Exekias The suicide of Ajax
- 540 BC
- Black-firgure decoration on an amphora
Pan Painter, Artemis and Aktaion
- 475-450
- Red Figure bell krater
Polykleitos Doryphorus
450-440 BC
Iktinus and Kallicrates The Parthenon, Athens
447-438 BCE
Phidias? Panathenaic Procession from the north frieze of the Parthenon
438-432 BCE
Phidias? Marshals and Young woman, detail of the procession on the east side of the parthenon, Athens
438-432 BCE
Nike Adjusting Her sandal, fragment from the temple of athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens
Hermes by Praxiteles. Roman copy after an original of
Epigonos? Dying Gallic Trumpeter, Roman copy after the original bronze of
- 220 BCE
- life size, height 36"