HISTOLOGY-Lecture 1-Levels of Organization

  1. Atomic
  2. Molecular
    composed of two or more atoms
  3. Cellular
    • 1. made of different molecules
    • 2. basic building block oforganisms
  4. Tissue
    • composed of cells with the same-
    • -cellular morphology
    • - specialized functions

    • Types-
    • a. epithelial tissue
    • b. muscle tissue
    • c. nervous tissue
    • d. connective tissue
  5. Organs
    • composed of
    • - different tissues
    • -common overall function
  6. Organ Systems
    -composed of different organs, each with its ownparticular function, which work together for a commonoverall function
  7. Multicellular organism
    – composed of many organ systems
  8. Number of organ systems
  9. Reproductive (organ system)
  10. Integumentary (organ system)
  11. Nervous (organ system)
    -electrical control
  12. Endocrine (organ system)
    -chemical control
  13. Cardiovascular (organ system)
  14. Respiratory (organ system)
    -energy production
  15. Lymphatic (organ system)
    • 1) immunity
    • 2) fat transport
    • 3) recycle lost fluids
  16. Muscular (organ system)
  17. Skeletal (organ system)
    • 1) support
    • 2) protection
  18. Digestive (organ system)
    -obtain nutrients
  19. organ system)
    -eliminate biochemical waste
  20. Reproductive (organ system)
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HISTOLOGY-Lecture 1-Levels of Organization
Lecture 1 Exam - Levels of Organization