Chinese 101 - 40 Rads

  1. 人 (亻)
    ren2 - person
  2. 刀 (刂)
    dao1 - knife
  3. li4 - power
  4. you4 - right hand; again
  5. kou3 - mouth
  6. wei2 - enclose
  7. tu3 - earth; ground
  8. xi1 - dusk
  9. da4 - big
  10. nv3 - woman
  11. zi3 - son
  12. cun4 - inch
  13. xiao3 - small
  14. gong1 - labor; work
  15. yao1 - tiny; small
  16. gong1 - bow
  17. 心 (忄)
    xin1 - heart
  18. ge1 - dagger-axe
  19. 手(扌)
    shou3 - hand
  20. ri4 - sun
  21. yue4 - moon
  22. mu4 - wood
  23. 水 (氵)
    shui3 - water
  24. 火 (灬)
    huo3 - fire
  25. tian2 - field
  26. mu4 - eye
  27. 示 (礻)
    shi4 - show
  28. mi4 - fine silk
  29. er3 - ear
  30. 衣(衤)
    yi1 - clothing
  31. 言(讠)
    yan2 - speech
  32. bei4 - cowrie shell, precious, treasure
  33. zou3 - walk
  34. zu2 - foot
  35. 金(钅)
    jin1 - gold
  36. men2 - door
  37. zhui1 - short tailed bird
  38. yu3 - rain
  39. 食(饣)
    shi2 - eat
  40. ma3 - horse
Card Set
Chinese 101 - 40 Rads
40 radicals in the introduction of the book