Daily English Vocabulary

  1. noun
    1. possible source of danger: a possible source of danger or harm
    2. nuisance: a constant source of trouble and annoyance ( informal )
    3. threatening quality: a threatening quality, feeling, or tone
    4. threatening act: a threatening act, gesture, or speechdemanding money with menaces
    1. be threat to somebody or something: to be a possible or actual source of danger or harm to somebody or something
    2. make threat against somebody: to behave toward or speak to somebody in a way that threatens injury or harm ( often passive )
  2. verb
    1. frustrate something: to prevent somebody or somebody's plan from being successful
    2. place or be placed across: to place one thing across another, or be placed across something (archaic )
    extending across: situated or extending across something
    crosswise seat in boat: a crosswise seat or transverse member on a rowboat, canoe, or similar small boat.
  3. Intransitive verb
    1. not vote: not to vote for or against a proposal when a vote is held
    2. refrain from something: to choose not to do something
  4. transitive verb
    1. describe somebody or something formally: to give somebody or something a formal description or name( often passive )
    2. choose something for use: to choose something for a particular purpose ( usually passive )
    3. name somebody to position: to formally choose somebody for a job, position, or duty
    4. mark something: to mark or indicate something
    chosen for future post: chosen for a particular position, while not yet actually in office
  5. noun
    1. shirker: somebody who avoids doing something, especially work or military service
    2. offensive term: an offensive term for a young educated person who is regarded as being disaffected or apathetic and underachieving ( slang )
  6. verb
    1. regain health: to recover from an illness or injury
    2. get back: to recover something lost, especially a sum of moneyrecuperate investment losses
  7. intransitive verb
    1. have relevance: to have relevance, reference, or a connection to something
    2. be appropriate: to be appropriate or suitable
    3. be part or belong: to be part of something or belong to something, especially as an attribute or accessory
  8. adjective
    1. true: confirming or asserting that something is true
    2. indicating agreement: indicating agreement or giving assent
    3. [logic] relating to type of proposition: relating to or consisting of a categorical proposition in which the predicate's extension is contained partially or wholly within the subject, as in "All humans are mammals"
    1. positive assertion: an emphatic statement that something is true
    2. word conveying agreement: a word or statement conveying agreement or approval
    3. side supporting proposition in debate: the side in a debate that supports a proposition
    yes: a signal code word expressing agreement or compliance
  9. adjective
    present everywhere: spreading widely or present throughout something
  10. adjective
    seeking to please: showing a willingness to please others by carrying out, or allowing them to carry out, their wishes
  11. noun
    1. large open space: a large space where people can gather in a public place or building, e.g. at an airport or train station
    2. crowd: a large number of people who have gathered for a special event (formal )
    3. gathering together: the action of coming or moving together, or an example of this ( formal )
  12. noun
    1. ability to bear prolonged hardship: the ability or power to bear prolonged exertion, pain, or hardshipan endurance testlegendary powers of endurance
    2. toleration of hardship: toleration of prolonged suffering or hardshipTheir quiet endurance of the situation earned them many friends.
    3. persistence over time: the survival or persistence of something despite the ravages of time
  13. noun
    hard work: hard exhausting work or effort
    Intransitive verb
    1. work hard: to work long and hard
    2. progress slowly: to progress slowly and with difficulty
  14. noun
    1. emphatic statement: a strong statement that something is true
    2. act of stating something emphatically: the act of stating emphatically that something is true
  15. intransitive verb
    play lightheartedly: to frisk around, behave, or play in a carefree, uninhibited way
    1. something lively and carefree: a lively carefree game, action, or amusement
    2. carefree play: lively carefree play or behavior
  16. transitive verb
    confuse somebody: to confuse or puzzle somebody completely
  17. noun
    1. something coming before: something that happens or exists before something else.
    2. grammar: a word or phrase that a subsequent word refers to.
    3. logic clause expressing condition: the first part of a conditional proposition, which states the condition and is the p component in a proposition phrased "if p then q"
    plural noun
    1. ancestors: somebody's ancestors
    2. somebody's personal history: the events or circumstances in somebody's past
    occurring earlier in time: happening or existing before something else ( formal )
  18. transitive verb
    1. add extra information: to add extra information to something, especially to a document
    2. add authorized signature: to add an authorized signature to a bill or an official agreement as a final part of the ratification or agreement process (formal )
    3. attach something: to attach or fasten something to something else
  19. adjective
    1. unbeatable: too strong or skillful to ever be defeated
    2. too difficult to overcome: so great or difficult as to be impossible to overcome3. deep-rooted: too deep-rooted or ingrained to be altered
  20. adjective
    1. well made: solidly made and likely to withstand prolonged use
    2. with strong build: having a well-developed strong-looking body and limbs
    3. resolute: having or displaying decisiveness or firmness of purpose
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Daily English Vocabulary
Saturday, 01/29/11 S [ 20 words daily]