pharm 3

  1. what should you as a nurse check for postanesthesia?
    abc, asses for aspiration, v/s 20-30 min, admis o2 therapy, assess incisions, suction as needed
  2. what should aldrete score meet before leaving unit?
    8 and nurse should document
  3. 4 stages of anethesia?
    analgesia, delirum, surgical analgesia, resp paralysis
  4. beings with the admin of the anesthesia and last until loss of consciousness
    stage 1
  5. pt moves, mumble, sounds are amplified, if surgery is attempted pt woud physically react but not remember it
    stage 2
  6. differentiation is made upon eval, resp, eye contact and pupil size
    stage 3
  7. 4 substages of this anethesia stage?
    stage 3- light, 2 and 3 are ready for surgery and 4 is deep
  8. stage of resp paralysis, dangerous stage due to risk of resp arrest and cessation of v/s
    stage 4
  9. how are anethesia readings based to monitor the pt?
    on BIS monitor, gives therapeutic range of numbers to determine
  10. role of the nurse for preanethesia?
    lab results, chart for consent, asst physician, remove all jewelry, insert cath, NG, etc and instruc pt on remining in bed for safety
  11. what drug can be admin alone or with other drugs preop or as analgesic post op?
  12. why are skeletal muscle relaxants used?
    to produce relaxation of the muscles during surgeries such as chest or abd, to facilitate intubation
  13. ex of skeletal muscle relaxants?
    Tracirum, nimbex, mivacron, pavulon, anectine
  14. what other drugs are used for anethesia?
    gases (nitrous oxide- most common) and volatile gases are ethrane, fluthane, forane, penthrane, suprane, ultane
  15. unpleasant sensory and or emotional perception associated with actual or potential tissue damage?
    subjective pain
  16. how should we rate pain for children?
    with the wrong bakers faces
  17. whats SOAPIE?
    subjective, objective, assessment, plan, intervention, evaluate
  18. pain relieving that inhibits the prostaglandins?
  19. peripheral blood vessel dilater?
  20. also inhibits prostaglandins?
    anti- inflammatory
  21. inhibits the aggregation of platelets and prolongs bleeding time?
  22. what is the life of a platelet?
    7-10 days
  23. acetylsalicylic acid or ASA?
  24. used for moderate pain, fever, inflammation, decrease risk of mi, cva, tias, to treat uterine placental blood flow?
  25. adverse reactions of asprin?
    GI upset, heatburn, n/v, anorexia, GI bleeding, hives, rash, angioedema, bronchospask, asthma like symptoms, anaphylaxis
  26. toxicity reactoins of asprin?
    tinnitus, impaired hearing, n/v, flushing, sweating, rapid deep breathing, tachycardia, diarrhea, confusion, lassitude (tired), resp depression, coma
  27. APAP or acetaminophen?
  28. adverse reactions of tylenol?
    hives, hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, hypoglycemia, jaundice
  29. toxicity symptoms of tylenol?
    GI smpytoms
  30. how is toxicity handled on tylenol?
    mucomyst by iv
  31. products containing APAP should be given cautiously to pt with whaat dysfunction?
    hepatic and kidney
  32. pt with what disorder should be careful or not take asprin?
    bleeding disorders
  33. these block the synthesis of prostaglandins and responsible for the synthesis of cycloxygenase 1 and 2
  34. COX 1 does what?
    helps maintain lining of the stomach
  35. COX 2 does what?
    triggers pain and inflammation
  36. adverse reactions of NSAIDS?
    n/v, dyspepsia, anorexia, dry mouth, constipation and diarrhea, epigastric pain, indigestion, abd distress, discomfrot and bloating, uslcers, stomatitis, jaundice, dizzy, somnolence, insomnia, confusion, decrease or increase BP, arrythmia, plyuria, hematuria, acute renal failure, taste change, rhinitis, neutropenia, tash, irritation, ecchymosis, purapura, steven johnson syndrome
  37. cataflam, advil, mortin, nuprin, orudis, mobic, aleve, anaprox, naprosyn, daypro
    NSAID tade names
  38. derived from the inripe seed of the opum poppy
    opiod analgesics
  39. treat moderate to severe pain
    opiod analgesics
  40. names of opiod analgesics?
    subimaze,(fentanyl), duragesic, dilaudid, demerol, dolophine, roxanol, ms contin, oxycotin, darvon, roxicodone, ultram
  41. binds to receptor and causes a response
  42. bind to a resceptor and cause no response
  43. some drugs can be mixed with agonist and antagonist what are they?
    stadol, nubain, talwin
  44. adverse reactions of agonist and antagonist?
    MANY!!! dizzy, HA, hypotension, constipation, sedation, n/v, resp depression, miosis (pinpoint pupils), urticaria, pruritis and rash
  45. may be administered with other drugs for the same sedation effects and pain relief with caudal blocks
    anesthetic adjuct
  46. primarily codeine
  47. TMT of opiod dependence?
    methadone, levomethadyl (opiates) and subutex (agonist and antagonist)
  48. choice of drug for an MI?
    Morphine sulfate
  49. bind to opiod receptors and therefore block the reception of the opiod
    opiod antagonist
  50. examples of opiod antagonist?
    narcan, revex, naltrexxone
  51. natlrexone is used for what?
    deritive of narcan and used for drug addicts
  52. how long do opiod antagonist last for in the body?
    24-72 hrs
  53. uses for opiod antagonist?
    post op resp depression, opiod adverse effect and overdose
  54. what should nurses monitor when on an opiod antagonist?
    cardiac, resusitation equipment should be on hand, pt may vomit bc of resp rate and depth and to control pain
  55. loss of feeling or sensation?
  56. sensation free in an area or region, pt may be awake and sedated?
    local anethesia
  57. sensation free all over the entire body, loss of consciousness, swallowing and gag reflexes?
    general anesthesia
  58. how is local anethesia applied?
    applied ot the skin, mucus membrane or open area, applied with cotton swab.
  59. can the nurse administer local anesthesia?
  60. what is local infiltration anesthesia?
    its injected into a tissue, used for suturing, dental procedures, small incisions, superficial biopsies or lesion removal
  61. this ins an injection of med around nerves that prevents the transmission of painful nerve signals?
    regional anesthesia
  62. drug injected into the sub-arrachnoid space of the spinal cord around L-2, it causes a loss of feeling and movement of the lower extremities, abd and perineum
    Regional spinal anesthesia
  63. drug injected near or into a nerve trunk
    regional conduction block
  64. ex of conduction blocks?
    epidural, trans sacral brachial plexus
  65. role of the nurse before giving anesthesia?
    reguard allergies, educate pt on admin and what to expect, prepare skin, observe the are and apply dressing
  66. what is give nto the pt before a surgery to pre sedate them?
    opiod or anti- anxiety drug (giving these may decrease dose of anesthetic)
  67. what is something given to a pt before surgery and why?
    cholinergic blocking drug and bc in decreases secretions to reduce aspiration risk
  68. why is an anitemtic given before surgery?
    to reduce risk of vomitting
  69. frequently used pre-anesthetic drugs?
    opiods, barbiturates and cholinergic blocking drugs
  70. nembutal and seconal?
  71. atropine, glycopyrrolate or robinul, scopolamine?
    cholinergic blocking drugs
  72. antianxiety drugs with antiemetic properties?
    hyproxzine (atarax, vistaril)
  73. Librium, valium, ativan, versed??
    anti anxiety meds used for pre sedation drugs
  74. Droperidol or Inapsine??
    sedative pre operation drug
  75. what type of drugs are used for general anesthesia?
  76. this is a short acting med that be used for infuction, short surgeries with little pain and in conjuction with other anesthetics
    Methohexital, (Brevital)
  77. used to supplement other anesthetics for short procedures
    Etomidate (amidate)
  78. used for induction and maintenance of anesthesia, sedation for a local block and a continuous sedation?
    Propofol (Diprivan)
  79. short acting on the CNS, used to reduce anxiety, induction of anesthesia, conscious sedation
    Midzolam (versed)
  80. rapid acting general anesthetic, produces a "stare", used for procedures that do not require muscle relaxation and used also to supplement other anesthetic drugs
    Ketamine (ketalar)
Card Set
pharm 3
opiod analgesic test