Chapter 4-6 test

  1. What are also known as complex carbs?
  2. Glucose is commonly known as what?
    Blood sugar
  3. Where is fructose naturally found?
    In honey and fruit
  4. What chemical reaction has to occur to break a disaccharide apart?
  5. What is sucrose?
    Combination of glucose and fructose, commonly know as table sugar
  6. What is lactose?
    Combination of glucose and galactose, commonly known as milk sugar.
  7. What is glycogen?
    An animal polysaccharide that is stored in liver and muscles as a form of glucose.
  8. What are dietary fibers?
    polysaccharides found in plant derived foods that cannot be broken down by the body's digestive juices.
  9. What allows for the feeling of satiety and fullness?
  10. What organ performs most of the digestion of carbs?
    Small intestine
  11. What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?
    bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, etc
  12. Where is 1/3 of the body's glycogen stored?
  13. What is a normal fasting blood glucose?
    70-100 mg/dl
  14. What is insulin?
    hormone that is secreted by the pancreas that transports glucose from the blood to the cell.
  15. What is epinephrine?
    adrenal hormone that is released during times of stress
  16. What is the glycemic index?
    A method of identifying foods according to their ability to raise blood glucose levels.
  17. What are some benefits of using honey?
    • contains a few vitamins and minerals
    • relieves nighttime coughing in children
    • reduces the severity of oral ulcers in cancer patients receiving treatment
  18. What are dental caries?
    Cavities: caused by bacteria breaking down sugars in the mouth producing an acid that breaks down the enamel allowing for decay
  19. How do starches and fibers effect heart disease?
    Diets rich in whole grains and soluble fibers may protect against heart disease and stroke, by lowering blood pressure, improving blood lipids, and reducing inflammation, by binding with bile acids in the GI tract and increasing their excretion.
  20. Carbs should provide what percentage of energy requirement?
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Chapter 4-6 test
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