The World of Plants

  1. What is the source of all energy on earth?
    The sun
  2. What are plants needed for?
    • Habitats
    • Food
    • Raw materials
    • Medicines
  3. What plant is used to produce morphine?
  4. What does the destruction of habitats mean?
    The loss of many species
  5. What has selective breeding resulted in?
    The loss of certain plant species
  6. What does a seed consist of?
    • Seed coat
    • Embryo
    • Food store
  7. What do seeds need to germinate?
    • Water
    • Oxygen
    • Warmth
  8. What is germination?
    When a seed turns into a young seedling with green leaves
  9. What is the male part of the plant called and what does it consist of?
    • The Stamen
    • It consists of: the anther and filament
  10. What is the female part of the plant called and what does it consist of?
    • The Carpel
    • It consists of: the stigma, style and ovary
  11. What is pollination?
    Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma
  12. What are two types of pollination?
    • Wind
    • Insect
  13. What is fertilisation?
    Fertilisation is when the nuclei of the male and female gametes fuse together
  14. What are the male and female gametes?
    • Male - pollen
    • Female - ovule
  15. What are the three types of seed dispersal?
    • Wind
    • Animal - internal
    • Animal - external
  16. There is an ________ temperature at which seeds will germinate?
  17. What is a clone?
    A group of organisms that originate from the same parent and are genetically identical
  18. How many parents does asexual reproduction involve?
  19. What is a runner?
    A side shoot that grows out from the parent (eg strawberry)
  20. What are two methods of artificial propagation?
    • Cuttings
    • Grafting
  21. What is artificial propagation?
    A method of producing large numbers of genetically identical plants
  22. What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
    carbon dioxide + water ---> glucose + oxygen
  23. In photosynthesis light energy is converted into ________ energy?
  24. How does water enter the root?
    By osmosis
  25. ______ carries sugar from leaves around the plant?
  26. _______ carries water from soil to leaves?
  27. Is the Xylem dead or living?
  28. Name the parts of the Xylem
    • Thread like tubes
    • Cell wall (strengthened by rings or spirals or tough woody lignin)
    • Pits
  29. Name the parts of the Phloem
    • Sieve plate
    • Pore
    • Strand of cytoplasm
    • Companion cell (which contains a cell wall, large nucleus and dense cytoplasm)
  30. What are the tiny pores through which water vapour can be lost called?
  31. What control the stamomata opening and closing?
    Guard cells
  32. What do root hairs provide?
    A large surface area
  33. How is glucose made in respiration used in plants?
    • Stored as starch (energy store)
    • Used for respiration
    • To make cellulose (structural/building material)
  34. Green plants use _______ to convert light energy into stored chemical energy?
  35. The leaf vein contains....?
    Xylem and Phloem
  36. Why are leaves flat with a large surface area?
    To absorb as much light as possible
  37. What is the upper surface of the leaf called?
    The waxy cuticle
  38. What do the upper cells of the leaf make up?
    The epidermis
  39. Where does most photosynthesis take place?
    In the palaside cells (which contain a lot of chloroplasts)
  40. What are the limiting factors of photosynthesis?
    • Light intensity
    • Carbon dioxide concentration
    • Low temperatures
Card Set
The World of Plants
Standard Grade Biology - The World of Plants