Wordly Wise Lesson 9

  1. accumulate
    • To increase in number or amount; to pile up, collect, or gather.
    • An inch of snow accumulated overnight.
  2. aggravate
    • 1. To make worse
    • The skater aggravated an old knee injury when she fell.

    • 2. To anger or annoy.
    • That loud rock music from the club aggravates the neighbors.
    • aggravation
    • (noun)

    • 1. Annoyance, exasperation.
    • My aggravation increased as the noisy construction continued outside my window.
    • 2. A source of annoyance or exasperation.
    • Deer and rabbits are a continuous aggravation to rural gardeners.
  3. conserve
    • To save by using carefully.
    • Lower speed limits help conserve gasoline.
    • conservation
    • (noun)
    • The saving or protection of something through careful use.
    • A plan for the conservation of open space was unveiled at the town meeting.
  4. contaminate
    • To harm by contact with something undesirable.
    • Chemicals spilled last year continue to contaminate the lake.

    • contamination
    • (noun)
    • The act of or result of contaminating.
    • Salt used on the roads in winter could lead to the contamination of ground water.
  5. diminish
    • To make or become smaller or less; to reduce.
    • Constant violations of the housing regulations will diminish the quality of life for all the inhabitants.
  6. drastic
    • Severe; extreme.
    • Evil crimes receive drastic punishment in this new novel.
  7. extravagant
    • Spending, costing, or using more than is required.
    • Shawn's buying lunch for everyone was an extravagant thing to do.

    • extravagance
    • (noun)

    • 1. The quality of being wasteful or spending more than is necessary.
    • Emma's extravagance in early adulthood led to poverty later.
    • 2. A thing that costs more than one can afford.
    • I admit the team jacket was an extravagance, but I couldn't resist buying it.
  8. frugal
    • Careful in spending or using something.
    • The bill for the splendid wedding ceremony shocked my frugal relatives.
  9. impurity
    • Something that is harmful or dirty.
    • Filtering removes the impurities from water.
  10. peril
    • Danger; something that is dangerous.
    • The sailor understood the peril involved in a solo crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.

    • imperil
    • (verb)
    • To place in danger.
    • A driver's ineptness imperils the passengers.

    • perilous
    • (adjective)
    • Dangerous.
    • An expedition into ene

    my territory could be perilous.
  11. perpetual
    • Lasting or seeming to last forever or for a long time; continuous.
    • A perpetual calendar can be used year after year.
  12. resource
    • 1. A supply that can be used when there is a need.
    • Coal, aluminum, and lumber are natural resources.

    • 2. Skill in dealing with difficult situations.
    • The committee's resource in working out the plan for integration is admirable.

    • resourceful
    • (adjective)

    • Able to deal with difficult problems.
    • A resourceful person will triumph over difficulties.
  13. substitute
    • To replace one thing or person for another.
    • Cooks sometimes substitute lemon for vinegar in salad dressing.

    • (noun)
    • Something or someone that replaces another.
    • A flutist is a substitute for the violinist in tonight's concert.

    • (adjective)
    • Acting in place of someone or something else.
    • The substitute teacher tolerated the class's antics.
  14. sustain
    • 1. To keep up; to support.
    • Their firm belief that they would be rescued sustained them.

    • 2. To suffer; to undergo.
    • The driver of the wrecked car sustained serious injuries.
  15. vital
    • 1. Necessary for continued life or prosperity.
    • Oil is vital to the economy of the country.

    • 2. Full of lively spirit.
    • Nelson Mandela's vital personality enabled him to survive years of imprisonment without bitterness.

    • 3. Of the greatest importance.
    • It is vital that an official attend to the transfer immediately.
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Wordly Wise Lesson 9
Wordly Wise Lesson 9