Psychology Exam 1

  1. adoption study
    study in which characteristics of children adopted at hirth are compared to those of their adoptive parents or siblings versus their biological parents or siblings (focus on comparison of twins raised in the same household or in different households)
  2. natural selection
    changes in frequency of genes in a population that arise because genes allow an organism to have more offspring that survive
  3. evolution
    gene-based changes in the characteristics of members of a species over successive generations
  4. adaptation
    characteristic that increases an organism's fitness for an environment
  5. twin study
    compares identical and fraternal twins to determine the relative contribution of genes to variability in a trait or characteristic
  6. heretibility
    degree to which variability in a characteristic is due to genetics
  7. neuroendocrine system
    system regulated by CNS, that makes hormones that affect many bodily functions and also provides the CNS with information
  8. hormone
    chemical that is produced by a gland and can act as a neuromodulator
  9. midbrain
    brainstem structures that lie between forebrain and hindbrain
  10. hindbrain
    at rear end of brain of 4 legged animal (medula, pons, cerebellum)
  11. cerebellum
    large structure at the base of the brain that is concerned with physical coordination, estimating time and paying attention (if damaged: might walk oddily and have trouble standing normally)
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Psychology Exam 1