mineral
    • halite
    • halide
    • light nonmetallic
    • cubic
    • hardness 2.5
    • mineral
    • muscovite mica
    • aluminum silicate
    • light nonmetallic
    • cleavage on one plane
    • hardness 2
    • sedimentary
    • conglomerate
    • detrital
    • large grain
    • found in:
    • - alluvial fans
    • - base of mntns
    • - mntns
    • - coastal plains
    • sedimentary
    • breccia
    • detrital
    • large grain
    • found in:
    • - base of mntns
    • - mntns
    • sedimentary
    • sandstone
    • detrital
    • medium grain
    • quartz and feldspar
    • found in:
    • - shallow ocean
    • - sandy beaches
    • - coastal plain
    • - mntns
    • - base of mntns
    • - dunes
    • sedimentary
    • shale
    • detrital
    • fine grain
    • clay
    • found in:
    • - deep ocean
    • - shallow ocean
    • - coastal plane
    • sedimentary
    • fossiliferous limestone
    • chemical
    • large grain
    • fizzes with HCl
    • found in:
    • - shallow ocean
    • sedimentary
    • coal
    • chemical
    • large grain
    • found in:
    • - swamp
    • sedimentary
    • rock salt (halite)
    • chemical
    • evaporite
    • large grain
    • found in:
    • - dry lake
    • sedimentary
    • crystalline limestone
    • chemical
    • evaporite
    • fine grain
    • fizzes with HCl
    • found in:
    • - deep ocean
    • sedimentary
    • diatomite
    • fine grain
    • chalky
    • fizzes with HCl
    • found in:
    • - deep ocean
Card Set
geol 106 unit 1
rocks & minerals