Politics in China

  1. The Peoples Republic of China(PRC) was established in the year ____ by the ___________ party.
    • 1949
    • chinese communist
  2. Traditional political authority is found in the moral doctrine of _________ thinking (natural order is harmony)
  3. Chinese Communist Party(CCP) founded?
  4. Mao Zeodong ____-____
  5. name of China's legislature?
  6. Name of organization that exercises the executive functions of the goverment?
    State Council
  7. Unusual about China's criminal laws and orders.
    just reacently developed.
  8. Geart Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were started by ________.
    Mao Zodong
  9. Great Leap Forward & Cultural Revolution sort of ideology ___________ & ________
    • communism
    • left thinking
  10. Goal of Hundred Flowers of 1957?
    Encourage political critics.
  11. Judical authority is held by _________________.
    Suprem ppls Court
  12. emphasizd 1949-1957.
    socialist policy
  13. GLF emphasized _________ goals & CR focused on ______________.
    • economic
    • ideology
  14. Land increased or decreased?
    decresed because of birth rate.
  15. role of Central Committee?
    • electe 1)general sec 2)secrateriate 3)polit borrow
    • act for congress
  16. most significant sccomplishment?
    economic growth
  17. CCP feels about political participation amoung citizens?
    frowned upon
  18. political and economic factors in china?
    wont change.
  19. social structure of pre-revolutionary china.
    based on monarcy
  20. first united front existed in china 1924-1927, groups?
    nationalist & communist.
  21. PRC role?
    • total control
    • sovient union
  22. 2 major organizations hierarchies in china?
    state & communist
  23. succission crisis?
    takes over of poor leadership, no organization.
  24. minorities?
    lots of land.
  25. Political tradition of china.
    • authoritarin
    • beuracy
    • central
    • ABC
  26. hong kong had a tradition of democratic rule?
Card Set
Politics in China
Chapter 9