Systems Chapters 1

  1. Professional Objectives
    Improve performance by using engineering knowledge to design Decision Support Systems

    Learn to use prototyping to design databases needed for decision support

    Develop skills to effectively communicate with customers to define requirements

    Create Awareness of professional and ethical responsibilities required to design and improve information systems

    Acquire the basic skills that will enable you to continue learning more about info systems engineering
  2. Information Systems Engineering
    process by which information systems are designed, developed, tested, and maintained.
  3. Systems Approach
    • Used to understand the forces involved in a project or initiative. It involves:
    • -Structured requirements analysis
    • -Functional modeling
    • -Prototyping
    • -Software engineering and system testing
    • -Documentation and maintenance
  4. Decision Support System
    • (DSS) is a model-based or knowledge-based system intended to support managerial decision making in semi-structured or unstructured situations
    • -Brings together human judgement and computerized info
    • -Uses data
    • -Provides clear user interface (GUI)
    • -Incorporates the decision maker's insights
  5. DSS Components
    DSS is an intelligent info system; extension of common management information systems
  6. Database
    Gathers and provides the data with which decisions are made
  7. Model Base
    Contains statistical, financial, optimization, or simulation models that provide the analysis capabilities
  8. Knowledge Base
    Allows special expertise to be stored and accessed. Such as problems experienced by computer users that call the help desk. Allows the creation of self help via most frequently asked questions
  9. GUI, Multi Media, and Unified Communications
    -Covers all aspects of communication between a user and a DSS application

    -Perhaps one of the most important components of a DSS
  10. User, Customer
    -The person who uses the DSS to support the decision making process
  11. DSS Applications
    •Online shopping

    •Car production

    •Railroad car management

    •Stock portfolio management and optimization

    •Television advertisement allocation
  12. System
    a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts without loss of its essential properties or functions
  13. Human components
    bring high levels of complexity to systems
  14. Sub-optimization
    This is achieved when the parts perform better and the system does not; occurs when the indivudual components of a system are improved independently
  15. System Analysis
    -Identifies the parts of a system

    -Understand how the parts work seperately

    -Aggregates the behaviors of the parts to explain the behavior of the system
  16. System Synthesis
    -Identifies the system under consideration as a part in a larger system

    -Understands how the larger systems function ad objectives

    -Disaggregates the larger system to understand the role/function of the component system
  17. System Stock
    element in the system that we can measure, see, feel or count
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Systems Chapters 1
Chapter 1 Terms