Art History2

  1. Exekias The suicide of Ajax
    • 540 BC
    • Black-firgure decoration on an amphora
  2. Pan Painter, Artemis and Aktaion
    • 475-450
    • Red Figure bell krater
  3. Peplos Kore
    530 BC
  4. Polykleitos Doryphorus
    450-440 BC
  5. Iktinus and Kallicrates The Parthenon, Athens
    447-438 BCE
  6. Phidias? Panathenaic Procession from the north frieze of the Parthenon
    438-432 BCE
  7. Phidias? Marshals and Young woman, detail of the procession on the east side of the parthenon, Athens
    438-432 BCE
  8. Nike Adjusting Her sandal, fragment from the temple of athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens
    • 410-407 BCE
    • marble
    • 42"
  9. Hermes by Praxiteles. Roman copy after an original of
    • 320-310 BC
    • marble
  10. Aphrodite of Melos
    • 150-100 BCE
    • 6'8"
  11. Epigonos? Dying Gallic Trumpeter, Roman copy after the original bronze of
    • 220 BCE
    • life size, height 36"
Card Set
Art History2
Greek Art and Architecture