medical terms 1

  1. 1. A-
    • without or lack of
    • a/men/orrhea
    • without or lack of/monthly/flow
  2. 2. AB-
    • away (away from)
    • ab/norm/al
    • away (away from)/normal or regular/refers to
    • ab/ducens
    • away/draw or lead
  3. 3. -ABLE
    • capable of or ability to
    • erg/able
    • work/capable of
    • related term(s): -IBLE
  4. 4. ABORT/IO-
    • to miscarry (natural or induced)
    • abort/ion
    • to miscarry (natural or induced)/procedure of or process of
    • (discharge of the embry/o 'early' or fet/us 'young' deliberate or not)
  5. 5. ABRUPT/IO-
    • to tear away from
    • abruptus placentae
    • to tear away from (separate quickly) / cake
  6. 6. ABSCESS
    • a going away
    • abscess
    • a going away
    • (tissue disintegration & displacement: 'Staph' infection forming pus)
  7. 7. ACNE
    • pointed
    • Acne/form
    • pointed/shape
    • (ACNE is a bacterial inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous 'oil' gland. Similar infections may cause acne or form lesions)
  8. 8. ACOUST/I-
    • hearing
    • acoust/ic
    • hearing/refers to
    • related term(s): AUDI-
  9. 9. ACR/O-
    • extremities, height, and pointed
    • acro/megal/y
    • extremities/enlarged/refers to
    • acro/phob/ia
    • height/fear/refers to
    • acr/om/ial
    • extremity/shoulder/refer to
  10. (lateral triangle spine-like projection of shoulder blade forming the point of shoulder & articulating with clav/icle 'key little' or collarbone)
  11. 10. ACTIN/O-
    • sun, ray, radium
    • actino/myco/sis
    • sun, ray, radium/fungus/condition (growth)
  12. 11. ACU-
    • sharp
    • acu/ity
    • sharp/process of
    • (seeing sharply or clearly)
    • acute
    • quick, sudden, sharply
  13. 12. -AC
    • refers to, pertains to, or state of
    • cardi/ac
    • heart/refers to, pertains to, or state of
    • related term(s): -AL, -AR, -ARY, -ATE, -EUM, -IAC, -IC, -ICAL, -ILE, -IS, -IUM, -ORY, -OUS, -UM, -US
  14. 13. AD-
    • near or beside
    • ad/ren/al
    • near or beside/kidney/refers to
    • (the ad/ren/al gland is located on top of kidney)
  15. 14. ADEN/O-
    • gland
    • aden/ectomy
    • gland/removal
    • (the following are common glands: lymph nodes, oil, sweat, and endocrine)
  16. 15. ADIP/O-
    • fat
    • adip/oma
    • fat/tumor
    • (adip/oma is also known as lip/oma)
    • related term(s): steato-, lipo-
  17. 16. AER/O-
    • air or gas
    • aero/cele
    • air or gas/distension of cavity (like a tumor)
  18. 17. AF-
    • toward
    • af/ferent
    • toward/to carry
    • (nerve or blood flow toward a structure)
  19. 18. ALB/O-
    • white
    • albin/ism
    • white/state of
    • (albo-, leuco-, leuko- all mean white)
  20. 19. ALGES/I-
    • pain
    • an/alges/ic
    • without/pain/refers to
    • related term(s): -AGRA, -ALGIA, DOLO-, -DYNIA
  21. 20. -ALGIA
    • pain
    • neur/algia
    • nerve/pain
    • related term(s): -AGRA, ALGESIA-, DOLO-, -DYNIA
  22. 21. ALOPEC/I-
    • fox mange or baldness
    • alopec/ia
    • fox mange or baldness/refers to
  23. 22. ALVEOL/I-
    • cavity
    • alveol/us
    • small hollow or cavity (tooth socket and lung air sack)/refers to
    • related term(s): SIN/O-
  24. 23. AMBI-
    • both
    • ambi/later/al
    • both/sides/refers to
    • ambi/dextr/ous
    • both/right (dominant hand)/refers to or state of
    • (dextero = right, sinistro = left)
  25. 24. AMBUL/O-
    • to walk
    • ambul/atory
    • to walk or walking/process of
  26. 25. AMPHI-
    • both
    • amphi/arthr/osis
    • both sides/joint/condition of
  27. 26. AMYLO-
    • starch
    • amyl/uria
    • starch/in urine
    • amyl/ase
    • starch/enzyme
  28. 27. AN-
    • lack of or without
    • an/orex/ia
    • lack of or without/appetite/refers to
  29. 28. AN/O-
    • ring
    • an/al
    • ring (sphincter of anus)/refer to
  30. 29. ANA-
    • apart or up
    • ana/tom/y
    • apart or up/cut/procedure of or process of
    • ana/phase
    • up/stage
    • (mitosis stage when chromosomes move up or apart)
  31. 30. ANGI/O-
    • vessel
    • angi/oma
    • vessel/swelling or tumor
    • related term(s): VAS/O-
  32. 31. ANGIN/O-
    • Vessel
    • angin/a
    • (Refers to a vessel condition of choking or blocking of blood flow to the heart muscle. which usually results in chest discomfort or pain.)
  33. 32. ANKYL/O-
    • fuse or bind
    • ankylo/spondylo/itis
    • fuse or bind, stiff, crooked/spine/inflammation
  34. 33. ANTE-
    • before
    • ante/nat/al
    • before/birth/pertain to
    • ante/pyrect/ic
    • before/fever/refers to
  35. 34. ANTER/O-
    • before or foremost
    • anter/ior
    • before or foremost (in front)/refers to
  36. 35. ANTHRAX
    • coal or carbuncle
    • anthr/ax
    • coal or carbuncle/a lesion
    • (Types of Anthrax: Cerebral, Pulmonary, Cutaneous, and/or Intestinal)
    • alternate spelling: ANTHR/O-
  37. 36. ANTI-
    • against
    • anti/sept/ic
    • against/infection/refers to
    • anti/bio/tic
    • against/life/refers to
  38. 37. ANEURYSM-
    • dilation or ballooning
    • aneurysm/oplasty
    • dilation or ballooning (usually blood vessel)/surgical repair
  39. 38. -APHERESIS
    • to remove or separate (blood into parts)
    • leuk/aphere/sis
    • WBC/to remove or separate (blood into parts)/condition of
    • (separate blood into component parts or remove toxins)
  40. 39. APO-
    • above or upon
    • apo/plex/y
    • above or upon/paralyzed/process of
  41. 40. AQUA-
    • water
    • aqua/therap/y
    • water/treat/process or procedure
    • related term(s): HYDRO-
  42. 41. ARACHINO-
    • spider
    • arach/oid
    • spider/resembles
    • related term(s): ARACHN/O-
  43. 42. ARCHE/O-
    • first
    • arche/type
    • first or original/form or shape (it produces other forms)
  44. 43. -ARIA
    • air
    • mal/aria
    • bad/air
    • (determined to be caused by protozoa carried by mosquitos)
  45. 44. ARTERI/O-
    • artery
    • arterio/gram
    • artery/recording
    • arterio/scler/osis
    • artery/hard/condition
    • arter/iol/oma
    • artery/small/swelling
  46. 45. ARTHR/O-
    • joint
    • arthro/scop/ic
    • joint/viewing or examining/pertains to
  47. 46. ARTICUL/O-
    • jointed
    • articula/tion
    • jointed/process of
    • (the place of union between two or more bones)
  48. 47. -AR
    • refers to or pertains to
    • patell/ar
    • little dish (kneecap)/refers to
    • Related Term(s): -AC, -AL, -ARY, -ATE, -EUM, -IAC, -IC, -ICAL, -ILE, -IS, -IUM, -ORY, -OUS, -UM, -US
  49. 48. ASCAR/I-
    • worm
    • ascari/asis
    • worm/condition of
    • (round nematode worm usually infecting intestines)
    • helminthiasis (worm condition); vermiform (worm/shape)
    • related term(s): HELMINTH/O-, VERMI-
  50. 49. -ASE
    • enzyme
    • lip/ase
    • fat/enzyme
  51. 50. -ASTHENIA
    • weakness
    • my/asthenia
    • muscle/without strength; or having weakness
    • neur/asthenia
    • nerve/weakness
  52. 51. ASTHMA-
    • panting
    • asthma/tic
    • panting/refers to
  53. 52. ATELO-
    • incomplete, without end, imperfect ending
    • atelo/spir/osis
    • incomplete, without end, imperfect ending/breathing/condition of
  54. 53. ATHERO-
    • porridge or yellow fat
    • athero/scler/osis
    • porridge or yellow fat/harden (in lumen of blood vessels)/condition or disease
    • (athero/scler/osis kills 45% of U.S. population)
  55. 54. -ATION
    • process of or procedure of
    • circul/ation
    • circle/process of
    • (blood moving from heart and returning)
  56. cardio/graph/y
    • heart/instrument to record/procedure of
    • related term(s): -AGE, -IATION, -ING, -ION, -TION, -Y
  57. 55. -ATRESIA
    • closure
    • ven/atresia
    • vein/closure
    • (abnormal closure of body opening-occlusion)
  58. 56. ATRI/O-
    • chamber
    • atri/um
    • chamber/refers to
    • (corridors or chambers at top of heart)
  59. 57. ATTRIT/I-
    • wearing out
    • attrit/ion
    • wearing out/process of
  60. 58. AUDI-
    • hearing
    • audi/olog/y
    • hearing/science of or study of/procedure or process of
    • audio/meter
    • hear/measurement
    • related term(s): ACOUST/I-
  61. 59. AUR/I-
    • ear
    • aur/al
    • ear/pertains to
  62. aur/icle
    ear/small or little
  63. 60. AUSCULT/O-
    • to listen
    • auscult/ation
    • to listen (physical diagnosis)/process of
  64. 61. AUTO-
    • self
    • auto/hypn/osis
    • self/sleep/condition of
    • (simulated sleep in alpha brain state of consciousness)
    • aut/ism
    • self/state of
  65. 62. AVULS/I-
    • to tear
    • avuls/ion
    • to tear/process of (ligaments torn from bones)
    • related term(s): spadi-
  66. 63. BACILL/O-
    • rod-like
    • bacill/us
    • rod-like (bacteria)/ refers to
  67. 64. BACTERI/O-
    • rod
    • bacter/ia
    • rod/refers to
    • (rod was the first bacteria viewed under microscope)
  68. 65. BALAN/O-
    • penis
    • balan/itis
    • penis/inflamed
    • (also refers to the female clitoris)
  69. 66. BARO-
    • weight
    • baro/gnosis
    • weight/prediction (knowledge)
  70. 67. BAS/O-
    • basic or at base
    • bas/al (metabolism)
    • basic or at base/refers to
  71. 68. BENE-
    • good or normal
    • bene/fit
    • good or normal/suited for
  72. 69. BENIGN-
    • kind
    • benign/iform
    • kind/shape or appearance
    • (tumor in capsule: slow growing and expansive, not invading)
  73. 70. BERI-
    • weakness
    • beri/beri
    • weakness/weakness
    • (vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency disease)
  74. 71. BI-
    • two
    • bi/ceps
    • two/headed (muscle)
    • related term(s): CO-, BIN-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO-, DYO-
  75. 72. BIL/I-
    • bile or gall
    • bili/ary
    • bile or gall/refers to or state of
    • (liver substance stored in gallbladder)
  76. 73. BIN-
    • two
    • bin/ocul/ar
    • two/eyes/refers to
    • related term(s): CO-, BI-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO-, DYO-
  77. 74. BIO-
    • life
    • bio/log/y
    • life/science of or study of/process of
  78. 75. -BLAST
    • beginning or young
    • osteo/blast
    • bone/beginning or young cells
    • (embryonic primitive cells found in the body systems)
  79. 76. BLEB/O-
    • blister
    • bleb/ic
    • blister or bulla 'bubble'/refers to
    • (bleb/ic is a bulb or blister that often is filled with blood)
    • related term(s): BULLA-, BULBA-
  80. 77. BLENNO-
    • mucus
    • blen/oma
    • mucus/tumor or swelling
  81. 78. BLEPHARO-
    • eyelid
    • blephar/oma
    • eyelid/swelling or tumor
    • related term(s): PALPEBRA-
  82. 79. BOL/O-
    • lump or ball
    • bol/us
    • lump or ball, choice bit of food (in stomach), to throw up /refers to
  83. 80. BRACH/I-
    • arm
    • brachi/al
    • arm/refers to
    • (humerus is the bone of upper arm)
  84. 81. BRACHY-
    • short
    • brachy/dactyl/ia
    • short/fingers (and toes)/refers to
  85. 82. BRADY-
    • slow
    • brady/pnea
    • slow/breathing
  86. 83. BREVI-
    • short
    • brev/ity
    • short/state of
  87. 84. BRONCH/I-
    • windpipe or trachea like
    • bronchi/al
    • windpipe or trachea like (large lung tubes)/refers to
  88. 85. BRUX-
    • grinding
    • brux/ism
    • grinding (teeth)/state of
  89. 86. BUCCA-
    • cheek
    • bucc/al
    • cheek/pertains to
  90. 87. BULBA
    • blister or vesicle
    • Bulb/us
    • blister or vesicle (little sac)/refers to
    • related term(s): BULLA-, BLEB/O-
  91. 88. BULIMO-
    • hunger
    • bulim/ic
    • hunger or appetite (excessive)/refers to or condition of
    • (eating and purging syndrome)
  92. 89. BURS/O-
    • sac, wine sac, pouch
    • burs/a
    • sac, wine sac, pouch/refers to
    • (protective pad-like structure in joints)
  93. 90. CAL/O-
    • heat, heated or hot
    • cal/or
    • heat, heated or hot/one who is
    • (1 of 4 characteristics of inflammation: calor-heat; rubor-red; tumor-swelling; and dolor-pain)
  94. 91. CALCIN/O-
    • calcium
    • calcin/osis
    • calcium/condition of
    • (excessive calcium buildup on bones)
  95. 92. CALCO-
    • pebbles or granules of calcium mineral
    • calc/ium
    • pebbles or granules of calcium mineral/pertains to
    • calc/urea
    • pebbles or granules of calcium mineral in urine
  96. 93. CALX-
    • heel or lime
    • calx/ectom/y
    • heel (foot bone)/removal/procedure of
  97. 94. CANDID/I-
    • glowing white
    • candidi/asis
    • glowing white (fungus infection)/condition of
  98. 95. CANTH/O-
    • corner of eye
    • cantho/plast/y
    • corner of eye (eyelid)/cosmetic or plastic surgery/procedure of
  99. 96. CAPILL/O-
    • hair-like
    • capill/ary
    • hair-like/pertains to or refers to
    • (little blood vessels)
  100. 97. CAPIT/O-
    • head
    • capit/al
    • head/refers to
    • related term(s): CAPUT, CEPHAL/O-
  101. 98. CAPN/O-
    • carbon dioxide
    • capno/graph
    • carbon dioxide (or smoke)/instrument
    • (instrument used in exercise physiology to measure CO2)
  102. 99. CAPUT
    • head
    • caput femoris
    • head or head of (chief part of structure or organ)/thigh bone
    • related term(s): CEPHAL/O-, CAPIT/O-
  103. 100. CARBUN/O-
    • glowing ember
    • carbun/cle
    • glowing ember/small
    • (numerous boils)
    • related term(s): CARBUNCUL/O-
  104. 101. CARCIN/O-
    • crab-like
    • carcino/gen/ic
    • crab-like/producing/refer to
    • (cancer causing)
  105. 102. CARDI/O-
    • heart
    • peri/card/itis
    • around/heart/inflammation
    • (inflamed 2 layered membrane of heart: causing pain)
    • (car-; card-; cardi-; cardio- all refer to the heart)
  106. 103. CARP/O-
    • wrist
    • meta/carp/al
    • beyond/wrist/refers to
  107. 104. CATA-
    • breakdown or down
    • cata/bol/ism
    • breakdown or down/choice bit of food or lump/state of
  108. 105. CATARACT
    • waterfall or cloudiness
    • cataract
    • waterfall or cloudiness
    • (eyes lens under the cornea that is impervious to light)
  109. 106. CATARRH-
    • to flow down
    • Catarrh/al
    • to flow down/refers to
    • (any drainage from mucus membrane: especially in the nose, sinuses, and throat)
  110. 107. CATHETER/O-
    • to let down into
    • catheter/iz/ation
    • to let down into/act of/procedure of
  111. 108. CAUD/O-
    • tail or toward tail
    • caud/al
    • tail or toward tail/refer to
  112. 109. CAUST/O-
    • burn or heat
    • caus/tic
    • burn or heat/refers to
    • related term(s): CAUS-, CAUTER/O-
  113. 110. CAUTER/O-
    • to burn or to heat
    • cauter/iz/ation
    • to burn or to heat/act of/procedure of
    • related term(s): CAUS-, CAUST/O-
  114. 111. CAV-
    • hollow
    • cav/ity
    • hollow/state of or refers to
  115. 112. CEBO-
    • meal or food
    • ceb/um
    • meal or food/pertain to
    • (cena- and dino- also means dinner)
  116. 113. CEC/O-
    • blind pouch
    • Ceco/pexy
    • blind pouch/surgically attached to abdominal wall
    • (dead end pouch or 1st part of colon -right side)
  117. 114. -CELE
    • swelling or tumor
    • laparo/cele
    • abdominal/swelling or tumor
  118. 115. CELI/O-
    • abdomen or belly
    • celi/oma
    • abdomen or belly/tumor
  119. 116. CELLUL/O-
    • chambers
    • cellul/itis
    • chambers or body cells (tissues are cell groups)/infection
  120. 117. CEMENT/O-
    • hard
    • cement/um
    • hard/refers to
    • (tooth root covering)
  121. 118. -CENTESIS
    • surgical puncture to drain fluid
    • thoraco/centesis
    • chest/surgical puncture to drain fluid (procedure)
  122. 119. CENTI-
    • one-hundredth part (100)
    • centi/meter
    • one-hundredth part (100)/of meter
    • (metre- or -meter means to measure & a meter is 39.37 inches)
  123. 120. CENTR/I-
    • center
    • Centri/fug/al
    • Center (middle of circle)/to flee/refers to
    • (heavy particles move to bottom or outside from the center)
  124. 121. CEPHAL/O-
    • head
    • en/cephal/itis
    • within/head/inflamed
    • (refers to brain within the head)
    • related term(s): CAPIT/O-, CAPUT
  125. 122. -CEPT-
    • receiver
    • chemo/cept/or
    • chemical or drug/receiver or to recieve/one who
  126. 123. CEREB/O-
    • brain
    • cerebr/al
    • brain/refers to or pertains to
  127. 124. CERU-
    • wax
    • cerumen/ous
    • wax (in ear)/refer to or state of
  128. 125. CERV/I-
    • neck
    • cerv/ical
    • neck (seven upper vertebrae of spine)/refers to
  129. cerv/ix
    neck/pertains to
  130. 126. CHALAZ/IO-
    • hailstone
    • Chalaz/ion
    • hailstone (eyelid sebaceous cyst)/process of
    • (tumor that is small and hard on the eyelid)
  131. 127. CHANCR/O-
    • ulcer (sore)
    • chancr/oid
    • ulcer (sore)/resembles
    • (this V.D. has granular lesions that form ulcers or sores like syphilis)
  132. 128. CHEIL/O-
    • lip
    • cheil/oma
    • lip/tumor
    • alternate spelling: CHILO-
  133. 129. CHIRO-
    • hand
    • chiro/pract/or
    • hand/practice/one who
    • (mano also means hand)
  134. 130. CHLOR/O-
    • green
    • chlor/emia
    • green (chlorides)/in blood
  135. 131. CHOLANGIO-
    • bile duct
    • cholang/itis
    • bile duct/inflamed
  136. 132. CHOLE-
    • bile or gall
    • chole/sterol
  137. bile or gall (ingredient of)/ solid
    • (Chole 'bile' is used to refer to anything
    • related to bile: CHOLE/DUCTO- = bile duct,
    • CHOLE/CYTO- = bile sac)
  138. (Hyper/cholesterol/emia is the increase in
    • cholesterol levels in the blood. Normal Levels:
    • 160 to 200 mg/dcl. Blood vessels become
    • plaqued 'occlusion-closure' and it can be seen in
    • the skin & eyes. Remember body hormones &
    • enzymes also need cholesterol)
  139. 133. CHOLECYST/O-
    • gallbladder
    • cholecyst/ectomy
    • gallbladder/removal
  140. 134. CHOLEDOCH/O-
    • gallbladder duct (canal)
    • choledoch/ectomy
    • common bile duct/removal or excision
    • (duct removed from the liver and gallbladder)
    • alternate spelling: CHOLEDUCTO-
  141. 135. CHOLERA
    • biliary acute diarrhea
    • cholera
    • biliary acute dia/rrhea
    • (bowel or intestinal diarrhea 'flow'. The bacteria causes de/hydra/tion and death)
  142. 136. CHONDR/O-
    • cartilage
    • chondr/oma
    • cartilage/tumor
    • dys/chondro/plas/ia
    • faulty/cartilage/formation or development/refers to
  143. 137. CHROM/O-
    • colored
    • chromo/some
    • colored/body
    • (23 pair in each body cell - see Watson-Crick Helix Chromosome Model)
  144. 138. CHYME-
    • juice
    • a/chym/ia
    • lack of/juice/condition
    • (small intestinal juices are lacking: lack of food, liquids, and juices)
    • alternate spelling: CHYLE-
  145. 139. -CICATRIX
    • scar
    • brachio/cicatrix
    • arm/scar
  146. 140. -CID
    • to kill
    • sui/cid/al
    • oneself/to kill/refers to
  147. 141. CIL/I-
    • eyelash-like
    • cil/ia
    • eyelash-like (structures lining lungs)/refers to
  148. 142. CINE/O-
    • movement filming
    • cine/angio/cardio/graph/y
    • movement/vessel/heart/filming instrument/procedure
  149. 143. CIRCUM-
    • around
    • circum/flex
    • around/bend
    • circum/cis/ion
    • around/cut/process of
    • circum/duct/ion
    • around/movement/state of
  150. 144. CIRRH/O-
    • yellow-orange
    • cirrh/o/sis
    • yellow-orange (jaundiced) or yellow/condition of
    • (disease or infection causing liver failure: bile
    • pigments remain in the body and blood resulting
    • in color abnormality)
  151. 145. -CIS
    • cut or to cut
    • in/cis/ion
    • into/cut/procedure of
    • related term(s): sect/o-
  152. 146. -CLAST
    • breakdown
    • osteo/clast
    • bone/breakdown of cells
    • cyto/clas/is
    • cell/breaking/refers to
    • related term(s): -CLAS
  153. 147. CLAVICUL/O-
    • collarbone
    • infra/clavicul/ar
    • beneath/collarbone or clavicle (little key shape)/refer to
  154. 148. CLEIDO-
    • clavicle or collar bone
    • sterno/cleido/mast/oid
    • sternum/clavicle, collar bone/breast/resemble
  155. 149. CLINO-
    • bent
    • clino/dactylia
    • bent/finger or toe
  156. 150. -CLYSIS
    • irrigation or injection
    • hydro/clysis
    • water/irrigation or injection
  157. 151. CO-
    • two
    • co/llater/al liga/ment
    • two (2 outer knee ligaments)/sides/refers: binding/act of
    • co-operat/ive
    • two/working/state of
    • related term(s): BI-, BIN-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO-, DYO-
  158. 152. COAGUL/O-
    • clotting or to clot
    • coagul/ation
    • clotting or to clot/process of
  159. 153. -COCCUS
    • berry
    • staphylo/coccus
    • grapelike/ berry (shape of bacteria)
  160. 154. COCCYG/O-
    • tailbone
    • coccyg/eal
    • tailbone/refers to or small
  161. 155. COCHLE/O-
    • snail-like
    • cochle/ar
    • snail-like/pertain to
    • (lower part of inner ear: for hearing sound)
  162. 156. COL/O-
    • colon (big or large intestine)
    • col/os/tom/y
    • colon (big or large intestine '5 feet long')/mouth or opening/cut/procedure of
    • related term(s): COLON/O-
  163. 157. COLPO-
    • vagina
    • colp/itis
    • vagina/inflamed
  164. 158. COM-
    • together
    • com/press/ion
    • together/contract/process of
    • com/minuted fracture
    • together/small: break
    • related term(s): CON-, SYM- SYN-
  165. 159. COMATO-
    • deep sleep
    • comat/ose
    • deep sleep/condition or state
  166. 160. CONCUSS/I-
    • violent shaking
    • concuss/ion
    • violent shaking/process of
    • (brain injury resulting in bleeding, headaches, and other symptoms)
  167. 161. CONDYLO-
    • knuckle
    • condyl/oma
    • knuckle (nob)/tumor or swellings
    • (bone and wart points or projection)
  168. 162. CONI/O-
    • dust
    • pneumo/coni/osis
    • lung/dust/condition
  169. 163. -CONIS
    • cone-shaped
    • kerato/conis
    • cornea/cone-shaped
    • (outer covering of iris 'cornea' elevated or protrudes)
  170. 164. CONJUNCTIV/O-
    • joined together
    • conjunctiv/itis
    • joined together (united)/inflammation
    • (inflammation of the membrane that covers the eye
    • and the eyelid 'they join' or unite at the back
    • of eyelid and at base of the sclera.)
  171. 165. CONTRA-
    • against
    • contra/cept/ion
    • against/heads (coming together)/process of
  172. 166. CONTUS/I-
    • bruise
    • contus/ion
    • bruise/process of
    • (non-broken skin injury with pain, swelling, & discolored)
  173. 167. CONVOLO-
    • to roll together
    • convol/ution
    • to roll together/pertains to
  174. 168. CORD-
    • vocal chords or cord
    • cord/itis
    • vocal chords/inflamed
    • related term(s): CHORDO-
  175. 169. CORI/O-
    • skin
    • cori/um
    • skin/refers to
    • related term(s): CUT-, CUTI/O-, DERMAT/O-, DERMO-, -PELL
  176. 170. CORNE/O-
    • cornea or horn shape
    • corne/itis
    • cornea or horn/inflamed
    • (horn shape structure 'cornea' that covers the eyes iris and pupil covering)
  177. 171. CORNU-
    • horn or horny
    • stratum cornu (corneum)
    • layer/horn or horny (upper epidermis skin layer)
  178. 172. CORON/O-
    • crowning
    • coron/ary
    • crowning (heart blood vessels)/refer to
  179. 173. CORONAL PLANE
    • crowning or frontal body cut
    • coron/al
    • crowning or frontal body cut/refers to (downward cut through coronal suture right to left of skull cuts the body into a front and back part. Also known as 'FRONTAL PLANE')
  180. 174. CORP/O-
    • body
    • corp/us
    • body/refers to
    • (corpus pediculosis means 'body lice')
  181. 175. CORTIC/O-
    • bark, outer bark, rind, cortex
    • cortico/ster/oid
    • bark, outer bark, rind, cortex/solid/resemble
  182. 176. COST/O-
    • rib
    • cost/al
    • rib/refer to
    • related term(s): PLEURO-
  183. 177. CRANI/O-
    • skull
    • crani/otom/y
    • skull (cranium)/cut into/procedure of
    • crani/al
    • skull/refer to
  184. 178. -CREAS
    • fleshy or flesh
    • pan/creas
    • all/fleshy or flesh
    • (this is the appearance of a 6" compound gland in the abdominal cavity)
  185. 179. CRENAT/O-
    • notched
    • crenat/ion
    • notched/process of
    • (irregular shaped red blood cells)
  186. 180. -CRINE
    • secrete
    • endo/crine
    • within/secrete (into blood)
    • exo/crine
    • outside/secrete (into duct or canal)
  187. 181. -CRIT
    • separate
    • hemato/crit
    • blood/separate
  188. 182. CRUC/I-
    • cross or cross-like
    • cruci/ate
    • cross (shape)/state of or condition of
    • (crossing ligaments in knee: ACL and PCL)
  189. 183. CRYO-
    • cold
    • cryo/therap/y
    • cold/treat or cure (killing cells)/procedure of
  190. 184. CRYPTO-
    • hidden
    • crypt/orchid/ism
    • hidden/testis/state of or condition of
  191. 185. CUB/O-
    • cube or cube-shaped
    • cub/oid
    • cube or cube-shaped/resemble
    • (an ankle bone shaped like a cube)
  192. 186. CUBIT/O-
    • elbow
    • cubit/al
    • elbow, forearm region/refer to
    • elbow region
  193. 187. CULD/O-
    • blind pouch
    • culdo/scop/y
    • blind pouch/viewing/procedure of
    • (an instrument examines the pelvic
    • viscera 'organs' with an endo/scop/e after
    • introducing it through the posterior
    • fornix 'arch' cul-de-sac 'blind pouch' wall of
    • the vagina)
  194. 188. -CULE
    • little
    • mole/cule
    • mass/little
    • (small quantity can be divided without loss of characteristics)
    • related term(s): -ICLE, -IOLE, -ULE, -ULA
  195. 189. CURRETT/O-
    • scooping or scraping
    • curett/age
    • scooping or scraping/refers to
    • (carried out inside uterus 'abortion' or to remove a skin lesions)
  196. 190. -CUSIS
    • hearing
    • an/cusis
    • without/hearing
  197. 191. CUSP/I-
    • pointed
    • cusp/id
    • pointed (end)/refers to
    • (pointed flaps of heart valves or teeth)
  198. 192. CUTI/O-, CUT-, CUTI-
    • skin
    • cut/icle
    • skin/little
    • sub/cut/aneous
    • under/skin/refers to
    • (the word part CUTIO- is a suffix, the words part -CUTIS is a prefix)
    • related term(s): CORI/O-, CUT-, DERMAT/O-, DERMO-, -PELL
  199. 193. CYAN/O-
    • blue
    • cyan/osis
    • blue/condition of
  200. 194. CYCL/O-
    • circle
    • cycl/itis
    • circle/inflamed
    • (muscles around iris or rainbow of eye are inflamed)
  201. 195. -CYESIS
    • pregnancy
    • multi/cyesis
    • many/pregnancy
  202. 196. CYST/O-
    • bladder or sac
    • cyst/itis
    • bladder or sac/inflamed
    • alternate spelling: CYST
    • related term(s): CYSTI-
  203. 197. CYTE-
    • cell or chamber
    • cyt/olog/y
    • cell or chamber/study of or science of/process of
    • related term(s): CYT-, CYTH-
  204. 198. -CYTOSIS
    • increase in numbers
    • leuco/cytosis
    • white (WBC)/ increase in numbers
  205. 199. DACRYO-
    • tear
    • dacry/doct/itis
    • tear/duct/inflamed
    • related term(s): LACRIMO-
  206. 200. DACTYLO-
    • digits (fingers and toes)
    • lipo/dactyl/ia
    • fat/digits (finger or toes)/refers to
  207. 201. DE-
    • away
    • de/gluti/tion
    • away/swallowing/process of
    • de/form
    • away/shape
  208. 202. DECI-
    • one-tenth (1/10)
    • deci/liter
    • one-tenth(1/10) / liter
    • (Deca- means 10)
  209. 203. DEEP
    • most inward
    • deep
    • most inward
    • (structure more internal than another)
  210. 204. DEKA-
    • ten
    • deka/gram
    • ten/grams
    • (15.432 grains = 1 gram; 28.35 grams = 1 ounce)
  211. 205. DELTA
    • fan shaped or triangular
    • delt/oid (shoulder muscle)
    • fan shaped or triangular/resembles
  212. 206. DEM/O-
    • people
    • Dem/o/graphy
    • people/procedure of recording with an instrument
  213. 207. DEMI-
    • half
    • demi/facet
    • half/little face
    • (superior and inferior projections of the vertebral arch)
    • related term(s): DEMI-, HEMI-, SEMI-
  214. 208. DENDR/O-
    • tree shaped
    • dendr/ite
    • tree-shaped/state of
  215. 209. DENT/O-
    • tooth or teeth
    • dent/al
    • tooth or teeth/pertains to
    • related term(s): DONT/O-
  216. 210. DEPRESS/O-
    • lower
    • depress/or
    • lower/one who
  217. 211. DERM/O-
    • skin
    • pachy/derm/al
    • thick/skin/pertains to
    • related term(s): CORI/O-, CUT-, CUTI/O-, DERMAT/O-, DERMO-, -PELL
  218. 212. DERMAT/O-
    • skin
    • dermato/phyte
    • skin/plant
    • (fungus or other plant that causes parasitic skin diseases)
    • dermat/itis
    • skin/inflamed
    • (Remember: -mat, -mata, -matosis mean many, multiple, extensive)
    • related term(s): CORI/O-, CUT-, CUTI/O-, DERMO-, -PELL
  219. 213. -DESIS
    • binding or to bind
    • ligo/desis
    • to bind/binding
    • (surgical procedure to reattach ligaments to bone)
  220. 214. DEXTR/O-
    • right
    • dextro/card/ia
    • right/heart/refers to
    • (tilting of heart to the right)
  221. 215. DIA-
    • across, through, total, between
    • dia/phragm
    • across, through, total, complete, between/petition or wall
    • dia/meter
    • across/measure
    • dia/gnosis
    • total/knowledge
    • dia/stole
    • 'between/contractions'
  222. 216. -DIDYMUS
    • testis or teste
    • epi/didymus
    • upon/testis or teste
    • (coiled structure on top of teste 'seed producer')
  223. 217. DIFFERENT-
    • to separate
    • different/ial dia/gnosis
    • to separate or apart/refers to: total/knowledge
    • (different/ial dia/gnosis - also known as D.D. means to identify the differences between two or more similar conditions)
    • related term(s): -DEFERENS
  224. 218. DIGIT-
    • finger or toe
    • Digit/al
    • finger or toe/refer to
    • digit/ate
    • finger or toe/action of or refers to
  225. 219. DIPLO-
    • double or two
    • dipl/op/ia
    • double or two/sight or vision/refers to
    • (person experiencing double vision)
    • related term(s): CO-, BI-, BIN-, DI-, DUO-, DYO-
  226. 220. DIPS/O-
    • thirst or thirsty
    • poly/dips/ia
    • many/thirst or thirsty/refer to
    • multi/dips/ia
    • many/thirst or thirsty/pertain to
  227. 221. DIPHTHER/I-
    • membrane
    • diphther/ia
    • membrane/refer to
    • (Klebs Loeffler Bacteria identified with
    • the 'Schick Test'. The membrane forms in 2 days
    • on the body. Organism causes toxicity &
    • breathing problems.)
  228. 222. DIS-
    • away from or reversed
    • dis/ease
    • away from or reverse/comfort or ease
  229. 223. DIST/O-
    • farther from
    • dist/al
    • farther from/refer to
  230. 224. DIVERTICUL/O-
    • outpouching
    • diverticul/itis
    • outpouching/inflamed
    • (rugae or folds usually of the large intestine become inflamed)
  231. 225. DOCH/O-
    • duct or canal
    • chole/doch/itis
    • bile or gall/duct or canal/inflamed
  232. 226. DOCT/O-
    • to teach or teacher
    • doct/or (Latin docere)
    • to teach or teacher/one who
  233. 227. DOL/O-
    • pain
    • dol/or
    • pain/one who (causes)
    • related term(s): -AGRA, ALGESIA-, -ALGIA, -DYNIA
  234. 228. DORS/O-
    • back
    • dors/al
    • back (posterior)/refers to
    • (e.g. the top or back of a dog, the back of a standing human)
    • dorsi/flex/or
    • the back/to bend/one who
  235. 229. DROMO-
    • running
    • dromo/mania
    • running/madness
    • pro/drom/al
    • before/running/pertains to
    • (this is a specific phase of an infection: after incubation and before convalescence stages of the disease)
  236. 230. DUCT/O-
    • to draw or to lead away
    • ab/duct/ion
    • away/to draw or to lead away (motion)/process of
  237. 231. DUODEN/O-
    • twelve
    • duoden/itis
    • twelve/inflamed
    • (duodenum is the first part of the small intestine)
  238. 232. DURA-
    • hard
    • dura mater
    • hard: mother
    • (outermost layer of membrane called the meninges that cover the brain and spinal cord)
  239. 233. DY/O-
    • two or a pair
    • dy/ad
    • two or a pair/refers to
    • (pair of chromosomes formed during meiosis 'reduction division of gametes')
    • related term(s): CO-, BI-, BIN-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO-
  240. 234. DYNAM/O-
    • work or strength
    • dynam/ics
    • work or strength/refers to
    • dynamo/meter
    • strength/measurement
    • (measure the strength of muscles)
  241. 235. -DYNIA
    • pain
    • coccygo/dynia
    • tailbone (coccyx)/pain
    • related term(s): -AGRA, ALGESIA-, -ALGIA, DOLO-
  242. 236. DYS-
    • difficult, faulty, painful
    • dys/toc/ia
    • difficult or painful/birth/pertains to
  243. dys/chondro/plas/ia
    faulty/cartilage/development/refers to
  244. dys/meno/rrhea
  245. 237. -E (suffix)
    • instrument
    • rhino/scop/e
    • nose/view or examine/instrument
    • related term(s): -graph
  246. 238. E- (prefix)
    • out or remove
    • e/viscer/ate
    • out or remove/organs/act of or state of
    • related term(s): ec-, ect-, ex-, ext-
  247. 239. EC-
    • outside, outward, outer, out
    • ec/top/ic
    • outside/location/pertaining to
    • related term(s): ECT-, ECTO-
  248. 240. ECCRINE-
    • secreting or to secrete
    • eccri/tic
    • secreting or to secrete/state of or quality of
    • (promoting secreting from body structures)
  249. 241. ECHO-
    • sound
    • echo/gram
    • sound/writing or recording
    • related term(s): SONO-
  250. 242. -ECTASIS
    • enlargement or dilation
    • bronchi/ectasis
    • windpipe like tube/enlargement, dilation
    • cardio/ectasis
    • heart/enlargement condition
  251. 243. -ECTOMY
    • excision or removal
    • tonsill/ectomy
    • almond or small mass/excision or removal
  252. 244. ECZEMA
    • to boil out
    • eczema
    • to boil out (skin lesions)
  253. 245. EDEMA-
    • swelling
    • lymph/edema
    • lymph/swelling
  254. 246. EF-
    • away or out
    • ef/ferent
    • away or out/to carry (nerve or blood flow away from a structure)
    • ef/ferent means
    • away or out/to carry
    • ef/fus/ion
    • out/attached/process
  255. 247. ELECTR/O-
    • electrical
    • electro/encephalo/gram
    • electrical/in head (brain)/recording
  256. 248. -ELLUM
    • lesser or smaller
    • cereb/ellum
    • brain/lesser or smaller
  257. EM-
    • in
    • em/py/ema
    • in/pus/refers to (collection of pus in body cavity)
    • em/bol/ism
    • within/lump/state
  258. EMBRYO-
    • early
    • embryon/ic
    • early (2nd through 8th to 10th week of pregnancy)/refers to
Card Set
medical terms 1
ab- through -embryo