it looks, to look or appear (adj.)
-아/어 보이다
a citizen registration number
주민 등록 번하
to have a slight stomachache
배가 살살 아프다
If something is done, then...
-고 나면
I think (someone) should do something...
depends on, according to
[명사]에 따라서
the more one does something...
(-으면) -을수록
ear, nose, throat (ENT) clinic
to have bloodshot eyes
눈이 충혈되다
to have a strong headache
두통이 심하다
to have indigestion
속이 답답하다
to have an unsettled stomach (to have gastric pain)
속이 쓰리다
to break out in pimples
얼굴에 뭐가 나다
to have a runny nose
콧물이 나다
to get burned on the hand
손을 불에 데다
to get cut on the hand
손을 칼에 베다
How did that happen?
어떻게 하다가 그랬어요?
registration (at a hospital)
to register someone
접수를 받다
to get a medical check-up
진찰을 받다
to wear contact lenses
렌즈를 끼다
You must have been very surprised.
많이 놀랐겠어요.
Let's take a look.
어디 좀 봅시다.
to be bland, mild, light (food)
음식이 부드럽다
Did you eat something bad?
뭐 잘못 드셨어요?
What brings you here?
어떻게 오셨어요?
I have to go now.
지금 가 봐야겠어요.
a meeting for drinking
nutritional supplement
to feel that something is wasted
to feel that money is wasted
돈이 아깝다
to have stress pile up
스트레스가 쌓이다
to relieve stress
스트레스를 풀다
how to relieve stress
스트레스 해소 방법
to gain popularity
인기를 끌다