Anatomy 2

  1. Do some endocrine glands shrink as we get older?
  2. What is a cause of muscle atrophy as aging proceeds?
    production f human growth hormone by the anterior pituitary decreases
  3. What causes a decrease in the metabolic rate, an increase in fat, and hypothyroidism.
    the decrease in the output of thyroid hormones with age
  4. Why would the blood level of PTH rise with age?
    due to inadequate dietary intake of calcium
  5. Wheighten the agerelated decrease in bone mass that leads to osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures?
    the rise in PTH and the fall in calcitonin level
  6. What happens with the adrenal glands in aging?
    they contain increasingly more fibrous tissue and produce less cortisol and aldosterone with advancing age.
  7. When we age NE and epinephrine ___ __ ___
    remains the same
  8. How does the pancreas act with increasing age?
    It releases more slowly and receptor sensitivity to glucose declines. As a result, blood glucose levels in older people increase faster and return to normal more slowly than in younger people.
  9. How does the thymus act in age?
    It is biggest in childhood and atrophes significately in adulthood, but still produces new T cells for immune responses.
  10. How do the ovaries act in age?
    They decrease in size and no longer respond to gonadotropins.
  11. As we age, estrogens are decreased and can lead to conditions known as..
    osteoporosis, high blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis
  12. How does testosterone act in age?
    production decreases with age, but the effects are not usually apparent until very old age, and many elderly males can still produce active sperm in normal numbers.
  13. Due to less negative feedback inhibition of estrogens, what hormones are high? (in age)
    FSH and LH
Card Set
Anatomy 2
aging and the endocrine system pg 678