Action Potential

  1. Phase 0
    Rapid depolarization; Sodium rushes into cell making cell more positive. Action produces characteristic upstroke in action potential
  2. Phase 1
    Initial repolarization; Rapid influx of chlo-ride inactiviates inward pumping of sodium.
  3. Phase 2
    The plateu. Slow inward flow of calcium occurs and flow of potassium is slowed considerably.
  4. Phase 3
    Final rapid deploarization; sudden acceleration of repoloarization as the slow calicum current is inactivated and the outward flow of potassium is accelerated.
  5. Phase 4
    Diastolic depolarization is very rapid; Pacemaker cells have fall in outward potassium current with a rapid sodium influx. Nonpacemaker cells remain in the steady state until their membranes are acted on by another stimulus.
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Action Potential
Action Potential