chapter 5

  1. uni- (mono-)
  2. bi- (diplo-)
    two (double), twice
  3. gemin-
    double, pair
  4. tri-
  5. quadri-
  6. tetra-
  7. quint-
  8. sexti-
  9. septi-
  10. octa- (octo-)
  11. nona-
  12. deca-
  13. multi-
    many (more than one)
  14. primi-
  15. semi-
    half (partially)
  16. hemi-
    half, also one sided
  17. ambi-
    both or both sides
  18. null-
  19. pan-
  20. ab-
    away from
  21. ad-
  22. circum-
  23. contra-
    opposition, against
  24. de-
    down, away from
  25. ecto-, exo-
  26. endo-
  27. epi-
    upon, over
  28. extra-
  29. infra- (sub)
    below, under
  30. intra-
  31. ipsi- (iso-)
    same (equal)
  32. ir-
    into, toward
  33. meso-
    middle, pertaining to mesentery
  34. meta- (supra)
    after, beyond, over; change or transformation; following in a series
  35. para-
    near, beside
  36. peri-
    around, surrounding
  37. retro-
    behind, backward
  38. sub-
    under, near
  39. trans-
    across, through
  40. anterior
    situated at or directed toward the front; opposite of posterior
  41. posterior
    directed toward or situated at the back; opposite of the anterior
  42. cephalic
    pertaining to the head, or the head end of the body
  43. caudal
    situated toward the tail (coccygeal area)
  44. decubitus
    the act of lying down; the position assumed in lying down
  45. eversion
    a turning inside out; a turning outward
  46. extension
    the movement bringing the members of a limb into or toward a straight condition
  47. flexion
    the act of bending or the condition of being bent
  48. Fowler's
    the head of the patient's bed is raised 18-20 inches above level
  49. internal
    situated or occurring within or on the inside
  50. external
    situated or occurring on the outside
  51. knee-chest
    the patient rests on his or her knees and chest. The head is turned to one side, and the arms are extended on the bed, the elbows flexed and resting so that they partially bear the weight of the patient
  52. lateral
    midline of the body, pertaining to the side
  53. bilateral
    having two sides; pertaining to both sides
  54. lithotomy
    position in which the patient lies on his or her back, legs flexed on the thighs, thighs flexed on the abdomen and abducted
  55. medial
    situated toward the midline
  56. oblique
    slanting, incline
  57. peripheral
    an outward structure or surface; the portion of a system outside the central region
  58. proximal
    toward the center or median line; the point of attachment or origin
  59. distal
    remote; farther from any point of reference
  60. quadrant
    one of four corresponding parts, or quarters, as of the surface of the abdomen or the field of vision
  61. recumbent
    lying down
  62. rotation
    the process of turning around an axis
  63. Sims'
    the patient lies on his or her left side and chest, the right knee and thigh drawn up, the left arm along the back
  64. sinistro
    left; left side
  65. dextro
    right; right side
  66. superior
    situated above, or directed upward
  67. inferior
    situated below, or directed downward
  68. supine
    lying with the face upward or on the dorsal surface
  69. supination
    the act of placing or lying on the back
  70. prone
    lying face downward or on the ventral surface
  71. pronation
    the act of assuming the prone position
  72. trans
    through; across; beyond
  73. Trendelenburg's
    the patient is supine on a surface inclined 45 degrees, the head lower than the legs
  74. upright
    perpendicular; vertical; erect in carriage or posture
  75. study pg 48-53
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chapter 5
medical terminology chapter 5