
  1. Burns are:
    Wounds caused by an energy transfer from a heat source to the body, heating enough to cause damage.
  2. Amount of skin damage is related to
    • 1. Temperature of agent
    • 2. Burning agent itself
    • 3. Duration of contact
    • 4. Conductivity of tissue
    • 5. Thickness of dermal structures
  3. Complications of burn injuries include
    • Loss of protective functions
    • Inefeective Thermoregulation
    • Risk of infection
    • Changes in sensory function
    • Loss of fluids
    • Impaired skin regeneration
    • Impaired secretory and excretory function
  4. Hyperemia (epidermis)
    • Vascularity maintaines
    • No cell death
    • Red
    • Blanching
  5. Stasis (dermis)
    • Temperature increase in tissue edema
    • Vasoconstriction
    • Sludging of blood cells
    • Red
    • No blanching
  6. Coagulation (subcutaneous)
    • Irreversible cell death
    • White or gray
    • No blanching
  7. Partial thickness burns
    • (1st-2nd degree)
    • Healing time: 7-10 days
  8. Partial thickness
    • Epidermis and 1/2 to 7/8 of dermis
    • Healing time: 14-21 days
    • May need grafting
  9. Full thickness
    • 3rd-4th degree
    • Needs grafting to complete healing
  10. Fluid balance complications related to burns
    • Increased capillary permeability leads to leakage of plasma and proteins into tissue which leads to edema.
    • Edema=loss of systemic volume.
  11. Cardiac function complications related to burns
    • Initial decrease in cardiac output
    • Loss of circulating plasma volume
    • Hypovolemia related to fluid shift
    • Can lead to hypovolemic shock
    • Increases in hematocrit
    • RBC's destroyed
    • Decrease in platelet function
    • Possibke thrombosis
  12. Metabolic change complications related to burns
    • High metabolic rate
    • Stress response (elevated catacholamine levels)
    • severe catabolism
    • Weight loss
    • Decreased wound healing
    • High sugar levels
  13. GI complications related to burns
    • Gastric dilation
    • Peptic ulcers
    • Paralytic ileus
    • Depressed motility
  14. Renal complications related to burns
    • Hypovolemia
    • Decreased cardiac output
    • Decreased renal blood flow
    • Decreased GFR
    • Myoglobin casts related to muscle destruction
    • Renal tubular necrosis
  15. Pulmonary complications related to burns
    • Related to smoke inhalation
    • Hyperventilation
    • Increased O2 consumption
    • Fear
    • Anxiety
    • Pain
  16. Immune function complications related to burns
    • Depresses immunoglobulins:
    • IgA
    • IgG
    • IgM
  17. Rule of 9's for the adult
    • Head & neck: 9%
    • Front: 18%
    • Back: 18%
    • Arm: 9% (x2)
    • Leg: 18% (x2)
    • Genitalia: 1%
  18. Rule of 9's for the child
    • Head & neck: 18%
    • Back: 18%
    • Front: 18%
    • Arm: 9% (x2)
    • Leg: 13.5% (x2)
    • Genitalia: 1%
  19. Stages of burn care
    • 1: emergent
    • 2: acute
    • 3: rehabilitation
  20. Autograft
    Skin taken from another part of the body to be grafted
  21. Silvadine
  22. Sulfamylon
  23. Silver nitrate
  24. Bacitracin
  25. Gentamycin
  26. Bactroban
  27. Neosporin
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