-A steroid hormone, such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics.
-is an inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis.
cryogenic surgery
cry-o-gen-ic [krahy-uh-jen-ik]
-surgery involving the selective destruction of tissues by freezing them, as with liquid nitrogen.
cryp-tor-chi-dism [krip-tawr-ki-diz-uh m]
-is the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum.
-It is the most common birth defect regarding male genitalia.
ep-i-did-y-mi-i-tis [ep-i-di-mi-i-tis]
-is swelling (inflammation) of the epididymis, the tube that connects the testicle with the vas deferens.
-epididymis (a curved structure at the back of the testicle in which sperm matures.)
- -(also colloquially known as the clap)
- -is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
dy-dro-cele [hahy-druh-seel]
-is a fluid-filled sack along the spermatic cord within the scrotum.
-The main symptom is a painless, swollen testicle , which feels like a water balloon.
or-chi-ec-to-my [awr-kee-ek-tuh-mee]
-is the removal of the testicles.
or-chi-tis [awr-kahy-tis]
-is swelling (inflammation) of one or both of the testicles.
-Of or relating to the penis.
-of or relating to the penis and scrotum.
pros-ta-ti-tis [pros-tuh-tahy-tis]
-is an inflammation of the prostate gland, in men.
-is the surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.
seminiferous tubules
sem-i-nif-er-ous [sem-uh-nif-er-uh s]
-are located in the testes, and are the specific location of meiosis, and the subsequent creation of gametes, namely spermatozoa.
-Any of the tubercles of the testes which produce.
-Destruction, with dissolution, of the sperms.
-Low sperm count.
- -also oligozoospermia, refers to semen with a low
- concentration of sperm and is a common finding in male infertility.
-is the complete lack of semen (not to be confused with azoospermia, the lack of sperm cells in the semen).
-the condition where there are no sperm present in the male semen.
ter-a-to-ma [ter-uh-toh-muh]
-is an encapsulated tumor with tissue or organ components resembling normal derivatives of all three germ layers.
-A type of germ cell tumor that may contain several different types of tissue and sometimes mature elements such as hair, muscle, and bone.
-pertaining to the testicles.
var-i-co-cele [var-i-koh-seel]
-is a widening of the veins along the cord that holds up a man's testicles.
-is an abnormal enlargement of the vein that is in the scrotum draining the testicles.
-is a surgical procedure in which the vasa deferentia of a man are severed, and sometimes tied or sealed.
-A vasectomy is considered a permanent method of birth control.
-A vasectomy prevents the release of sperm when a man ejaculates.
-is the term used when there is a complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate.
sper-mat-o-gen-e-sis [spur-mat-uh-jen-uh-sis]
-is the process of sperm cell development.
-Formation and development of spermatozoa by meiosis and spermiogenesis.
-is a hormone produced by the testicles and is responsible for the proper development of male sexual characteristics.
-(or orchidopexy) is a surgery to move an undescended testicle into the scrotum and permanently fix it there.
vas-o-va-sos-to-my [vas-oh-va-sos-tuh-mee]
-(literally connection of the vas to the vas) is a surgery by which vasectomies are partially reversed.
-the urinary tract opening is not at the tip of the penis.
pa-ren-chy-ma [puh-reng-kuh-muh]
-a term used to describe a bulk of a substance.
stro-ma [stroh-muh]
-are connective tissue cells of an organ.
phi-mo-sis [fahy-moh-sis]
-inability to retract the distal foreskin over the glans penis.
testicular seminoma
-Testicular cancer
carcinoma of the testes (testicular cancer)
-Malignant tumor of the testicles.
cryptorchidism; cryptorchism
-Undescended testicles
**Orchiopexy is performed to bring the testes into the scrotum.
-Sac of clear fluid in the scrotum
testicular torsion
-Twisting of the spermatic cord
-Enlarged, dilated veins near the testicle.
- Associated with:
- *oligospermia & azoospermia
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
-Benign growth of cells within the prostate gland.
- Cause:
- *common in men > 60yr age.
- Symptoms:
- *urinary obstruction
- *inability to empty the bladder completely.
carcinoma of the prostate (prostate cancer)
-Malignant tumor of the prostate gland.
- Cause:
- *common occurs in men > 50yr old.
hypospadias; hypospadia
-Congenital abnormality in which the male urethral opening is on the undersurface of the penis, instead of at its tip.
phi-mo-sis [fahy-moh-sis]
-Narrowing (stricture) of the opening of the prepuce over the glans penis.
chlamydial infection
-Bacterial invasion (by Chlamydia trachomatis) of the urethra and reproductive tract.
- Symptoms:
- *occur within 3wk after becoming infected
- *may experience a burning sendation on urination *white or clear discharge from the penis
-Inflammation of the genital tract mucosa, caused by infection with gonococci (berry-shaped bacteria).
- Symptoms:
- *Men: dysuria, yellow discharge
- *Women: pain, vaginal + urethral discharge, salpingitis (PID).
herpes genitalis
-Infection of skin and genital mucosa, caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).
- Cause:
- *HSV1 + HSV2
- *oral infections
- ---cold sores, fever blisters
- ---reddening of skin w/ formation of small, fluid-filled blisters and ulcers.
- Symptoms:
- *inguinal lymphadenopathy
- *fever, headache, malaise
human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
-Infection of the skin and mucous membranes in the anogenital region by the human papillomavirus.
- Possible Risks:
- *genital warts
- *cervix cancer
- -Chronic STD caused by a spirochete (spiral-shaped bacterium).
- -known as "great pox"
- Signs & Symptoms:
- *a chancre (hard ulcer or sore) on external genitalia a few weeks after bacterial infection.
- *2-6mo after chancre disappears, secondary syphilis begins.
- Tertiary syphilis:
- *damage to: brian, spinal cord, heart.
PSA test
-Measurement of levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood.
semen analysis
-Microscopic examination of ejaculated fluid.
- Exam for:
- *motility and shape
-Surgical excision of testicles or ovaries.
-Surgical procedure to remove the prepuce(foreskin) of the penis.
digital rectal examination (DRE)
-Finger palpation through the anal canal and rectum to examine the prostate gland.
photoselective vaporization of the prostate (GreenLight PVP)
-Removal of tissue to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) using a green light laser (laser TURP).
transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
-Excision of benign prostatic hyperplasia using a resectionscope through the urethra.
- Tx:
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
-Bilateral surgical removal of a part of the vas deferens.