Crisis Intervention

  1. What are the five senses?
    • Sight
    • Sound
    • Smell
    • Taste
    • Touch
  2. The body must return to the body state of calmness also known as_______
  3. The five senses must be ________or__________
    deactivated or reprogrammed
  4. What is the primary purpose of relaxation techniques?
    To interrupt the stress response
  5. You should practice some form of relaxation technique for how long?
    20 to 30 minutes a day
  6. What is the easiest relaxation technique?
    Diaphragmatic Breathing
  7. With diaphragmatic breathing you can lower your breaths per minute to
    3 to 6 breaths per minute
  8. What is normal repiration
    14 to16 times per minute
  9. What is heavy aeorbic respiration
    up to 60 times per minute
  10. Four distinct phases of diaphragmatic breathing
    • Phase 1 - Inspiration
    • Phase 2 - Slight pause before ehalation
    • Phase 3 - Exhalation
    • Phase 4 - Slight pause before inhalation
  11. What is the most common symptom of stress?
    Muscular tension
  12. What is a technique specifically designed to consciously reduce muscle tension?
    Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR)
  13. Progressive Muscular Relaxation can relieve what stress realted symptoms?
    • Insomnia
    • Hypertension
    • Headaches
    • Lower back pain
    • TMJ
  14. What is autogenic
    • self-regulation or
    • self-generation or
    • self-produced
  15. The conscius ability to actually control various body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow is called________
    Autogenic Training
  16. What are the four phases of autogenic training?
    • Feeling of heaviness
    • Feeling of warmth
    • Calmness of heart
    • Calmness of breathing
  17. How long should autogenic training take?
    15 Minutes
  18. What response does physical excersise express?
    Fight or Flight response
  19. After exercise the body returns to a greater state of calmness than before you began. This condition is called _____________
    Parasympathetic rebound
  20. What must there be a balance of in the body to achieve optimal wellness?
    • Arousal (activity) and
    • Calmness (rest)
  21. What hormones does excersize release?
    • Epinephrine
    • Norepinephrine
    • Cortisol
    • Aldosterone
  22. What are the types of physical excercise?
    • Anaerobic
    • Aerobic
  23. Four key ingedients necessary to reap beneficial effects of exercise
    • Intensity
    • Frequency
    • Duration
    • Mode of Exercise
  24. Phases of a workout
    • Warm-up period
    • Stimulus period
    • Cool-down period
  25. Steps to initiate a fitness program
    • Set realistic goals
    • Start cautiously and progress moderately
    • Pick an activity you enjoy
    • Select a time of day to exercise
    • Excersise in the right clothes with the right equipment
    • Support group to help stay motivated
    • Ensure care and prevention of injury
  26. American Caner Society states that as much as _____% of cancer is related to diet.
  27. Substances that when consumed mimic or start the stress response are:
    • Caffeine
    • Sugar
    • Salt
    • Junk Food
  28. Recommendations for healthy eating habits
    • Well balanced diet
    • Good breakfast and space meals evenly
    • Avoid caffeine, sugar, and salt
    • Adequate levels of vitamins and minerals
    • Omega 3
    • Fiber
    • Take vitamin supplement that is bioavailable
    • Minimize hydrogenated oils
    • Raw vegetables
    • minimize artificial foods
  29. What percent of people relax by listening to music
  30. Other relaxation techniques
    • Tai Chi
    • Hatha Yoga
    • Biofeedback
    • Sedish massage
    • Sports massage
    • Shiatsu
    • Myofascial release
    • Rolfing
    • Reflexology
  31. Meditation is best described as
    An increased concentration and awareness
  32. As thoughts accumulate, your mind get cluttered, your attention span is shortened, and you esperience ________ __________.
    sensory overload
  33. The primary purpose of meditation is
    Increased concentration, which promotes self-awareness
  34. Two types of meditation
    • Exclusive (restrictive meditation)
    • Inclusive (opening-up meditation)
  35. Exclusive meditation is also known as
    Concentration meditation - you restrict your attention to a single thought.
  36. Five techniques that can help bring your attention to a single focused thought.
    • Mental reception (mantra)
    • Visual concentration
    • Repeated sounds
    • Physical repetative motion (runner's high)
    • Repeated tactile motion
  37. Four basic steps to meditation
    • Quiet environment
    • Comfortable position
    • Mental device
    • Passive attitude
Card Set
Crisis Intervention
Chapter 4 Relaxation Techniques