Anatomy 2

  1. What are the 2 families of the eicosanoid molecules?
    the prostaglandins and the leukotrienes
  2. Where are the leukotrienes and prostaglandins found?
    in virtually all body cells except rbc's
  3. what do prostaglandins and leukotrienes do?
    act as local hormones in response to chemical or mechanical stimuli
  4. What role do the prostaglandins have?
    They alter smooth muscle contraction, glandular secretions, blood flow, reproductive processes, platelet function, respiration, inerve impulse transmission, lipid metabolism and immune response...they also have roles in promoting inflammation and fever and in intensifying pain
  5. How does aspirin work?
    by inhibiting a key enzyme in prostaglandin synthesis without affecting synthesis of leukotrienes
  6. What play important roles in tissue development, growth and repair?
    growth factors
  7. How do growth factors work?
    they cause growth by stimulating cell division
  8. What does mitogenic mean?
    growth by stimulating cell division
  9. Are growth factors central or local?
    they are local, either autocrines or paracrines
  10. What are the 6 important growth factors?
    epidermal growth

    platelet-derived growth factor

    fibroblast growth factor

    nerve growth factor

    tumor angiogenesis factors

    transforming growth factors
Card Set
Anatomy 2
Other endocrine tissues and organs pg 674