ch 1 perio exam I

  1. what does perodontium mean
    around the tooth
  2. what does the periodontium consist of
    • gingiva
    • periodontal ligament
    • cementum
    • alveolar bone
  3. The attachment apparatus attaches what to what
    root to tooth socket
  4. space between tooth and gingiva
    gingival crevice
  5. coronal to the gingival crevice
    gingival margin
  6. lateral to the gingival crevice
    tooth and epithelium
  7. apical to the gingival crevice
    coronal junctional epithelium
  8. bathes the crevice of the gingival crevice
    gingival cervicular fluid
  9. what minerals are in the GCF
    • calcium
    • sodium
    • potassium
    • phosphorous
  10. where does GFC origionate from
    blood vessels in the connective tissue
  11. The flow of GCF is dependent upon what?
    the health of the tissue
  12. coronal to attached gingiva
    free gingival groove
  13. apical to attached gingiva
  14. Is stippling present on attached gingiva
    Yes only on 40% of adults and not on children ages 5 and under
  15. extension of free gingiva
    interdental papillae
  16. does a diaststema have an interdental papillae?
  17. Coronal to the alveolar mucosa
  18. is the alveolar mucosa keratinized?
  19. why is the alveolar mucoa movable
    elastic fibers
  20. What are the three types of oral mucosa?
    • masticatory
    • lining
    • specialized
  21. what does masticatory mucosa consist of?
    • gingiva (free, attached, and interdental)
    • hard palate
  22. what does lining mucosa consist of
    • alveolar mucosa
    • frenum attachments
  23. what does specialized mucosa consist of?
    dorsum of tongue-three layers of papillae
  24. componenets of gingiva
    • stratified squamous epithelium
    • connective tissue
  25. another name for connective tissue
    lamina propria
  26. is stratified squamous epithelium vascular or avascular
    avascular-no nerves
  27. is connective tissue vascular or avascular
  28. three types of gingival epithelium
    • oral epithelium
    • sulcular epithelium
    • junctional epithelium
  29. protein involved in forming hair, skin, and fingernails
  30. process by which epithelial cells differentiate or mature
  31. time for cell renewal
  32. epithelial ridges are also known as
    rete pegs
  33. gives the stippled appearance
    rete pegs or epithelial ridges
  34. layers of stratified squamous epithelium
    • basal layer (inner most layer)
    • spinous cell layer
    • granular cell layer
    • keratinized/cornified cell layer (superficial cell layer)
  35. stratified squamous epithelium can be (3)
    • orthokeratinized
    • nonkeratinized
    • parakeratinized
  36. on skin, some masticatory mucosa/all 4 cell layers
  37. basal and pricle (spinous)
  38. mouth; masticatory mucosa
    basal, prickle, granular, keratinized
  39. 5 cells found in oral (outer) epithelium
    • keratinocytes
    • melanocytes
    • langerhans
    • merkel
    • WBC
  40. cells for protection and color
  41. cells for pigmentation in basal cell layer
  42. cells for early defense in stratum spinosa
  43. cells for sensory in basal cell layer
  44. lymphocytes and neutrophils
  45. lines the sulcus
    sulcular epithelium
  46. characteristics os sulcular epithelium (3)
    • resistant to fluids/mechanical forces
    • thin, little keratinization
    • has epithelial ridges
  47. coronal to the sulcular epithelium
    crest of gingival margin
  48. apical to the sulcular epithelium
    coronal junctional epithelium
  49. characteristics of junctional epithelium
    • thin, non-keratinized
    • wide intercellular spaces
    • neutrophils
  50. forms a seal at cervical portion of enamel
    junctional epithelium
  51. coronal to the junctional epithelium
    CEJ (in health)
  52. Lateral to the junctional epithelium
    tooth/lamina propria
  53. renewal of junctional epithelium
    4-7 days
  54. renewal of gingiva
    10-12 days
  55. renewal of palate, tongue, cheek
    5-6 days
  56. connective tissue (lamina propria) layers (2)
    • papillary layer
    • reticular layer
  57. connective tissue is 60% what?
    collagen fibers
  58. provides mechanical support and nutrients for avvascular epithelium
    connective tissue
  59. immediately beneath epithelium; projections between rete pegs
    papillary layer
  60. extensions to periosteum
    reticular layer
  61. lamina propria is made up of
    • cells, vessels, nerves
    • collagen fibers
    • ground substance
  62. cellular components of lamina propria
    • fibroblasts
    • mast cells
    • PMNs
    • macrophages
    • lymphocytes
    • plasma cells
  63. supracrestal fibers, gingival connective tissue attachments
    gingival fibers
  64. 5 different gingival fibers
    • circular
    • dentinogingival
    • dentoperiosteal
    • transseptal
    • alveologingival
  65. JE+gingival fibers =
    dentinogingival junction
  66. biologic width of connective tissue attachments
  67. biologic width of JE
  68. periodontal ligament is composed of
    connective tissue (collagen and loose connective tissue)
  69. cellular composition of periodontal ligament
    • fibroblasts
    • cemntoblasts to one side
    • oteoblasts to other side
  70. forms bone
  71. synthesizes collagen, collgenase, ground substance
  72. forms cementum
  73. PDL width of space:
  74. principle fiber group of PDL
    sharpy's fibers
  75. embed into cementum and bone
    sharpey's fibers
  76. types of perodontal ligament fibers (5)
    • alveolar crest
    • interradicular
    • oblique
    • horizontal
    • apical
  77. resists lateral movement
    first to form (before eruption)
    alveolar crest
  78. resists tipping and pulling out
  79. most abundant and absorbs occlusal forces
  80. opposes lateral forces
  81. resists tipping
  82. functions of periodontal ligament fibers (6)
    • suspensory
    • shock absorber
    • remodeling
    • blood supply
    • tactile pressure
    • proprioceptive
  83. a sensory receptor, forund mainly in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear, that detects the motion or postion of the body or a limb by responding to stimuli arising wiiithin the organism
  84. cementum is composed of what kind of tissue
    • connective tissue
    • (callagen, ground substance, cells, Ca, phosphates)
  85. types of cementum
    • Acellualr
    • cellular
  86. type of cementum befor tooth erupion; contains no cells; coronal two thirds and thinnest at CEJ
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ch 1 perio exam I
Perio exam I