Europe Chapter 2 Quiz

  1. What two aspects of Europe's physical geography make it fundamental as a world region and within the regions in Europe itself?
    • Its location between the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East
    • the collection of islands and peninsulas next to a large landmass
  2. How does Eurpoe's location around so many seas affect its climate?
    they provide a warming effect in winter and a cooling effect in summer
  3. A low pressure system where air flows down the Rhone Valley in southern France
  4. A low pressure system where air flows over the eastern Alps toward the Adriatic region of Italy
  5. How long can the sun show in the Northwestern Uplands of Norway in the month of December?
    17 hours; 57 days without setting
  6. a system of farming and a way of life based on keeping herds of grazing animals eked out
  7. What is the principle industry of the Alpine region? staple of the economy?
    tourism; farming
  8. long, narrow mountain ranges in the central plateaus of central Spain
  9. The flat landscape that holds beneath it covers of sedimentary rock
  10. which part of the North Europena lowlands is a drier, Continental climate with little rainfall and scarce trees and stone?
    the far eastern lands
  11. semiarid, treeless, grassland plains
  12. what percentage of Europe is covered wirh Temparate forests originally, as apart from today?
    95%; 5%
  13. the Romans' system of subdividing land into a checkerboard pattern of rectilinear fields
  14. Large estates in which peasants were put to work on
  15. What provided for the first European economic transformation?
    Gold and Silver from the Americas
  16. the intermediary centers of trade and transshipment on the river basins of Europe
  17. According to the three waves of the Industrial Revolution, describe each one.
    • 1st: transportation technologies
    • 2nd: the expansion of Industrializd Britain to western Europe by steam engines
    • 3rd: electricity; western Europenan industry spread to northern and far eastern Europe
  18. Which eastern European country withdrew from the Soviet bloc to seek a Chinese-form of communism?
  19. the cost advantages that accrue to individual firms because of their location among functionally related activities
    agglomeration economies
  20. a society based on belief in equal, social, political, and economic rights and privileges
  21. what does COMECON stand for?
    the Communist Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
  22. What was the main focus of COMECON?
    to reorganize Eastern European economies in the Soviet mold-with each individuals pursuing independent, centralized plans to produce economic self-sufficency
  23. How much of the world's population does Europe hold?
  24. What was the main focus of the European Union?
    To regain the prosperity of Europe following WWII and to ensure European autonomy from the United States
  25. selling off assets such as factories and equipment
  26. What three cities do the Golden Triangle center on?
    • London
    • Paris
    • Berlin
  27. the new form of industrial subregions in the southern cresent of Europe as a result of the deindustrialization of northwestern Europe
    flexible production regions
  28. What was one of the biggest migration patterns and why did it occur?
    the post war migration; because of the post war economic boom, labor shortages occured in Western Europe
  29. any situation where a larger territiory has broken uo into several territories
  30. culturally distinct territories that are surrounded by the territory of a different cultural group
    • enclave
  31. Less than 10% of Europeans work in this employment sector
  32. What is the overall result of the European Union's policy towards agriculture?
    A withdrawal of mixed farming in Europe
  33. Whych physiographic region has most important coal fields in Europe?
    Central Plateaus
  34. The largest outlay to European funds is to _____.
  35. The Pryenees Mountains lay between the border of which two countries?
    Spain and France
  36. Because of its long coastline and close proximity to seas, how are Europe's climates?
    mild for its latitudinal range
  37. Mistral winds blow down the Rhone valley in southern ____.
  38. Which country first developed polder landscape techniques?
    The Netherlands
  39. Which country was the first in over-seas expansions?
  40. Industralization came to the coal fields of northern France, Belgium, and Germany during which time period?
  41. Which country was expelled from the Soviet bloc for ideological differences?
  42. After an unsuccessful initative program, what was the main goal of the COMECON?
    mutual trade among the Soviet bloc
  43. What is the best reason that Europe is growing at a slow rate today?
    A decline in birthrates
  44. Which two countries lost territories that would later become Yugoslavia?
    Hungary and Austria
  45. This Yugoslavian leader is credited with unifying his country's multi-ethnic society
    Marshall Tito
  46. Which eastern European country has made the best integration into the European economy?
  47. The Randstad, a densly populated region, is ocated in what country?
    The Netherlands
  48. Which treaty granted the European Union most of the functions of a soverign national state?
    Maastricht Treaty
  49. What is another name for the slash-and-burn agricultural technique?
  50. This was a forward-looking view of the world that emphasized reason, scientific rationality,creativity, novelty, and progress.
  51. Which of the following led to attempts at ethnic cleansing in the late 20th century?
    Serbian nationalism
  52. What physiographic region are the most rocks located?
    the Northwestern Uplands
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Europe Chapter 2 Quiz
Human Geography Quiz # 1-Europe