chapter 6

  1. audiology
    the science concerned with the sense of hearing, especially the evaluation and measurement of impaired hearing and the rehabilitation of those with impaired hearing
  2. bacteriology
    scientific study of bacteria
  3. biology
    scientific studying of living organisms
  4. cardiology
    study of the heart and its functions
  5. dermatology
    the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases
  6. endocrinology
    study of the endocrine system
  7. gastroenterology
    study of the stomach and intestine and their diseases
  8. gynecology
    the branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the genital tract of women
  9. hematology
    the science dealing with the morphology of blood and blood-forming tissues and with their physiology and pathology
  10. neurology
    the branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system, both normal and diseased
  11. oncology
    the sum of knowledge regarding tumors; the study of tumors
  12. ophthalmology
    the branch of medicine dealing with the eye
  13. pathology
    the branch of medicine treating the essential nature of disease, especially changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease
  14. physiology
    the science that treats the functions of the living organism and its parts, and the physical and chemical factors and prpcesses involved
  15. proctology
    the branch of medicine concerned with disorders of the rectum and anus
  16. psychology
    the science dealing with the mind and mental processes, especially in relation to human and animal behavior
  17. radiology
    the branch of medical science dealing with the use of x-rays, radioactive substances, and other forms of radiant energy in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
  18. urology
    the branch of medicine dealing with the urinary system in the female and genitourinary system in the male
  19. physiatry
    the branch of medicine that deals wit the physical restoration, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the body structures
  20. psychiatry
    the branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness
  21. -esthesiaanesthesiologist
    a physician who specializes in anesthesiology. An anesthesiologist administers anesthetics, of which there are two types: general anesthetics, which produce sleep, and regional anesthetics, which render a specific area insensible to pain
  22. cardi-cardiologist
    a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease
  23. derm/o (dermat/o)dermatologist
    a physician who specializes in the treatment of infections, growths, and injuries related to the skin
  24. endocrin/oendocrinologist
    a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the glands of internal secretion
  25. gastr/oenter/ogastroenterologist
    a physician who specializes in the study of the stomach and the intestines and their diseases
  26. geriatricgeriatrician
    a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the aging and elderly
  27. gynec/ogynecologists
    a physician who specializes in the diseases of the genital tract in women
  28. hemat/ohematologist
    a physician who specializes in the science of blood and blood-forming tissues
  29. interninternist
    a physician who specializes in internal organs of the body and their function
  30. neur/oneurologist
    a physician who specializes in the science of the central nervous system
  31. onc/ooncologist
    a physician who specializes in the study of tumors
  32. ophthalm/oophthalmologist
    a physician who specializes in diagnosing and prescribing treatment for defects, injuries, and diseases of the eye
  33. orth/oorthopedist
    a surgeon who specializes in the preservation and restoration of the function of the skeletal system, its articulation, and associated structures
  34. ot/orhin/olaryng/ootorhinolaryngologist
    a physician who specializes in diagnosing changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease
  35. pediatricpediatrician
    a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of children's diseases
  36. physphysiatrist
    a physician who specializes in prescribing and providing physical therapy and rehabilitation for patients requiring it
  37. physphysician
    one who studies body function; an authorized practitioner of medicine
  38. practicepractitioner (family practice: M.D.)
    a physician who is schooled in six basic areas: internal medicine, obstetrics, and gynecology, surgery, psychiatry, pediatrics, and community medicine. The practitioner can treat the whole family and coordinate specialty care if necessary
  39. proct/oproctologist
    a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus
  40. psychpsychiatrist
    a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
  41. radi/oradiologist
    a physician who specializes in the interpretation of x-rays and other radioactive substances used for diagnostic purposes
  42. General Practitioner (Doctor of Osteopathy: D.O.)
    a physician who specializes in surgical and physical manipulation for correcting body functions: the D.O. treats the patient as a holistic entity
  43. Prevention Medicine (practitioner)
    a specialty that includes occupational medicine. public health, and general preventive medicine
  44. Emergency Medicine (practitioner)
    relatively new specialty in emergency room care that treats acute illness and crisis situations
  45. Chiropracter (D.C.)
    a person trained in the manipulation of the vertebral column
  46. Dentist (D.D.S./D.M.D.)
    a physician who is concerned with the teeth and associated structures
  47. endodontist
    a dentist who specializes in conditions of the tooth pulp and root and periapical tissues
  48. oral surgeon
    a dentist who specializes in surgery of the mouth
  49. orthodontist
    a dentist who specializes in the treatment of irregularities of the teeth, malocclusion, and associated facial problems
  50. pedodontist
    a dentist who treats children's teeth
  51. periodontist
    a dentist who treats diseases of the gums
  52. prosthodontist
    a dentist who constructs artificial appliances designed to restore and maintain oral function
  53. Dental hygienist
    a dental specialist (not an M.D.) whose primary concern is maintenance of dental health and prevention of oral disease
  54. Dental assitant
    a person who assists the dentist at chairside
  55. Dental technician
    a person specially trained to prepare prosthetics, such as dentures, crowns, bridges, and partials
  56. Registered Dietitian (R.D., M.S., Ph.D.)
    a specialist schooled in the use of proper diet for the promotion of health, prevention of disease, and therapy for the treatment of disease
  57. Dietetic Technician (D.T.R.)
    a person with an associate of science degree trained to work under the guidance of a dietitian. Can plan menus and/or nutritional care for patients
  58. Podiatrist (D.M.P.)
    a specialist who deals with the study and care of the foot
  59. Medical Assistant
    a person trained to assist physicians in examining and treating patients, routine laboratory testing, and assigned clerical duties
  60. Medical Librarian (M.L.A.)
    a professional person skilled in providing large volumes of current information to professional staff and personnel in medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, and other allied health professions
  61. Medical Record Administrator
    a person skilled in managing an information system that meets medical, ethical, and legal requirements, compiling statistics and directing and controlling medical record staff
  62. Accredited Record Technician (ART)
    a person who organizes, handles, and evaluates patient medical records
  63. Medical Technologist or Clinical Laboratory Scientist (A.S.C.P.)
    a person skilled in performing tests in a laboratory to identify and track disease
  64. Registered Nurse (R.N.) or Advanced Practice Nurse (A.P.N.)
    a specialist licensed to work directly with patients, administering treatments as ordered by the physician
  65. Nurse Midwife (R.N. or A.P.N.)
    a professional nurse with additional training who specializes in the care of women throughout pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period
  66. Nurse Practitioner (R.N. or A.P.N.)
    a registered nurse who has completed required additional training and certification. A nurse practitioner, with physician referral, is able to offer patients personal attention and follow-up care
  67. Public Health Nurse (P.H.N.)
    a registered nurse concerned with the prevention of illness and care of the sick in the community setting rather than a health care facility
  68. Licensed Practical Nurse/ Licensed Vocational Nurse (L.P.N./L.V.N.)
    a person who has completed a 1-year program in a state-recognized school and has taken and passed state licensing test; works under the supervision of an R.N.
  69. Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.)
    a person trained to help the R.N. and L.P.N. in a clinical situation
  70. Physician Assistant (P.A.)
    a professional person trained in some medical procedures (not a physician) who performs limited duties under physician guidance
  71. Occupational Therapist (O.T.R.)
    a professional person schooled in the rehabilitation of motor skills who coordinates patient activities
  72. Optometrist (O.D.)
    a professional person trained to examine the eyes and prescribe corrective lenses when there are irregularities in vision
  73. Pharmacist (R.Ph.) (Pharm.D.)
    one who is licensed to prepare, sell, or dispense drugs, compounds, and prescriptions
  74. Physical Therapist (R.P.T.)
    a professional person skilled in the techniques of physical therapy and qualified to administer treatment prescribed by a physician or referred by a physician
  75. Psychologist (Ph.D.)(M.S.)
    a person with advanced degrees who specializes in the treatment of disturbed mental processes and abnormal behavior. Does not prescribe drugs.
  76. Radiology Technician (R.R.T.)
    one who specializes in the use of x-rays and radioactive isotopes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and who works under the supervision of a radiologist
  77. Respiratory Therapist (A.R.R.T.)
    one who holds at least an associate degree in respiratory therapy and who assists patients to improve impaired respiratory functions under a physician's direction
  78. Health Care Social Worker (M.S.W./Ph.D.)
    a professional person skilled in maintaining contact between patients with mental illness, their psychiatrist, families, and return to community life
  79. Veterinarian (D.V.M.)
    a doctor trained and authorized to practice veterinary medicine and perform surgery on animals. May also do research
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chapter 6
medical terminology chapter 6