Minority Groups test 1

  1. Afrocentrism
    a viewpoint emphasizing african culture and its influence on western civilization and US black behavior
  2. ascribed status
    ones socially defined, unchangeable position in society based on such arbitrary factors as age, sex, race
  3. conflict theory
    a macrolevel sociological perspective emphasizing conflict as an important influence and permanent feature of life
  4. dillingham flaw
    any innacurate comparison based on simplistic categorizations and anachronistic judgements
  5. dominant group
    any culturally of physically distinctive social grouping possessing economical, political, and social power and discriminating against a subordinate minority group
  6. emigration
    act of leaving ones country to settle in another
  7. endogomy
    the tendency for people to marry only within their own racial or ethnic group
  8. exogamy
    marriage of outward group
  9. ethnocentrism
    a tendency to judge other cultures of subcultures by the standards of ones own culture
  10. eurocentrism
    a viewpoint emphasizing western civilization, history, literature, and other humanities
  11. false consciousness
    holding attitudes that do not accurately reflect the objective facts of a situation
  12. functionalist theory
    a macrolevel sociological perspective emphasizing societal order and stability, with harmonious interdependant parts
  13. interactionast theory
    microlevel sociological perspective emphasizing the shared interpretations and interaction patterns of everyday life
  14. latent functions
    hidden, unexpected results within a social structure
  15. manifest fucntions
    obvious and intended results within a social structure
  16. migration
    movement of people into and out of a specified area, either within a country or from one country to another
  17. minority group
    a culturally and physically distinctive group that experiences unequal treatment, an ascribed status, and a sense of shared identity and that practices endogamy
  18. nativists
    one who advocates a policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants
  19. outgroup
    any group to which an individual does not belong or feel loyal
  20. racial group
    a group of a particular race
  21. racism
    false linkage between biology and sociocultural behavior to assert the superiority of one race
  22. reference group
    a group of which people may or may not belong but to which they refer when evaluating themselves and behavior
  23. secondary group
    a collectivity of people who interact on an impersonal or limited emotional basis for some practical or specific purpose
  24. social construction of reality
    the process by which definitions of reality are socially created, objectified, internalized, and then taken for granted
  25. social distance
    the degree of closeness or remoteness one desires in interaction with members of a particular group
  26. social positions
    where someone fits in in his society
  27. symbolic interaction
    the use of symbols, such as signs, gestures, and language, through which people interact with one another
  28. acculturation
    the process by which a group changes to conform to the host society
  29. americanization movement
    the effort to have ethnic groups quickly give up their cultural traits and adopt to those of the dominant US group
  30. anglo-conformity
    a behavioral adherence to established white protestant prototype, what many ethnocentric american whites mean by assimilation
  31. assimilation
    the process by which members of racial or ethnic minorities are able to function within a society without indicating any marked cultural, social, or personal differences from the people of the majority group
  32. chain migration
    a sequential flow of immigrants to a locality previously settled by friends, relatives, or other compatriots
  33. cultural migration
    a whole cultures migration to an area
  34. cultural determinism
    a theory that a groups culture explains its position in society and its achivements or a lack thereof
  35. cultural diffusion
    the spread of ideas, inventions, and practices from one culture to another
  36. cultural pluralism
    2 or more culturally distinct groups coexisting in relative harmony
  37. cultural transmission
    the passing of a societys culture from one generation to another
  38. culture
    the values, attitudes, customs, beliefs and habits shared by members of a society
  39. ethclass
    a social group classification based on a combination of race, religion, social class, and regional residence
  40. ethnic stratification
    structured inequality of different groups with different access to social rewards as a result of their status in social hierarchy
  41. ethnic subcultures
    ongoing lifestyles and interaction patterns separate from the larger society that are based on religious or other cultural group memberships
  42. internal colonialism theory
    a concept explaining the experiences of blacks, hispanics, and native americans in terms of economic exploitation and rigid stratification
  43. marital assimilation
    a pattern of intermarriage of minority group members with dominant group members, melting pot theory
  44. nonmaterial culture
    abstract human creations and their meanings in life
  45. occupational mobility
    ability to change ones job position with regard to status and economic reward
  46. parallel social institutions
    a subcultural replication of institutions of the larger society, such as churches, schools, and organizations
  47. paternalism
    a condescending treatment of adults, managing and regulating their affairs as a father would handle childrens affairs
  48. power differential theory
    intergroup relations depend on the relative power of the migrant group and indigenous group
  49. reputational method
    a technique for measuring social class by questioning people about others social standing
  50. structural pluralism
    coexistance of racial and ethnic groups in separate subsocieties, also may be divided along social class and regional boundries
  51. thomas theorem
    observation that if people define situations as real, the situations become real in their consequences
  52. tripe melting pot theory
    concept that intermarriage is occuring among various nationalities within the three major religious groupings
  53. discrimination
    differential and unequal treatment of other groups of people, usually along racial and ethnic lines
  54. cognitive level of prejudice
    beliefs and perceptions about other racial or ethnic groups
  55. emotional levels of prejadice
    the feelings aroused in a group by another racial or ethnic group
  56. jim crow laws
    souther state segregation laws
  57. relative deprivation
    a lack of resources or rewards in ones standard of living in comparison with other in the society
  58. scapegoating
    placing blame on others for something that is not their fault
  59. selective perception
    tendency to see or accept only information that agrees with ones values
  60. stereotype
    oversimplified generalization attributing certain traits or characteristics to any person in a group without regard to individual differences
  61. middleman minorities
    a minority group occupying an intermediate occupational position in trade or commerce between the top and bottom strata
  62. split labor market theory
    concept explaining ethnic antagonism on the basis of conflict between higher paid and lower paid labor
  63. xenophobia
    the irrational fear of or contempt for strangers or foreigners
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Minority Groups test 1
test 1 review