dental assisting 2

  1. What are some indications for prothodontics?
    • -a tooth or teeth might be missing and causing drifting of those left standing alone.
    • -tissues are healthy
    • -they have teeth available to act as support for a fixed prothesis
    • -and most of all good oral health habits to maintain the prothesis
  2. What are some contraindications for prothodontics?
    • poor health and patient is not motivated with good oral health habits.
    • there are not suitable teeth for acting as abutments.
    • money.
    • unhealthy tissue and ginigval attachment is very crucial.
  3. What is placing a restoration right in the mouth called?
  4. Having to send an impression of the tooth to a lab to be fabricated is called..
  5. What lays inside (within) the tooth and usually involves the occlusal and proximal surface?
  6. Lies on top of the tooth and usually involoves most of the occlusal surface and the proximal surface..
  7. Thin shelled-tooth colored material..
  8. Can either fully cover the tooth or partially cover the tooth, and can be facrivated from porcelain or gold
  9. FGC
    full gold crown-covers the anatomic portion of the tooth
  10. Covers all the tooth surface except the facial or buccal surface
    three-quarter crown
  11. Covers the entire tooth but is fabricatted from porcelain and is not as strong as porcelain fused to metal
    porcelain jacket
  12. PFM
    porcelain fused to metal
  13. This is a type of restoration recommended for the replacement of missing tooth or teeth within the same quadrant..
    fixed bridge
  14. What are teeth or a tooth that acts as support to replace the missing tooth?
  15. Artificial tooth which is attached to the abutments is called...
  16. Number of unit (teeth) that are involoved in the bridge..
  17. This type of restoration is a single unit consisting of a pontic and extensions which are bonded to the lingual surface of the adjacent teeth..
    Maryland bridge
  18. This procedure is accomplished by reducing the tooth structure with a 56 bur and diamond burs where a shade should be taken before the procedure is started to make sure the crown will match the exisiting teeth.
    crown preparation
  19. What are pins which are place in specific areas on the tooth that might that possibly be missing a cusp?
    retention pins
  20. The core buildup material used on a tooth can be either form of amalgam, composite and there is actaully material that is resin based that can be used to buildup a tooth
    core buildup
  21. Retrracting the tissue so that the material flows into the sulcus and the crown will seat below the ginigival line is called..
    gingival retraction
  22. What are the types of retraction and cord available?
    impregnated, and non-impregnated
  23. Cord which contains a vasoconstrictor that is called racemic epinephrine that can be used on a patient without cardiovascular condition
  24. Cord which does not contain a vasoconstrcitor but an agent which is safe for cardiovascular patients this solution is called alumien chloride and is a mineral astringent
  25. What are the three ways to accomplish ginigival retraction?
    mechanical, chemical, and surgical
  26. What is the type of retraction that can be accomplished by placing a temporary on the tooth for about a week and having the patient return for an impression?
  27. What is the type of retraction that can be accomplished by retracting the tissue with retraction cord and a hemostatic agent?
  28. What is the type of retraction is accomplished by the use of electrosurgically or with a electric surgery knife?
  29. The area of dentistry deals with the replacement of missing teeth with prothesis that can be taken in and out of the mouth?
    removable prosthodontics
  30. What are the two major removable prethesis?
    removable partial denture, removable full denture
  31. This apliance replaces one or more teeth in a arch ir may be unilateral or extend in the molar region on both sides of the mouth or it can replace anterior teeth in the upper or lower area
    removable full denture (partial)
  32. This is the prosthesis replaces all of the teeth in an arch
    removable full denture
  33. What are the extra oral factors?
    mental/physical factors, age/dietary habits, and social/economic factors and occupation
  34. What are some intra oral factors for removable prosthodontics?
    musculature, oral mucosa, alveolar ridge, saliva flow, oral habits, and tori
  35. What are the components for a partial denture?
    framework, connectors, retainers, and rests
  36. Usually metal-provides support (skeleton)
  37. Connects various parts of partial (bars/joints)
  38. Provides support and stability (clasps)
  39. Control seating of partial on occlusal plane or lingual surface-metal projection
  40. What is most commonly used but wear faster and stain
  41. What can fracture but tend to cause abrasion, to other teeth and tend to make "clicking" noise
  42. What are the components of dentures?
    base, flange, and post dam
  43. What are the fits over alveloar ridge and surrounding tissue- usually constricted from acylic but will re-enforce it with metal mesh sometimes
  44. what extends over attached mucosa-max. tuberosity
  45. What suction seal for max. denture where hard and soft palate meet
    post dam
  46. What is called when you extract all teeth and immediately set denture usually on weekend compress tissue and control bleeding
    immediate denture
  47. Mand. arch- no suction on bottom and held in place by either remaining teeth or implants-snaps down for stability and retnetion
    over denture
  48. Put impression material in denture and take an impression of palate-send to lab pore stone and use denture resin to reline it with
Card Set
dental assisting 2
fixed prosthodontics