Lecture 13: Blood & Lymph Vessels

  1. WBC
    Migrate into tissue via postcapillary venules
  2. tunica intima
    • innermost layer including the endothelial lining
    • Like card enothelium, SUBendotheial CT & endothelia cells
    • Internal elastic lamin in arteries, large veins
  3. tunica media
    • middle, muscular layer - pressure resisting
    • Prominent in arteries
    • elastic laminae (elastic arteries)
    • EXTERNAL elastic laminae
    • Pericytes- in cap & postcap venules
    • circular
  4. tunica adventitia
    • supporting LCT layer
    • longitudinal
    • (Sm. m longit. in large vein)
  5. Vasa vasorum
    • blood vessels in adventitia, near media
    • larger arteries and veins
  6. Vessel's sm m. on walls
    secretory and contractile
  7. Elastic arteries (>1cm)
    • Intimal subendothelium prominent
    • Elastic laminae- recoil (diatole) maintains P and Q
    • Aneurysm- loss of elastic tissue, loss diatole, thinner, prone to rupture
  8. Muscular arteries
    • Thin intima
    • Well-defined internal elastic laminae
    • Sometimes EXTERNAL elastic laminae- in between media & adventitia
  9. Atherosclerosis
    • Intima->bigger & bigger
    • Atheromatous plaque, partial occlusion, plaque rupture, platelet aggregation, thrombus, infarction
  10. Arteriole
    • NO internal elastic laminae, some elastin seen
    • precapillary sphincters (metarterioles)- blood flow to cap dec
    • AV shunt- blood flow to cap incr (imp for thermoreg, bp)
  11. Endothelial cells
    • lines all blood vessels
    • fascia adherens & fascia occludens
    • anti-thrombogenic/coagulant
    • angiogenesis- formation of new bv activated by VEGF, wound healing, tumors
    • anti-angiogenesis-tumor regression (Avastin- anti-VEGF, treat cancers)
  12. Pericytes
    • supporting cell for cap, postcap venules instead of SMC
    • contractile
    • PDGF instead of VEGF
    • Progentitor for wound fibroblast repair
  13. Capillaries
    Blood flow rate= 1% rate of elastic arteries
  14. Continuous capillaries
    • muscles, lung, nerve
    • fascia occluden, fascia adherens- 10nm
    • metabolite exchange through caveolae & pinocyotic vesicles
    • BBB and blood-thymus barrier-> zonuka occludens
  15. Fenestrated capillaries
    • GI, endocrine glands, kidney
    • 80-100nm channels- "slit membranes"
    • intact/continuous basal lamina
    • 100x exchange
  16. Discontinuous or sinusoids
    • liver, spleen, some endocrine glands
    • Gaps between endothelial cells
    • Attenuated basal lamina
    • Fastest exchange
  17. Veins
    • 70% of blood
    • small wall:lumen ratio
  18. Venules
    postcap venules become "leaky" in response to inflammtion->histamin increases vascular permeability
  19. Large veins
    Adventia has longitudinal smooth muscle- support for "hanging veins"
  20. Lymphatic capillaries (central lacteals)
    • Discontinuous endothelium
    • Attenuated basement membrane
    • NO pericytes
    • lymph moves passively
  21. Lymph return
    • through thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct
    • 3 layer wall, spiral smooth muscle in media
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Lecture 13: Blood & Lymph Vessels
Blood & Lymph Vessels